Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 5 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: तथापरे चात्मसमाधियोग-बलेन जित्वा प्रकृतिं बलिष्ठाम् ।त्वामेव धीरा: पुरुषं विशन्तितेषां श्रम: स्यान्न तु सेवया ते ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: tathāpare cātma-samādhi-yoga-balena jitvā prakṛtiṁ baliṣṭhāmtvām eva dhīrāḥ puruṣaṁ viśantiteṣāṁ śramaḥ syān na tu sevayā te Translation: Others, who are pacified by means of transcendental self-realization and have conquered over the modes of nature by dint of strong power and knowledge, also enter into You, but for them there is much pain, whereas the devotee simply discharges devotional service and thus feels no such pain....

April 22, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 2 - Chapter 10 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 2 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: परिमाणं च कालस्य कल्पलक्षणविग्रहम् ।यथा पुरस्ताद्व्याख्यास्ये पाद्मं कल्पमथो श‍ृणु ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: parimāṇaṁ ca kālasyakalpa-lakṣaṇa-vigrahamyathā purastād vyākhyāsyepādmaṁ kalpam atho śṛṇu Translation: O King, I shall in due course explain the measurement of time in its gross and subtle features with the specific symptoms of each, but for the present let me explain unto you the Pādma-kalpa. Purport: The present duration of a kalpa of Brahmā is called the Varāha-kalpa or Śvetavarāha-kalpa because the incarnation of the Lord as Varāha took place during the creation of Brahmā, who was born on the lotus coming out of the abdomen of Viṣṇu....

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 2 - Chapter 7 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 2 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: शश्वत् प्रशान्तमभयं प्रतिबोधमात्रंशुद्धं समं सदसत: परमात्मतत्त्वम् ।शब्दो न यत्र पुरुकारकवान् क्रियार्थोमाया परैत्यभिमुखे च विलज्जमानातद् वै पदं भगवत: परमस्य पुंसोब्रह्मेति यद् विदुरजस्रसुखं विशोकम् ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: śaśvat praśāntam abhayaṁ pratibodha-mātraṁśuddhaṁ samaṁ sad-asataḥ paramātma-tattvamśabdo na yatra puru-kārakavān kriyārthomāyā paraity abhimukhe ca vilajjamānātad vai padaṁ bhagavataḥ paramasya puṁsobrahmeti yad vidur ajasra-sukhaṁ viśokam Translation: What is realized as the Absolute Brahman is full of unlimited bliss without grief....

April 22, 2023 · 5 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 18 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: अपापेषु स्वभृत्येषु बालेनापक्‍वबुद्धिना ।पापं कृतं तद्भगवान् सर्वात्मा क्षन्तुमर्हति ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: apāpeṣu sva-bhṛtyeṣubālenāpakva-buddhināpāpaṁ kṛtaṁ tad bhagavānsarvātmā kṣantum arhati Translation: Then the ṛṣi prayed to the all-pervading Personality of Godhead to pardon his immature boy, who had no intelligence and who committed the great sin of cursing a person who was completely free from all sins, who was subordinate and who deserved to be protected....

April 21, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 15 - Verse 47-48

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47-48 Sanskrit: तद्ध्यानोद्रिक्तया भक्त्या विशुद्धधिषणा: परे ।तस्मिन् नारायणपदे एकान्तमतयो गतिम् ॥ ४७ ॥अवापुर्दुरवापां ते असद्भ‍िर्विषयात्मभि: ।विधूतकल्मषा स्थानं विरजेनात्मनैव हि ॥ ४८ ॥ ITRANS: tad-dhyānodriktayā bhaktyāviśuddha-dhiṣaṇāḥ paretasmin nārāyaṇa-padeekānta-matayo gatim Translation: Thus by pure consciousness due to constant devotional remembrance, they attained the spiritual sky, which is ruled over by the Supreme Nārāyaṇa, Lord Kṛṣṇa. This is attained only by those who meditate upon the one Supreme Lord without deviation....

April 21, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 13 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: अहस्तानि सहस्तानामपदानि चतुष्पदाम् ।फल्गूनि तत्र महतां जीवो जीवस्य जीवनम् ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: ahastāni sahastānāmapadāni catuṣ-padāmphalgūni tatra mahatāṁjīvo jīvasya jīvanam Translation: Those who are devoid of hands are prey for those who have hands; those devoid of legs are prey for the four-legged. The weak are the subsistence of the strong, and the general rule holds that one living being is food for another....

April 21, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 9 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: तुष्टुवुर्मुनयो हृष्टा: कृष्णं तद्गुह्यनामभि: ।ततस्ते कृष्णहृदया: स्वाश्रमान् प्रययु: पुन: ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: tuṣṭuvur munayo hṛṣṭāḥkṛṣṇaṁ tad-guhya-nāmabhiḥtatas te kṛṣṇa-hṛdayāḥsvāśramān prayayuḥ punaḥ Translation: All the great sages then glorified Lord Śrī Kṛṣṇa, who was present there, by confidential Vedic hymns. Then all of them returned to their respective hermitages, bearing always Lord Kṛṣṇa within their hearts. Purport: The devotees of the Lord are always in the heart of the Lord, and the Lord is always in the hearts of the devotees....

April 21, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 8 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: आह राजा धर्मसुतश्चिन्तयन् सुहृदां वधम् ।प्राकृतेनात्मना विप्रा: स्‍नेहमोहवशं गत: ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: āha rājā dharma-sutaścintayan suhṛdāṁ vadhamprākṛtenātmanā viprāḥsneha-moha-vaśaṁ gataḥ Translation: King Yudhiṣṭhira, son of Dharma, overwhelmed by the death of his friends, was aggrieved just like a common, materialistic man. O sages, thus deluded by affection, he began to speak. Purport: King Yudhiṣṭhira, though he was not expected to become aggrieved like a common man, became deluded by worldly affection by the will of the Lord (just as Arjuna was apparently deluded)....

