BG: 2.50

Shloka बुद्धियुक्तो जहातीह उभे सुकृतदुष्कृते | तस्माद्योगाय युज्यस्व योगः कर्मसु कौशलम् ||२-५०|| Transliteration buddhiyukto jahātīha ubhe sukṛtaduṣkṛte . tasmādyogāya yujyasva yogaḥ karmasu kauśalam ||2-50|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 2.50. Whosoever is endowed with determining faculty-he casts off both of these viz., the good action and the bad action. Therefore strive for Yoga; Yoga is proficiency is action. Shri Purohit Swami 2.50 When a man attains to Pure Reason, he renounces in this world the results of good and evil alike....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 18.51

Shloka बुद्ध्या विशुद्धया युक्तो धृत्यात्मानं नियम्य च | शब्दादीन्विषयांस्त्यक्त्वा रागद्वेषौ व्युदस्य च ||१८-५१|| Transliteration buddhyā viśuddhayā yukto dhṛtyātmānaṃ niyamya ca . śabdādīnviṣayāṃstyaktvā rāgadveṣau vyudasya ca ||18-51|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 18.51. He, who has got a totally pure intellect by fully controlling his self (mind) with firmness, and renouncing sense-objects, sound etc., and driving out desire and hatred; Shri Purohit Swami 18.51 Guided always by pure reason, bravely restraining himself, renouncing the objects of sense and giving up attachment and hatred;...

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 11.51

Shloka अर्जुन उवाच | दृष्ट्वेदं मानुषं रूपं तव सौम्यं जनार्दन | इदानीमस्मि संवृत्तः सचेताः प्रकृतिं गतः ||११-५१|| Transliteration arjuna uvāca . dṛṣṭvedaṃ mānuṣaṃ rūpaṃ tava saumyaṃ janārdana . idānīmasmi saṃvṛttaḥ sacetāḥ prakṛtiṃ gataḥ ||11-51|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 11.51. Arjuna said On seeing this gentle human form of Yours, O Janardana, now I have regained my nature and have now collected my thinking faculty. Shri Purohit Swami 11.51 Arjuna said: Seeing Thee in Thy gentle human form, my Lord, I am myself again, calm once more....

January 3, 2022 · 2 min · TheAum

BG: 2.51

Shloka कर्मजं बुद्धियुक्ता हि फलं त्यक्त्वा मनीषिणः | जन्मबन्धविनिर्मुक्ताः पदं गच्छन्त्यनामयम् ||२-५१|| Transliteration karmajaṃ buddhiyuktā hi phalaṃ tyaktvā manīṣiṇaḥ . janmabandhavinirmuktāḥ padaṃ gacchantyanāmayam ||2-51|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 2.51. By renouncing the fruit, born of action, the intelligent ones endowed with determining faculty and freed from the bond of birth, go to the place that is devoid of illness. Shri Purohit Swami 2.51 The sages guided by Pure Intellect renounce the fruit of action; and, freed from the chains of rebirth, they reach the highest bliss....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 18.52

Shloka विविक्तसेवी लघ्वाशी यतवाक्कायमानसः | ध्यानयोगपरो नित्यं वैराग्यं समुपाश्रितः ||१८-५२|| Transliteration viviktasevī laghvāśī yatavākkāyamānasaḥ . dhyānayogaparo nityaṃ vairāgyaṃ samupāśritaḥ ||18-52|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 18.52. Who enjoys solitude, eats lightly, has controlled his speech-organ, body and mind; who is permanently devoted to the meditation-Yoga; and who has taken shelter in the perennial desirelessness; Shri Purohit Swami 18.52 Enjoying solitude, abstemiousness, his body, mind and speech under perfect control, absorbed in meditation, he becomes free - always filled with the spirit of renunciation....

January 3, 2022 · 6 min · TheAum

BG: 11.52

Shloka श्रीभगवानुवाच | सुदुर्दर्शमिदं रूपं दृष्टवानसि यन्मम | देवा अप्यस्य रूपस्य नित्यं दर्शनकाङ्क्षिणः ||११-५२|| Transliteration śrībhagavānuvāca . sudurdarśamidaṃ rūpaṃ dṛṣṭavānasi yanmama . devā apyasya rūpasya nityaṃ darśanakāṅkṣiṇaḥ ||11-52|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 11.52. The Bhagavat said This form of Mine, which you have just observed is extremely difficult to observe; even gods are always curious of observing this form. Shri Purohit Swami 11.52 Lord Shri Krishna replied: It is hard to see this vision of Me that thou hast seen....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 2.52

Shloka यदा ते मोहकलिलं बुद्धिर्व्यतितरिष्यति | तदा गन्तासि निर्वेदं श्रोतव्यस्य श्रुतस्य च ||२-५२|| Transliteration yadā te mohakalilaṃ buddhirvyatitariṣyati . tadā gantāsi nirvedaṃ śrotavyasya śrutasya ca ||2-52|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 2.52. When your determining faculty goes beyond the impregnable thicket of delusion, at that time you will attain an attitude of futility regarding what has to be heard and what has been heard. Shri Purohit Swami 2.52 When thy reason has crossed the entanglements of illusion, then shalt thou become indifferent both to the philosophies thou hast heard and to those thou mayest yet hear....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 18.53

