BG: 4.27

Shloka सर्वाणीन्द्रियकर्माणि प्राणकर्माणि चापरे | आत्मसंयमयोगाग्नौ जुह्वति ज्ञानदीपिते ||४-२७|| Transliteration sarvāṇīndriyakarmāṇi prāṇakarmāṇi cāpare . ātmasaṃyamayogāgnau juhvati jñānadīpite ||4-27|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 4.27. Some others offer all actions of their sense-organs and the actions of their life-breath into the fire of Yoga of the self control, set ablaze by wisdom. Shri Purohit Swami 4.27 Other again sacrifice their activities and their vitality in the Spiritual fire of self-abnegation, kindled by wisdom. Sri Abhinav Gupta 4....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 3.27

Shloka प्रकृतेः क्रियमाणानि गुणैः कर्माणि सर्वशः | अहङ्कारविमूढात्मा कर्ताहमिति मन्यते ||३-२७|| Transliteration prakṛteḥ kriyamāṇāni guṇaiḥ karmāṇi sarvaśaḥ . ahaṅkāravimūḍhātmā kartāhamiti manyate ||3-27|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 3.27. The actions are performed part by part, by the Strands of the Prakrti; [yet] the person, having his self (mind) deluded with egoity, imagines ‘I am [alone] the doer’. Shri Purohit Swami 3.27 Action is the product of the Qualities inherent in Nature. It is only the ignorant man who, misled by personal egotism, says: I am the doer....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 2.27

Shloka जातस्य हि ध्रुवो मृत्युर्ध्रुवं जन्म मृतस्य च | तस्मादपरिहार्येऽर्थे न त्वं शोचितुमर्हसि ||२-२७|| Transliteration jātasya hi dhruvo mṛtyurdhruvaṃ janma mṛtasya ca . tasmādaparihārye.arthe na tvaṃ śocitumarhasi ||2-27|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 2.27. Death is certain indeed for what is born; and birth is certain for what is dead. Therefore you should not lament over a thing that is unavoidable. Shri Purohit Swami 2.27 For death is as sure for that which is born, as birth is for that which is dead....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 1.27

Shloka श्वशुरान्सुहृदश्चैव सेनयोरुभयोरपि | तान्समीक्ष्य स कौन्तेयः सर्वान्बन्धूनवस्थितान् ||१-२७|| Transliteration śvaśurānsuhṛdaścaiva senayorubhayorapi . tānsamīkṣya sa kaunteyaḥ sarvānbandhūnavasthitān ||1-27|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 1.27. Arjuna Said O krsna! On seeing these war-mongering kinsfolks of my own, arrayed [in the armies], my limbs fail and my mouth goes dry; Shri Purohit Swami 1.27 Fathers-in-law and benefactors, arrayed on both sides. Arjuna then gazed at all those kinsmen before him. Sri Abhinav Gupta 1.12 1.29 Sri Abhinavgupta did not comment upon this sloka....

January 3, 2022 · 2 min · TheAum

BG: 18.28

Shloka अयुक्तः प्राकृतः स्तब्धः शठो नैष्कृतिकोऽलसः | विषादी दीर्घसूत्री च कर्ता तामस उच्यते ||१८-२८|| Transliteration ayuktaḥ prākṛtaḥ stabdhaḥ śaṭho naiṣkṛtiko.alasaḥ . viṣādī dīrghasūtrī ca kartā tāmasa ucyate ||18-28|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 18.28. The agent, who does not exert, is vulgar, obstinate and deceitful; who is a man of wickedness and is lazy, sorrowful, and procrastinating - that agent is said to be of the Tamas (Strand). Shri Purohit Swami 18.28 While he whose purpose is infirm, who is low-minded, stubborn, dishonest, malicious, indolent, despondent, procrastinating - he may be assumed to be in Darkness....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 17.28

Shloka अश्रद्धया हुतं दत्तं तपस्तप्तं कृतं च यत् | असदित्युच्यते पार्थ न च तत्प्रेत्य नो इह ||१७-२८|| Transliteration aśraddhayā hutaṃ dattaṃ tapastaptaṃ kṛtaṃ ca yat . asadityucyate pārtha na ca tatprepya no iha ||17-28|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 17.28. Without faith, whatever oblation is offered, what-ever gift is made, whatever austerity is practised, and whatever action is undertaken, that is called ASAT and it is of no avail after one’s death and in this world....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 13.28

Shloka समं सर्वेषु भूतेषु तिष्ठन्तं परमेश्वरम् | विनश्यत्स्वविनश्यन्तं यः पश्यति स पश्यति ||१३-२८|| Transliteration samaṃ sarveṣu bhūteṣu tiṣṭhantaṃ parameśvaram . vinaśyatsvavinaśyantaṃ yaḥ paśyati sa paśyati ||13-28|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 13.28. Whosoever perceives the Supreme Lord as abiding and as non-perishing in all beings alike, while they perish - he perceives properly. Shri Purohit Swami 13.28 He who can see the Supreme Lord in all beings, the Imperishable amidst the perishable, he it is who really sees....

January 3, 2022 · 5 min · TheAum

BG: 11.28

Shloka यथा नदीनां बहवोऽम्बुवेगाः समुद्रमेवाभिमुखा द्रवन्ति | तथा तवामी नरलोकवीरा विशन्ति वक्त्राण्यभिविज्वलन्ति ||११-२८|| Transliteration yathā nadīnāṃ bahavo.ambuvegāḥ samudramevābhimukhā dravanti . tathā tavāmī naralokavīrā viśanti vaktrāṇyabhivijvalanti ||11-28|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 11.28. Just as many water-rapids of the rivers race heading towards the ocean alone, in the same manner these heroes of the world of men do enter into Your mouths flaming all around. Shri Purohit Swami 11.28 As rivers in flood surge furiously to the ocean, so these heroes, the greatest among men, fling themselves into Thy flaming mouths....

