BG: 4.25
Shloka दैवमेवापरे यज्ञं योगिनः पर्युपासते | ब्रह्माग्नावपरे यज्ञं यज्ञेनैवोपजुह्वति ||४-२५|| Transliteration daivamevāpare yajñaṃ yoginaḥ paryupāsate . brahmāgnāvapare yajñaṃ yajñenaivopajuhvati ||4-25|| Translations Dr.S.Sankaranarayan 4.25. Certain other men of Yoga are completely devoted to yajna, connected with the devas and offer that yajna, simply as a yajna, into the insatiable fire of the Brahman. Shri Purohit Swami 4.25 Some sages sacrifice to the Powers; others offer themselves on the alter of the Eternal....