Shloka अहंकारं बलं दर्पं कामं क्रोधं परिग्रहम् | विमुच्य निर्ममः शान्तो ब्रह्मभूयाय कल्पते ||१८-५३|| Transliteration ahaṃkāraṃ balaṃ darpaṃ kāmaṃ krodhaṃ parigraham . vimucya nirmamaḥ śānto brahmabhūyāya kalpate ||18-53|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 18.53. Relinshing egotism, violence, pride, desire, wrath, and the sense of possession-he, the unselfish and calm one, is capable of becoming the Brahman. Shri Purohit Swami 18.53 Having abandoned selfishness, power, arrogance, anger and desire, possessing nothing of his own and having attained peace, he is fit to join the Eternal Spirit....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 11.53

Shloka नाहं वेदैर्न तपसा न दानेन न चेज्यया | शक्य एवंविधो द्रष्टुं दृष्टवानसि मां यथा ||११-५३|| Transliteration nāhaṃ vedairna tapasā na dānena na cejyayā . śakya evaṃvidho draṣṭuṃ dṛṣṭavānasi māṃ yathā ||11-53|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 11.53. Neither by reciting Vedas, no by obseving austerity, nor by offering gifts, nor by performing sacrifice, can I be observed in this manner as you have see Me now. Shri Purohit Swami 11.53 Not by study of the scriptures, or by austerities, not by gifts or sacrifices, is it possible to see Me as thou hast done....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 2.53

Shloka श्रुतिविप्रतिपन्ना ते यदा स्थास्यति निश्चला | समाधावचला बुद्धिस्तदा योगमवाप्स्यसि ||२-५३|| Transliteration śrutivipratipannā te yadā sthāsyati niścalā . samādhāvacalā buddhistadā yogamavāpsyasi ||2-53|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 2.53. When your determining faculty, that had been [earlier] confused by your hearing [of scriptural declaration of fruits] shall stand stable in concentration, at that time you shall attain the Yoga. Shri Purohit Swami 2.53 When the intellect, bewildered by the multiplicity of holy scripts, stands unperturbed in blissful contemplation of the Infinite, then hast thou attained Spirituality....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 18.54

Shloka ब्रह्मभूतः प्रसन्नात्मा न शोचति न काङ्क्षति | समः सर्वेषु भूतेषु मद्भक्तिं लभते पराम् ||१८-५४|| Transliteration brahmabhūtaḥ prasannātmā na śocati na kāṅkṣati . samaḥ sarveṣu bhūteṣu madbhaktiṃ labhate parām ||18-54|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 18.54. Having become the Brahman, the serene-minded one neither grieves nor rejoices; remaining eal to all beings, he gains the highest devotion to Me. Shri Purohit Swami 18.54 And when he becomes one with the Eternal, and his soul knows the bliss that belongs to the Self, he feels no desire and no regret, he regards all beings equally and enjoys the blessing of supreme devotion to Me....

January 3, 2022 · 5 min · TheAum

BG: 11.54

Shloka भक्त्या त्वनन्यया शक्य अहमेवंविधोऽर्जुन | ज्ञातुं द्रष्टुं च तत्त्वेन प्रवेष्टुं च परन्तप ||११-५४|| Transliteration bhaktyā tvananyayā śakya ahamevaṃvidho.arjuna . jñātuṃ draṣṭuṃ ca tattvena praveṣṭuṃ ca parantapa ||11-54|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 11.54. But, through an undeviating devotion, it is possible to know, and to observe and also to enter into Me as such, O Arjuna ! O scorcher of foes ! Shri Purohit Swami 11.54 Only by tireless devotion can I be seen and known; only thus can a man become one with Me, O Arjuna!...

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 2.54

Shloka अर्जुन उवाच | स्थितप्रज्ञस्य का भाषा समाधिस्थस्य केशव | स्थितधीः किं प्रभाषेत किमासीत व्रजेत किम् ||२-५४|| Transliteration arjuna uvāca . sthitaprajñasya kā bhāṣā samādhisthasya keśava . sthitadhīḥ kiṃ prabhāṣeta kimāsīta vrajeta kim ||2-54|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 2.54. Arjuna said O Kesava ! What is the connotation of sthita-prajna (a man-of-stabilized-intellect), [applied] to a man fixed in concentration ? What would sthira-dhih (the fixed-minded) convey ? Where would the fixed-minded abide ?...

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 18.55

Shloka भक्त्या मामभिजानाति यावान्यश्चास्मि तत्त्वतः | ततो मां तत्त्वतो ज्ञात्वा विशते तदनन्तरम् ||१८-५५|| Transliteration bhaktyā māmabhijānāti yāvānyaścāsmi tattvataḥ . tato māṃ tattvato jñātvā viśate tadanantaram ||18-55|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 18.55. Through devotion he comes to know of Me : Who I am and how, in fact, I am-having correctly known Me, he enters Me. Then afterwards, Shri Purohit Swami 18.55 By such devotion, he sees Me, who I am and what I am; and thus realising the Truth, he enters My Kingdom....

January 3, 2022 · 8 min · TheAum

BG: 11.55

Shloka मत्कर्मकृन्मत्परमो मद्भक्तः सङ्गवर्जितः | निर्वैरः सर्वभूतेषु यः स मामेति पाण्डव ||११-५५|| Transliteration matkarmakṛnmatparamo madbhaktaḥ saṅgavarjitaḥ . nirvairaḥ sarvabhūteṣu yaḥ sa māmeti pāṇḍava ||11-55|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 11.55. He, who performs actions for [attaining] Me; who regards Me as his supreme goal; who is devoted to Me; who is free from attachment; and who is free from hatred towards all beings-he attains me, O son of Pandu ! Shri Purohit Swami 11....

January 3, 2022 · 5 min · TheAum