January 3, 2022 · 2 min · TheAum

BG: 10.28

Shloka आयुधानामहं वज्रं धेनूनामस्मि कामधुक् | प्रजनश्चास्मि कन्दर्पः सर्पाणामस्मि वासुकिः ||१०-२८|| Transliteration āyudhānāmahaṃ vajraṃ dhenūnāmasmi kāmadhuk . prajanaścāsmi kandarpaḥ sarpāṇāmasmi vāsukiḥ ||10-28|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 10.28. Of the weapons, I am the Vajra [of Indra]; of the cows, I am the Wish-fullfilling Cow [of the heaven]; of the progenitors, I am Kandarpa (the god-of-love); of the serpents, I am Vasuki. Shri Purohit Swami 10.28 I am the Thunderbolt among weapons; of cows I am the Cow of Plenty, I am Passion in those who procreate, and I am the Cobra among serpents....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 9.28

Shloka शुभाशुभफलैरेवं मोक्ष्यसे कर्मबन्धनैः | संन्यासयोगयुक्तात्मा विमुक्तो मामुपैष्यसि ||९-२८|| Transliteration śubhāśubhaphalairevaṃ mokṣyase karmabandhanaiḥ . saṃnyāsayogayuktātmā vimukto māmupaiṣyasi ||9-28|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 9.28. Thus, you shall be freed from the good and evi results which are the action-bonds. Having your innate nature immersed in the Yoga of renunciation and (thus) being fully liberated you shall attain Me. Shri Purohit Swami 9.28 So shall thy action be attended by no result, either good or bad; but through the spirit of renunciation thou shalt come to Me and be free....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 8.28

Shloka वेदेषु यज्ञेषु तपःसु चैव दानेषु यत्पुण्यफलं प्रदिष्टम् | अत्येति तत्सर्वमिदं विदित्वा योगी परं स्थानमुपैति चाद्यम् ||८-२८|| Transliteration vedeṣu yajñeṣu tapaḥsu caiva dāneṣu yatpuṇyaphalaṃ pradiṣṭam . atyeti tatsarvamidaṃ viditvā yogī paraṃ sthānamupaiti cādyam ||8-28|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 8.28. Having understood all this, the Yogin goes beyond whatever fruit of merit is ordained [in the scriptures] in case the Vedas [are recited], the sacrifices [performed], the austerities [observed], and also gifts [donated]; and he goes to the Supreme Primeval Abode....

January 3, 2022 · 5 min · TheAum

BG: 7.28

Shloka येषां त्वन्तगतं पापं जनानां पुण्यकर्मणाम् | ते द्वन्द्वमोहनिर्मुक्ता भजन्ते मां दृढव्रताः ||७-२८|| Transliteration yeṣāṃ tvantagataṃ pāpaṃ janānāṃ puṇyakarmaṇām . te dvandvamohanirmuktā bhajante māṃ dṛḍhavratāḥ ||7-28|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 7.28. But those men of virtuous deeds, whose sin has come to an end-they, being free from the delusion of pairs [of opposites], worship Me with firm resolve. Shri Purohit Swami 7.28 But those who act righteously, in whom sin has been destroyed, who are free from the infatuation of the conflicting emotions, they worship Me with firm resolution....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 6.28

Shloka युञ्जन्नेवं सदात्मानं योगी विगतकल्मषः | सुखेन ब्रह्मसंस्पर्शमत्यन्तं सुखमश्नुते ||६-२८|| Transliteration yuñjannevaṃ sadātmānaṃ yogī vigatakalmaṣaḥ . sukhena brahmasaṃsparśamatyantaṃ sukhamaśnute ||6-28|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 6.28. Thus yoking the self always, the man of Yoga, with subdued mind, easily attains a complete union [viz.,] the Brahman. Shri Purohit Swami 6.28 Thus, free from sin, abiding always in the Eternal, the saint enjoys without effort the Bliss which flows from realisation of the Infinite....

January 3, 2022 · 3 min · TheAum

BG: 5.28

Shloka यतेन्द्रियमनोबुद्धिर्मुनिर्मोक्षपरायणः | विगतेच्छाभयक्रोधो यः सदा मुक्त एव सः ||५-२८|| Transliteration yatendriyamanobuddhirmunirmokṣaparāyaṇaḥ . vigatecchābhayakrodho yaḥ sadā mukta eva saḥ ||5-28|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 5.28. Having known Me as the Enjoyer of [the fruits of] sacrifices and austerties, as the great Lord of all the worlds, and as the Friend of all beings, he (the man of Yoga) attains peace. Shri Purohit Swami 5.28 Governing sense, mind and intellect, intent on liberation, free from desire, fear and anger, the sage is forever free....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum

BG: 4.28

Shloka द्रव्ययज्ञास्तपोयज्ञा योगयज्ञास्तथापरे | स्वाध्यायज्ञानयज्ञाश्च यतयः संशितव्रताः ||४-२८|| Transliteration dravyayajñāstapoyajñā yogayajñāstathāpare . svādhyāyajñānayajñāśca yatayaḥ saṃśitavratāḥ ||4-28|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 4.28. [These] are [respectively] the performs of sacrifices with material objects, the performers of sacrifices with penance, and the performers of sacrifices with Yoga. Likewise [there are] yet other ascetics with rigid vows whose sacrifices are the svadhyaya-knowledge. Shri Purohit Swami 4.28 And yet others offer as their sacrifice wealth, austerities and meditation....

January 3, 2022 · 4 min · TheAum