Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 15 - Verse 22
Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 22 Sanskrit: वापीषु विद्रुमतटास्वमलामृताप्सुप्रेष्यान्विता निजवने तुलसीभिरीशम् ।अभ्यर्चती स्वलकमुन्नसमीक्ष्य वक्त्र-मुच्छेषितं भगवतेत्यमताङ्ग यच्छ्री: ॥ २२ ॥ ITRANS: vāpīṣu vidruma-taṭāsv amalāmṛtāpsupreṣyānvitā nija-vane tulasībhir īśamabhyarcatī svalakam unnasam īkṣya vaktramuccheṣitaṁ bhagavatety amatāṅga yac-chrīḥ Translation: The goddesses of fortune worship the Lord in their own gardens by offering tulasī leaves on the coral-paved banks of transcendental reservoirs of water. While offering worship to the Lord, they can see on the water the reflection of their beautiful faces with raised noses, and it appears that they have become more beautiful because of the Lord’s kissing their faces....