April 21, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 7 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 1 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: मा रोदीदस्य जननी गौतमी पतिदेवता ।यथाहं मृतवत्सार्ता रोदिम्यश्रुमुखी मुहु: ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: mā rodīd asya jananīgautamī pati-devatāyathāhaṁ mṛta-vatsārtārodimy aśru-mukhī muhuḥ Translation: My lord, do not make the wife of Droṇācārya cry like me. I am aggrieved for the death of my sons. She need not cry constantly like me. Purport: Sympathetic good lady as she was, Śrīmatī Draupadī did not want to put the wife of Droṇācārya in the same position of childlessness, both from the point of motherly feelings and from the respectable position held by the wife of Droṇācārya....

April 21, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 12 - Verse 48

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 1 - Verse 48 Sanskrit: सङ्कीर्त्यमानो भगवाननन्त:श्रुतानुभावो व्यसनं हि पुंसाम् ।प्रविश्य चित्तं विधुनोत्यशेषंयथा तमोऽर्कोऽभ्रमिवातिवात: ॥ ४८ ॥ ITRANS: saṅkīrtyamāno bhagavān anantaḥśrutānubhāvo vyasanaṁ hi puṁsāmpraviśya cittaṁ vidhunoty aśeṣaṁyathā tamo ’rko ’bhram ivāti-vātaḥ Translation: When people properly glorify the Supreme Personality of Godhead or simply hear about His power, the Lord personally enters their hearts and cleanses away every trace of misfortune, just as the sun removes the darkness or as a powerful wind drives away the clouds....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 3 - Verse 48

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 1 - Verse 48 Sanskrit: विद्यातप:प्राणनिरोधमैत्री-तीर्थाभिषेकव्रतदानजप्यै: ।नात्यन्तशुद्धिं लभतेऽन्तरात्मायथा हृदिस्थे भगवत्यनन्ते ॥ ४८ ॥ ITRANS: vidyā-tapaḥ-prāṇa-nirodha-maitrī-tīrthābhiṣeka-vrata-dāna-japyaiḥnātyanta-śuddhiṁ labhate ’ntarātmāyathā hṛdi-sthe bhagavaty anante Translation: By one’s engaging in the processes of demigod worship, austerities, breath control, compassion, bathing in holy places, strict vows, charity and chanting of various mantras, one’s mind cannot attain the same absolute purification as that achieved when the unlimited Personality of Godhead appears within one’s heart....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 6 - Verse 48-49

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 1 - Verse 48-49 Sanskrit: अस्मिन्नप्यन्तरे ब्रह्मन् भगवान्लोकभावन: ।ब्रह्मेशाद्यैर्लोकपालैर्याचितो धर्मगुप्तये ॥ ४८ ॥पराशरात् सत्यवत्यामंशांशकलया विभु: ।अवतीर्णो महाभाग वेदं चक्रे चतुर्विधम् ॥ ४९ ॥ ITRANS: asminn apy antare brahmanbhagavān loka-bhāvanaḥbrahmeśādyair loka-pālairyācito dharma-guptaye Translation: O brāhmaṇa, in the present age of Vaivasvata Manu, the leaders of the universe, led by Brahmā and Śiva, requested the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the protector of all the worlds, to save the principles of religion....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 8 - Verse 48

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 12 - Chapter 1 - Verse 48 Sanskrit: यं वै न वेद वितथाक्षपथैर्भ्रमद्धी:सन्तं स्वकेष्वसुषु हृद्यपि द‍ृक्पथेषु ।तन्माययावृतमति: स उ एव साक्षा-दाद्यस्तवाखिलगुरोरुपसाद्य वेदम् ॥ ४८ ॥ ITRANS: yaṁ vai na veda vitathākṣa-pathair bhramad-dhīḥsantaṁ svakeṣv asuṣu hṛdy api dṛk-patheṣutan-māyayāvṛta-matiḥ sa u eva sākṣādādyas tavākhila-guror upasādya vedam Translation: A materialist, his intelligence perverted by the action of his deceptive senses, cannot recognize You at all, although You are always present within his own senses and heart and also among the objects of his perception....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 17 - Verse 48

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 48 Sanskrit: वैश्यवृत्त्या तु राजन्यो जीवेन्मृगययापदि ।चरेद् वा विप्ररूपेण न श्ववृत्त्या कथञ्चन ॥ ४८ ॥ ITRANS: vaiśya-vṛttyā tu rājanyojīven mṛgayayāpadicared vā vipra-rūpeṇana śva-vṛttyā kathañcana Translation: A king or other member of the royal order who cannot maintain himself by his normal occupation may act as a vaiśya, may live by hunting or may act as a brāhmaṇa by teaching others Vedic knowledge. But he may not under any circumstances adopt the profession of a śūdra....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 18 - Verse 48

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 48 Sanskrit: एतत्तेऽभिहितं साधो भवान् पृच्छति यच्च माम् ।यथा स्वधर्मसंयुक्तो भक्तो मां समियात् परम् ॥ ४८ ॥ ITRANS: etat te ’bhihitaṁ sādhobhavān pṛcchati yac ca māmyathā sva-dharma-saṁyuktobhakto māṁ samiyāt param Translation: My dear saintly Uddhava, I have now described to you, just as you inquired, the means by which My devotee, perfectly engaged in his prescribed duty, can come back to Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum