Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 10 - Verse 57
Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 8 - Chapter 1 - Verse 57 Sanskrit: माली सुमाल्यतिबलौ युधि पेततुर्यच्चक्रेण कृत्तशिरसावथ माल्यवांस्तम् ।आहत्य तिग्मगदयाहनदण्डजेन्द्रतावच्छिरोऽच्छिनदरेर्नदतोऽरिणाद्य: ॥ ५७ ॥ ITRANS: mālī sumāly atibalau yudhi petatur yac-cakreṇa kṛtta-śirasāv atha mālyavāṁs tamāhatya tigma-gadayāhanad aṇḍajendraṁtāvac chiro ’cchinad arer nadato ’riṇādyaḥ Translation: Thereafter, two very powerful demons named Mālī and Sumālī were killed by the Supreme Lord, who severed their heads with His disc. Then Mālyavān, another demon, attacked the Lord. With his sharp club, the demon, who was roaring like a lion, attacked Garuḍa, the lord of the birds, who are born from eggs....