Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 22 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: निषेकगर्भजन्मानि बाल्यकौमारयौवनम् ।वयोमध्यं जरा मृत्युरित्यवस्थास्तनोर्नव ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: niṣeka-garbha-janmānibālya-kaumāra-yauvanamvayo-madhyaṁ jarā mṛtyurity avasthās tanor nava Translation: Impregnation, gestation, birth, infancy, childhood, youth, middle age, old age and death are the nine ages of the body. Purport:

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 23 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: मनोवशेऽन्ये ह्यभवन् स्म देवामनश्च नान्यस्य वशं समेति ।भीष्मो हि देव: सहस: सहीयान्युञ्ज्याद वशे तं स हि देवदेव: ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: mano-vaśe ’nye hy abhavan sma devāmanaś ca nānyasya vaśaṁ sametibhīṣmo hi devaḥ sahasaḥ sahīyānyuñjyād vaśe taṁ sa hi deva-devaḥ Translation: All the senses have been under the control of the mind since time immemorial, and the mind himself never comes under the sway of any other....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 27 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: इति शेषां मया दत्तां शिरस्याधाय सादरम् ।उद्वासयेच्चेदुद्वास्यं ज्योतिर्ज्योतिषि तत् पुन: ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: iti śeṣāṁ mayā dattāṁśirasy ādhāya sādaramudvāsayec ced udvāsyaṁjyotir jyotiṣi tat punaḥ Translation: Praying in this way, the devotee should respectfully place upon his head the remnants I offer to him. And if the particular Deity is meant to be sent away at the end of the worship, then this should be performed, the devotee once again placing the light of the Deity’s presence inside the light of the lotus within his own heart....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 29 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: ततस्तमन्तर्हृदि सन्निवेश्यगतो महाभागवतो विशालाम् ।यथोपदिष्टां जगदेकबन्धुनातप: समास्थाय हरेरगाद् गतिम् ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: tatas tam antar hṛdi sanniveśyagato mahā-bhāgavato viśālāmyathopadiṣṭāṁ jagad-eka-bandhunātapaḥ samāsthāya harer agād gatim Translation: Thereupon, placing the Lord deeply within his heart, the great devotee Uddhava went to Badarikāśrama. By engaging there in austerities, he attained to the Lord’s personal abode, which had been described to him by the only friend of the universe, Lord Kṛṣṇa Himself....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 30 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: द्वारकायां च न स्थेयं भवद्भ‍िश्च स्वबन्धुभि: ।मया त्यक्तां यदुपुरीं समुद्र: प्लावयिष्यति ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: dvārakāyāṁ ca na stheyaṁbhavadbhiś ca sva-bandhubhiḥmayā tyaktāṁ yadu-purīṁsamudraḥ plāvayiṣyati Translation: You and your relatives should not remain in Dvārakā, the capital of the Yadus, because once I have abandoned that city it will be inundated by the ocean. Purport:

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 11 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: इष्टापूर्तेन मामेवं यो यजेत समाहित: ।लभते मयि सद्भ‍‍क्तिं मत्स्मृति: साधुसेवया ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: iṣṭā-pūrtena mām evaṁyo yajeta samāhitaḥlabhate mayi sad-bhaktiṁmat-smṛtiḥ sādhu-sevayā Translation: One who has executed sacrificial performances and pious works for My satisfaction, and who thus worships Me with fixed attention, obtains unflinching devotional service unto Me. By the excellent quality of his service such a worshiper obtains realized knowledge of Me....

May 9, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 2 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: अर्चायामेव हरये पूजां य: श्रद्धयेहते ।न तद्भ‍क्तेषु चान्येषु स भक्त: प्राकृत: स्मृत: ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: arcāyām eva harayepūjāṁ yaḥ śraddhayehatena tad-bhakteṣu cānyeṣusa bhaktaḥ prākṛtaḥ smṛtaḥ Translation: A devotee who faithfully engages in the worship of the Deity in the temple but does not behave properly toward other devotees or people in general is called a prākṛta-bhakta, a materialistic devotee, and is considered to be in the lowest position....

May 9, 2023 · 12 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 3 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: य आशु हृदयग्रन्थिं निर्जिहीर्षु: परात्मन: ।विधिनोपचरेद् देवं तन्त्रोक्तेन च केशवम् ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: ya āśu hṛdaya-granthiṁnirjihīrṣuḥ parātmanaḥvidhinopacared devaṁtantroktena ca keśavam Translation: One who desires to quickly cut the knot of false ego, which binds the spirit soul, should worship the Supreme Lord, Keśava, by the regulations found in Vedic literatures such as the tantras. Purport: The Vedic literatures contain mysterious descriptions of the Absolute Truth that stimulate philosophical speculation....

