BG: 18.36

Shloka सुखं त्विदानीं त्रिविधं शृणु मे भरतर्षभ | अभ्यासाद्रमते यत्र दुःखान्तं च निगच्छति ||१८-३६|| Transliteration sukhaṃ tvidānīṃ trividhaṃ śṛṇu me bharatarṣabha . abhyāsādramate yatra duḥkhāntaṃ ca nigacchati ||18-36|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 18.36. O best among the Bharatas ! Now from Me you must also listen to the three-fold happiness where one gets delighted by practice, and attains the end of suffering. Shri Purohit Swami 18.36 Hear further the three kinds of pleasure....

January 3, 2022 · 2 min · TheAum

BG: 11.36

Shloka अर्जुन उवाच | स्थाने हृषीकेश तव प्रकीर्त्या जगत्प्रहृष्यत्यनुरज्यते च | रक्षांसि भीतानि दिशो द्रवन्ति सर्वे नमस्यन्ति च सिद्धसङ्घाः ||११-३६|| Transliteration arjuna uvāca . sthāne hṛṣīkeśa tava prakīrtyā jagatprahṛṣyatyanurajyate ca . rakṣāṃsi bhītāni diśo dravanti sarve namasyanti ca siddhasaṅghāḥ ||11-36|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 11.36. Arjuna said O Lord of sense-organs (Krsna) ! It is appropriate that the universe rejoices and feels exceedingly delighted by the high glory of yours; that in fear the demons fly on all directions; and that the hosts of the perfected ones bow down [to You]....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 10.36

Shloka द्यूतं छलयतामस्मि तेजस्तेजस्विनामहम् | जयोऽस्मि व्यवसायोऽस्मि सत्त्वं सत्त्ववतामहम् ||१०-३६|| Transliteration dyūtaṃ chalayatāmasmi tejastejasvināmaham . jayo.asmi vyavasāyo.asmi sattvaṃ sattvavatāmaham ||10-36|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 10.36. I am gambling of the fradulent; I am the brilliance of the brilliant; I am the victory; I am the resolution; I am the energy of the energetic. Shri Purohit Swami 10.36 I am the Gambling of the cheat and the Splendour of the splendid; I am Victory; I am Effort; and I am the Purity of the pure....

January 3, 2022 · 2 min · TheAum

BG: 6.36

Shloka असंयतात्मना योगो दुष्प्राप इति मे मतिः | वश्यात्मना तु यतता शक्योऽवाप्तुमुपायतः ||६-३६|| Transliteration asaṃyatātmanā yogo duṣprāpa iti me matiḥ . vaśyātmanā tu yatatā śakyo.avāptumupāyataḥ ||6-36|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 6.36. My belief is that attaining Yoga is difficult for a man of uncontrolled self (mind); but it is possible to attain by [proper] means by a person who exerts with his subdued self. Shri Purohit Swami 6.36 It is not possible to attain Self-Realisation if a man does not know how to control himself; but for him who, striving by proper means, learns such control, it is possible....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 4.36

Shloka अपि चेदसि पापेभ्यः सर्वेभ्यः पापकृत्तमः | सर्वं ज्ञानप्लवेनैव वृजिनं सन्तरिष्यसि ||४-३६|| Transliteration api cedasi pāpebhyaḥ sarvebhyaḥ pāpakṛttamaḥ . sarvaṃ jñānaplavenaiva vṛjinaṃ santariṣyasi ||4-36|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 4.36. Even if you are the highest sinner amongst all sinners, you shall cross over [the ocean of] all the sin just by the boat of knowledge. Shri Purohit Swami 4.36 Be thou the greatest of sinners, yet thou shalt cross over all sin by the ferryboat of wisdom....

January 3, 2022 · 2 min · TheAum

BG: 3.36

Shloka अर्जुन उवाच | अथ केन प्रयुक्तोऽयं पापं चरति पूरुषः | अनिच्छन्नपि वार्ष्णेय बलादिव नियोजितः ||३-३६|| Transliteration arjuna uvāca . atha kena prayukto.ayaṃ pāpaṃ carati pūruṣaḥ . anicchannapi vārṣṇeya balādiva niyojitaḥ ||3-36|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 3.36. Arjuna said Then, induced by what, does this person [of the world] commit sin-eventhough he does not desire it-as if instigated by a force, overpowering [him] ? Shri Purohit Swami 3.36 Arjuna asked: My Lord! Tell me, what is it that drives a man to sin, even against his will and as if by compulsion?...

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 2.36

Shloka अवाच्यवादांश्च बहून्वदिष्यन्ति तवाहिताः | निन्दन्तस्तव सामर्थ्यं ततो दुःखतरं नु किम् ||२-३६|| Transliteration avācyavādāṃśca bahūnvadiṣyanti tavāhitāḥ . nindantastava sāmarthyaṃ tato duḥkhataraṃ nu kim ||2-36|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 2.36. Slandering your ability, the enemies will talk of you many sayings that should not be talked of. Is there anything more painful than that ? Shri Purohit Swami 2.36 Thine enemies will spread scandal and mock at thy courage. Can anything be more humiliating?...

January 3, 2022 · 2 min · TheAum

BG: 1.36

Shloka निहत्य धार्तराष्ट्रान्नः का प्रीतिः स्याज्जनार्दन | पापमेवाश्रयेदस्मान्हत्वैतानाततायिनः ||१-३६|| Transliteration nihatya dhārtarāṣṭrānnaḥ kā prītiḥ syājjanārdana . pāpamevāśrayedasmānhatvaitānātatāyinaḥ ||1-36|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 1.36. Nothing but sin would slay these desperadoes and take hold of us. Therefore we should not slay Dhrtarastra’s sons, our own relatives. Shri Purohit Swami 1.36 My Lord! What happiness can come from the death of these sons of Dhritarashtra? We shall sin if we kill these desperate men....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 18.37

Shloka यत्तदग्रे विषमिव परिणामेऽमृतोपमम् | तत्सुखं सात्त्विकं प्रोक्तमात्मबुद्धिप्रसादजम् ||१८-३७|| Transliteration yattadagre viṣamiva pariṇāme.amṛtopamam . tatsukhaṃ sāttvikaṃ proktamātmabuddhiprasādajam ||18-37|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 18.37. [The happiness] which is like poison at its time but is like nectar at the time of its result-that happiness, born of serenity of the Soul and intellect, you must know to be of the Sattva (Strand). Shri Purohit Swami 18.37 Which at first seems like poison but afterwards acts like nectar - that pleasure is Pure, for it is born of Wisdom....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 11.37

Shloka कस्माच्च ते न नमेरन्महात्मन् गरीयसे ब्रह्मणोऽप्यादिकर्त्रे | अनन्त देवेश जगन्निवास त्वमक्षरं सदसत्तत्परं यत् ||११-३७|| Transliteration kasmācca te na nameranmahātman garīyase brahmaṇo.apyādikartre . ananta deveśa jagannivāsa tvamakṣaraṃ sadasattatparaṃ yat ||11-37|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 11.37. O Mighty One ! Why should they not bow down to You, the Primal Creater, Who are greater than even Brahma (personal god) ? O Endless One, O Lord of gods, O Abode of the universe ! You are unalterable, existent, non-existent and also that which is beyond both....

January 3, 2022 · 5 min · TheAum

BG: 10.37

Shloka वृष्णीनां वासुदेवोऽस्मि पाण्डवानां धनञ्जयः | मुनीनामप्यहं व्यासः कवीनामुशना कविः ||१०-३७|| Transliteration vṛṣṇīnāṃ vāsudevo.asmi pāṇḍavānāṃ dhanañjayaḥ . munīnāmapyahaṃ vyāsaḥ kavīnāmuśanā kaviḥ ||10-37|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 10.37. Of the Vrsnis (the members of the Vrsni clan), I am the son of Vasudeva; of the sons of Pandu, Dhananjaya (Arjuna) [I am]; of the sages too, I am Vyasa; of the seers, the seer Usanas. Shri Purohit Swami 10.37 I am Shri Krishna among the Vishnu-clan and Arjuna among the Pandavas; of the saints I am Vyasa, and I am Shukracharya among the sages....

January 3, 2022 · 2 min · TheAum

BG: 6.37

Shloka अर्जुन उवाच | अयतिः श्रद्धयोपेतो योगाच्चलितमानसः | अप्राप्य योगसंसिद्धिं कां गतिं कृष्ण गच्छति ||६-३७|| Transliteration arjuna uvāca . ayatiḥ śraddhayopeto yogāccalitamānasaḥ . aprāpya yogasaṃsiddhiṃ kāṃ gatiṃ kṛṣṇa gacchati ||6-37|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 6.37. Arjuna said A person who has faith and is desirous of reaching the path (goal) of the good; [but] whose mind has severed from the Yoga; to which goal does he go, having failed to attain the success in Yoga ?...

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 4.37

Shloka यथैधांसि समिद्धोऽग्निर्भस्मसात्कुरुतेऽर्जुन | ज्ञानाग्निः सर्वकर्माणि भस्मसात्कुरुते तथा ||४-३७|| Transliteration yathaidhāṃsi samiddho.agnirbhasmasātkurute.arjuna . jñānāgniḥ sarvakarmāṇi bhasmasātkurute tathā ||4-37|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 4.37. Just as the fire, well inflamed, reduces the fuels to ashes, so also the fire of knowledge reduces all actions to ashes. Shri Purohit Swami 4.37 As the kindled fire consumes the fuel, so, O Arjuna, in the flame of wisdom the embers of action are burnt to ashes....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 3.37

Shloka श्रीभगवानुवाच | काम एष क्रोध एष रजोगुणसमुद्भवः | महाशनो महापाप्मा विद्ध्येनमिह वैरिणम् ||३-३७|| Transliteration śrībhagavānuvāca . kāma eṣa krodha eṣa rajoguṇasamudbhavaḥ . mahāśano mahāpāpmā viddhyenamiha vairiṇam ||3-37|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 3.37. The Bhagavat said This desire, this wrath, born of the Rajas-Strand, is a swallower of festival [and] a mighty bestower of sins. Know this to be the enemy here. Shri Purohit Swami 3.37 Lord Shri Krishna: It is desire, it is aversion, born of passion....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 2.37

Shloka हतो वा प्राप्स्यसि स्वर्गं जित्वा वा भोक्ष्यसे महीम् | तस्मादुत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिश्चयः ||२-३७|| Transliteration hato vā prāpsyasi svargaṃ jitvā vā bhokṣyase mahīm . tasmāduttiṣṭha kaunteya yuddhāya kṛtaniścayaḥ ||2-37|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 2.37. If you are slain you shall attain heaven; or if you coner, you shall enjoy the earth. Therefore, O son of Kunti ! stand up with resolution made in favour of [fighting] the battle. Shri Purohit Swami 2....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum