Mandukya Karika, verse 3.7
Mandukya Karika, verse 3.7 Text नाऽऽकाशस्य घटाकाशो विकारावयवौ यथा । नैवाऽऽत्मनः सदा जीवो विकारावयवौ तथा ॥ ७ ॥ nā''kāśasya ghaṭākāśo vikārāvayavau yathā | naivā''tmanaḥ sadā jīvo vikārāvayavau tathā || 7 || 7. As the Ghaṭākāśa (i.e., the ether portioned off by the pot) is neither the (evolved) effect nor part of the Ākāśa (ether), so is the Jīva (the embodied being) neither the effect nor part of the Ātman. Shankara Bhashya (commentary) (Objection)—Our experience of the variety of forms, functions, etc....