May 9, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 5 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: दर्शनालिङ्गनालापै: शयनासनभोजनै: ।आत्मा वां पावित: कृष्णे पुत्रस्‍नेहं प्रकुर्वतो: ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: darśanāliṅganālāpaiḥśayanāsana-bhojanaiḥātmā vāṁ pāvitaḥ kṛṣṇeputra-snehaṁ prakurvatoḥ Translation: My dear Vasudeva, you and your good wife Devakī have manifested great transcendental love for Kṛṣṇa, accepting Him as your son. Indeed, you are always seeing the Lord, embracing Him, speaking with Him, resting with Him, sitting together with Him and taking your meals with Him....

May 9, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 6 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: वातवसना य ऋषय: श्रमणा ऊर्ध्वमन्थिन: ।ब्रह्माख्यं धाम ते यान्ति शान्ता: सन्न्यासीनोऽमला: ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: vāta-vasanā ya ṛṣayaḥśramaṇā ūrdhra-manthinaḥbrahmākhyaṁ dhāma te yāntiśāntāḥ sannyāsino ’malāḥ Translation: Naked sages who seriously endeavor in spiritual practice, who have raised their semen upward, who are peaceful and sinless members of the renounced order, attain the spiritual abode called Brahman. Purport: In Chapter Twelve of Bhagavad-gītā it is stated, kleśo ’dhikataras teṣām avyaktāsakta-cetasām: those who are attached to the impersonal feature of the Personality of Godhead must endure grueling penances in order to achieve impersonal liberation in the realm of Brahman....

May 9, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 7 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 11 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: स्वमायया सृष्टमिदं सदसल्ल‍क्षणं विभु: ।प्रविष्ट ईयते तत्तत्स्वरूपोऽग्निरिवैधसि ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: sva-māyayā sṛṣṭam idaṁsad-asal-lakṣaṇaṁ vibhuḥpraviṣṭa īyate tat-tat-svarūpo ’gnir ivaidhasi Translation: Just as fire manifests differently in pieces of wood of different sizes and qualities, the omnipotent Supreme Soul, having entered the bodies of higher and lower life forms created by His own potency, appears to assume the identity of each....

May 9, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 89 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: सप्त द्वीपान् ससिन्धूंश्च सप्तसप्तगिरीनथ ।लोकालोकं तथातीत्य विवेश सुमहत्तम: ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: sapta dvīpān sa-sindhūṁś casapta sapta girīn athalokālokaṁ tathātītyaviveśa su-mahat tamaḥ Translation: The Lord’s chariot passed over the seven islands of the middle universe, each with its ocean and its seven principal mountains. Then it crossed the Lokāloka boundary and entered the vast region of total darkness. Purport: In Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Śrīla Prabhupāda notes: “Kṛṣṇa passed over all these planets and reached the covering of the universe....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 74 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: ऋत्विग्भ्य: ससदस्येभ्यो दक्षिणां विपुलामदात् ।सर्वान् सम्पूज्य विधिवच्चक्रेऽवभृथमेकराट् ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: ṛtvigbhyaḥ sa-sadasyebhyodakṣināṁ vipulām adātsarvān sampūjya vidhi-vaccakre ’vabhṛtham eka-rāṭ Translation: Emperor Yudhiṣṭhira gave generous gifts to the sacrificial priests and the members of the assembly, properly honoring them all in the manner prescribed by the Vedas. He then took the avabhṛtha bath. Purport:

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 82 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: श्रीशुक उवाचअध्यात्मशिक्षया गोप्य एवं कृष्णेन शिक्षिता: ।तदनुस्मरणध्वस्तजीवकोशास्तमध्यगन् ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: śrī-śuka uvācaadhyātma-śikṣayā gopyaevaṁ kṛṣṇena śikṣitāḥtad-anusmaraṇa-dhvasta-jīva-kośās tam adhyagan Translation: Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: Having thus been instructed by Kṛṣṇa in spiritual matters, the gopīs were freed of all tinges of false ego because of their incessant meditation upon Him. And with their deepening absorption in Him, they came to understand Him fully....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 84 - Verse 47

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 10 - Chapter 1 - Verse 47 Sanskrit: तमभ्यषिञ्चन् विधिवदक्तमभ्यक्तमृत्विज: ।पत्नीभिरष्टादशभि: सोमराजमिवोडुभि: ॥ ४७ ॥ ITRANS: tam abhyaṣiñcan vidhi-vadaktam abhyaktam ṛtvijaḥpatnībhir aṣṭā-daśabhiḥsoma-rājam ivoḍubhiḥ Translation: After Vasudeva’s eyes had been decorated with black cosmetic and his body smeared with fresh butter, the priests initiated him according to scriptural rules by sprinkling him and his eighteen wives with sacred water. Encircled by his wives, he resembled the regal moon encircled by stars....

May 9, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum