Q&A: Which Puranic Scriptures describes procedure of 'Ashtanga Yoga'?
Question Which Puranic Scriptures describes procedure of “Ashtanga Yoga”? Answer Ashtanga Yoga is described by Devi (the mother) to Himalaya in Devi Bhagavatam, Seventh Book, Chapter XXXV in details. हिमालय उवाच योगं वद महेशानि सांगं संवित्प्रदायकम् । कृतेन येन योग्योऽहं भवेयं तत्त्वदर्शने ॥ 1 ॥ Himalaya said: "O Maheswari Now tell me the Yoga with all its Angas (limbs) giving the knowledge of the Supreme Consciousness so that, I may realise my Self, when I practise according to those instructions....