Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 29 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: लोकस्य मिथ्याभिमतेरचक्षुष-श्चिरं प्रसुप्तस्य तमस्यनाश्रये ।श्रान्तस्य कर्मस्वनुविद्धया धियात्वमाविरासी: किल योगभास्कर: ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: lokasya mithyābhimater acakṣuṣaściraṁ prasuptasya tamasy anāśrayeśrāntasya karmasv anuviddhayā dhiyātvam āvirāsīḥ kila yoga-bhāskaraḥ Translation: My dear Lord, You are just like the sun, for You illuminate the darkness of the conditional life of the living entities. Because their eyes of knowledge are not open, they are sleeping eternally in that darkness without Your shelter, and therefore they are falsely engaged by the actions and reactions of their material activities, and they appear to be very fatigued....

April 22, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 28 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: मौनं सदासनजय: स्थैर्यं प्राणजय: शनै: ।प्रत्याहारश्चेन्द्रियाणां विषयान्मनसा हृदि ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: maunaṁ sad-āsana-jayaḥsthairyaṁ prāṇa-jayaḥ śanaiḥpratyāhāraś cendriyāṇāṁviṣayān manasā hṛdi Translation: One must observe silence, acquire steadiness by practicing different yogic postures, control the breathing of the vital air, withdraw the senses from sense objects and thus concentrate the mind on the heart. Purport: The yogic practices in general and haṭha-yoga in particular are not ends in themselves; they are means to the end of attaining steadiness....

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 27 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: अत एव शनैश्चित्तं प्रसक्तमसतां पथि ।भक्तियोगेन तीव्रेण विरक्त्या च नयेद्वशम् ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: ata eva śanaiś cittaṁprasaktam asatāṁ pathibhakti-yogena tīvreṇaviraktyā ca nayed vaśam Translation: It is the duty of every conditioned soul to engage his polluted consciousness, which is now attached to material enjoyment, in very serious devotional service with detachment. Thus his mind and consciousness will be under full control....

April 22, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 26 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: गुणैर्विचित्रा: सृजतीं सरूपा: प्रकृतिं प्रजा: ।विलोक्य मुमुहे सद्य: स इह ज्ञानगूहया ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: guṇair vicitrāḥ sṛjatīṁsa-rūpāḥ prakṛtiṁ prajāḥvilokya mumuhe sadyaḥsa iha jñāna-gūhayā Translation: Divided into varieties by her threefold modes, material nature creates the forms of the living entities, and the living entities, seeing this, are illusioned by the knowledge-covering feature of the illusory energy. Purport: Material energy has the power to cover knowledge, but this covering cannot be applied to the Supreme Personality of Godhead....

April 22, 2023 · 5 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 25 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: मैत्रेय उवाचपितरि प्रस्थितेऽरण्यं मातु: प्रियचिकीर्षया ।तस्मिन् बिन्दुसरेऽवात्सीद्भगवान् कपिल: किल ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: maitreya uvācapitari prasthite ’raṇyaṁmātuḥ priya-cikīrṣayātasmin bindusare ’vātsīdbhagavān kapilaḥ kila Translation: Maitreya said: When Kardama left for the forest, Lord Kapila stayed on the strand of the Bindu-sarovara to please His mother, Devahūti. Purport: In the absence of the father it is the duty of the grown son to take charge of his mother and serve her to the best of his ability so that she will not feel separation from her husband, and it is the duty of the husband to leave home as soon as there is a grown son to take charge of his wife and family affairs....

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 24 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: मैत्रेय उवाचदेवहूत्यपि संदेशं गौरवेण प्रजापते: ।सम्यक् श्रद्धाय पुरुषं कूटस्थमभजद्गुरुम् ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: maitreya uvācadevahūty api sandeśaṁgauraveṇa prajāpateḥsamyak śraddhāya puruṣaṁkūṭa-stham abhajad gurum Translation: Śrī Maitreya said: Devahūti was fully faithful and respectful toward the direction of her husband, Kardama, who was one of the Prajāpatis, or generators of human beings in the universe. O great sage, she thus began to worship the master of the universe, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is situated in everyone’s heart....

April 22, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 22 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: तव सन्दर्शनादेवच्छिन्ना मे सर्वसंशया: ।यत्स्वयं भगवान् प्रीत्या धर्ममाह रिरक्षिषो: ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: tava sandarśanād evacchinnā me sarva-saṁśayāḥyat svayaṁ bhagavān prītyādharmam āha rirakṣiṣoḥ Translation: Now I have resolved all my doubts simply by meeting you, for Your Lordship has very kindly and clearly explained the duty of a king who desires to protect his subjects. Purport: Manu described herewith the result of seeing a great saintly person....

April 22, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 21 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: रुचिर्यो भगवान् ब्रह्मन्दक्षो वा ब्रह्मण: सुत: ।यथा ससर्ज भूतानि लब्ध्वा भार्यां च मानवीम् ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: rucir yo bhagavān brahmandakṣo vā brahmaṇaḥ sutaḥyathā sasarja bhūtānilabdhvā bhāryāṁ ca mānavīm Translation: O holy sage, tell me how the worshipful Ruci and Dakṣa, the son of Brahmā, generated children after securing as their wives the other two daughters of Svāyambhuva Manu. Purport: All the great personalities who increased the population in the beginning of the creation are called Prajāpatis....

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 20 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: तयो: संवदतो: सूत प्रवृत्ता ह्यमला: कथा: ।आपो गाङ्गा इवाघघ्नीर्हरे: पादाम्बुजाश्रया: ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: tayoḥ saṁvadatoḥ sūtapravṛttā hy amalāḥ kathāḥāpo gāṅgā ivāgha-ghnīrhareḥ pādāmbujāśrayāḥ Translation: Śaunaka inquired about the conversation between Vidura and Maitreya: There must have been many narrations of the spotless pastimes of the Lord. The hearing of such narrations is exactly like bathing in the water of the Ganges, for it can free one from all sinful reactions....

April 22, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 19 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: गदायामपविद्धायां हाहाकारे विनिर्गते ।मानयामास तद्धर्मं सुनाभं चास्मरद्विभु: ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: gadāyām apaviddhāyāṁhāhā-kāre vinirgatemānayām āsa tad-dharmaṁsunābhaṁ cāsmarad vibhuḥ Translation: As the Lord’s mace fell to the ground and a cry of alarm arose from the witnessing crowd of gods and ṛṣis, the Personality of Godhead acknowledged the demon’s love of righteousness and therefore invoked His Sudarśana discus. Purport:

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 18 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: त्वयि संस्थिते गदया शीर्णशीर्ष-ण्यस्मद्भुजच्युतया ये च तुभ्यम् ।बलिं हरन्त्यृषयो ये च देवा:स्वयं सर्वे न भविष्यन्त्यमूला: ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: tvayi saṁsthite gadayā śīrṇa-śīrṣaṇyasmad-bhuja-cyutayā ye ca tubhyambaliṁ haranty ṛṣayo ye ca devāḥsvayaṁ sarve na bhaviṣyanty amūlāḥ Translation: The demon continued: When You fall dead with Your skull smashed by the mace hurled by my arms, the demigods and sages who offer You oblations and sacrifice in devotional service will also automatically cease to exist, like trees without roots....

April 22, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 17 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: ववौ वायु: सुदु:स्पर्श: फूत्कारानीरयन्मुहु: ।उन्मूलयन्नगपतीन्वात्यानीको रजोध्वज: ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: vavau vāyuḥ suduḥsparśaḥphūt-kārān īrayan muhuḥunmūlayan naga-patīnvātyānīko rajo-dhvajaḥ Translation: There blew winds which were most uninviting to the touch, hissing again and again and uprooting gigantic trees. They had storms for their armies and clouds of dust for their ensigns. Purport: When there are natural disturbances like blowing cyclones, too much heat or snowfall, and uprooting of trees by hurricanes, it is to be understood that the demoniac population is increasing and so the natural disturbance is also taking place....

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 16 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: यन्नामानि च गृह्णाति लोको भृत्ये कृतागसि ।सोऽसाधुवादस्तत्कीर्तिं हन्ति त्वचमिवामय: ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: yan-nāmāni ca gṛhṇātiloko bhṛtye kṛtāgasiso ’sādhu-vādas tat-kīrtiṁhanti tvacam ivāmayaḥ Translation: A wrong act committed by a servant leads people in general to blame his master, just as a spot of white leprosy on any part of the body pollutes all of the skin. Purport: A Vaiṣṇava, therefore, should be fully qualified....

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 15 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: नमो विज्ञानवीर्याय माययेदमुपेयुषे ।गृहीतगुणभेदाय नमस्तेऽव्यक्तयोनये ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: namo vijñāna-vīryāyamāyayedam upeyuṣegṛhīta-guṇa-bhedāyanamas te ’vyakta-yonaye Translation: O original source of strength and scientific knowledge, all obeisances unto you! You have accepted the differentiated mode of passion from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. With the help of external energy you are born of the unmanifested source. All obeisances unto you! Purport: The Vedas are the original scientific knowledge for all departments of understanding, and this knowledge of the Vedas was first impregnated into the heart of Brahmā by the Supreme Personality of Godhead....

April 22, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 14 - Verse 5

Srimad-Bhagavatam: Canto 3 - Chapter 1 - Verse 5 Sanskrit: मैत्रेय उवाचसाधु वीर त्वया पृष्टमवतारकथां हरे: ।यत्त्वं पृच्छसि मर्त्यानां मृत्युपाशविशातनीम् ॥ ५ ॥ ITRANS: maitreya uvācasādhu vīra tvayā pṛṣṭamavatāra-kathāṁ hareḥyat tvaṁ pṛcchasi martyānāṁmṛtyu-pāśa-viśātanīm Translation: The great sage Maitreya said: O warrior, the inquiry made by you is just befitting a devotee because it concerns the incarnation of the Personality of Godhead. He is the source of liberation from the chain of birth and death for all those who are otherwise destined to die....

April 22, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum