Aitareya Upanishad - Verse 2
Text: स इमाँ ल्लोकानसृजत । अम्भो मरीचीर्मापोऽदोऽम्भः परेण दिवं द्यौः प्रतिष्ठाऽन्तरिक्षं मरीचयः ॥ पृथिवी मरो या अधस्तात्त आपः ॥ २ ॥ He created these worlds-Ambhah, Marichih, Maram and A’pah; the Ambhah beyond the Dyuloka, its support; Marichayah (rays) being the Anta-riksha; Mara, the earth and below the earth the waters (âpah). Shankara’s Commentary: Having thus thought over, he, the Atman, created these worlds. Just as an intelligent carpenter etc., constructs palaces etc....