1SatiMata Sati was the daughter of Prajapati Daksha. She is a symbol of marital love and longevity. She also symbolises that a women is not dead even after burnt.
2SaadhviMata Saadhvi is the messenger of peace and positivity.
3BhavpreetaMata Bhavpreeta is a huge devotee of shiva.
4BhawaaniMata Bhawani has eight arms. She is bold and strong. She is called bhawaani because she resides in the brahmaand (the universe).
5BhavmochiniMata Bhavmochini liberates her children from all the boundations and invalid restrictions on soul.
6AaryaDevi Aarya is prayed in the sanatana dharma
7DurgaMata Durga is the symbol of audacity, bravery and fearlessness. She got her name as durga because she killed a very power demon , named , durg.
8JayaMata Jaya is the goddess of victory. Praying mata jaya will give you victory in every field.
9AadhyashaktiDevi Aadhyashakti is a huge follower of dharma and killed all those who went againt dharma.
10TrinetraAs the name suggests, Mata Trinetra has three eyes. Like shiva, mata trinetra too can bhasm anyone.
11ShooldhariniLiterally meaning one who has held a needle as her weapon. Mata shooldharini gives painful punishments to asuras; punishments as painful, it seems infinite needles have been pricked into the body.
12PinaakdhariniPinaak is the name of Shiva’s dhanusha (Shiva’s bow). Devi Pinaakdharini has held Shiva’s Pinaak and his Trishul in her hands.
13ChitraMata Chitra is very beautiful. She draws paintings and pictures of Lord Shiva.
14ChandraghantaMata Chandraghanta, as the name suggests, uses ghantas or bells in warfield to destroy her enemies from loud and pious sound of ghanta. It is said that if while praying, we too uses the bell or the ghanti, mata will bless us immensely.
15MahaatapaaDevi Mahaatapaa sins melodious bhajanas to calm soul and body.
16MainkairoopDevi Mankairoop explains the difference between good and evil.
17BuddhiMata Buddhi gives her devotees inner salvation.
18AhankaaraMata Ahankaara destroys ego, overconfidence and follows the path of dharma.
19ChittrupaMata Chittrupa resides in the thoughts of an individual. She makes us meet with our true and real self.
20ChitaMata Chita is a symbol of deathbed.
21Chiti ChetnaMata Chiti Chetna gives her devotees consciousness and power of sound thinking.
22SarvamatramayiMata Sarvamantramayi has knowledge of all the mantras, which she teaches to all her devotees.
23SattaMata Satta is above all the gods and goddesses. She is prayed by kings to always be on the top, to be above all.
24SatyanadaswaroopiniMata Satyanandaswaroopini is a symbol of true joy and happiness. She teaches her devotees the value of truth and happiness.
25SudhaDevi Sudha is the goddess of elixir. She is amrit mata.
26BhaawiniMata Bhaawini produces everything in the universe.
27BhaavyaaDevi Bhaavyaa gives her devotees, the satisfaction of dhyana yoga.
28Bhavya ShaktiMata Bhavya Shakti blesses us and our house with happiness.
29AbhavyaNothing in this universe, is as pure as Devi Abhavya.
30SadaagatiMata Sadaagati is always in motion. She teaches good manners to all and always shows the right path.
31ShaambhaviDevi Shaambhavi is the beloved of shiva. Shaambhavi means wife of shambhu. She is a symbol of never ending love.
32DevmataMata Devmata is the mother of all devtas.she nurtures the universe and guides all devtas to be responsible and courteous towards their respective and assigned roles.
33ChintaMata Chinta resolves all the worries and tensions of the good and is a tension for the evil. She helps the good and teaches evil a lesson.
34RatnapriyaMata Ratnapriya loves jewels and ornaments. This avatar of mata is really beautiful to look at. She is decorated with different ornaments and jewels.
35SarvavidhyashardaMata Sarvavidhyasharda is a symbol of true knowledge. She has the knowledge about everything.
37Dakhshakanya ParvatiMata Dakshakanya Parvati or Devi Parvati is the reincarnation of Mata Sati. She is daughter of Prajapati Daksha.
37Dakshayagya VinashineeMata Dakshayagya Vinashinee is also Mata Sati. When Sati jumped into Dakshs’s yagya and destroyed it by burning herself alive, she was named as Dakshyagya Vinashinee.
38AparnaDevi Aparna is a true tapaswini. She impressed everyone with her tapasaya. She did not even consumed leaves during her tapasya.
39AnekvarnaaDevi Ankevarnaa is the one who loves different colours.
40Paatla DurgaMata Patla Durga loves red colour. She is usually seen in red attire. She depicts amazing lalima and is a symbol of love and warmth.
41PaatlavatiDevi Paatlavati wears ornaments of red flowers, especially roses.
42PattambharparidhanaDevi Pattaambarparishana is the one who wear dresses and attire of silk fabric.
43Kal Manjeer RanjiniMata Kal Manjeer Ranjini loves and plays melodious music. She wears payals that too make rhythmic melody.
44Amey VikramaMata Amey Vikrama has no limit in killing asuras (demons). She petrifies the demons with her loud, scary laughs.
45KruraMata Krura is one of the harshest avatars of Mata. Nobody tries to make mata krura angry as her wrath can dissolve anybody.
46SundariMata Sundari is the goddess of beauty. She has the most beautiful smile.
47Sur SundariMata Sur Sundari is the most beautiful among all the gods and goddesses.
48VandurgaMata Vandurga is the goddess of forests. She is prayed by the sages, animals and birds, humans and all other creatures of the forests.
49MaatangiMata Maatangi is one of the ten mahavidhyas of Mata Kali. She is considered as impure and inauspicious. Pollution is associated with her. She is an outcast.
50Maatangmuni PujitaMata Maatangmuni Pujita is prayed by Baba Maatang. She is a symbol of true belief.
51BraahmiMata Braahmi is the female version of Lord Brahma. She is present in all directions.
52MaheshwariMata Maheshwari is the female version of Lord Shiva.
53AindreeMata Aindree is the female version of Devraj Indra.
54KaumaareeMata Kaumaaree is the female version of Devsenapati and son of Shiva and Parvati, Kartikeya. She is prankish and sweet.
55VaishnaviMata Vaishnavi rides Garuda as her vahana. She is the female version of Vishnu.
56ChaamundaMata Chaamunda killed evil asura brothers named Chand and Mund.
57VaraaheeMata Varaahee is the protector of earth. She has a face of varaha (boar) and also travels on a boar as her vaahan. She gives peace to mind.
58PurushaakritiDevi Purushaakriti has the physical features and powers similar to a man.
59VimlaMata Vimla cleans and purifies the souls and bodies of all living beings and gives happiness to all.
60LakshmiMata Lakshmi is wife of Lord Vishnu. She is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity.
61UttarkashiniDevi Uttarkashini gives beauty to all.
62GyaanaaMata Gyaanaa is a true guru. She is filled with true knowledge.
63KriyaMata Kriya teaches vidhi vidhaan and is present in all the works.
64NityaDevi Nitya is a symbol of never ending, stable form of shakti i.e., never ending power.
65BuddhidhaMata Buddhidha gives knowledge of vedas.
66Bahulaa:-Mata Bahulaa is present in various forms. She is responsible for maintaining and managing pran sanchar (circulation of life).
67Bahula PremaDevi Bahula Prema showers amar prem and is loved by all.
68Sarvavaahan:Devi Sarvavaahan is the one who travels on all vaahans (vehicles).
69Nishumbha Shumbha HaarineeMata Nishumbha Shumbha Haarinee killed evil asura brothers Nishumbha and Shumbha.
70Mahishasur MardineeMata Mahishasur Mardinee killed evil asura Mahishasura.
71Madhukaitabha HantreeMata Madhukaitabha Hantree killed evil asura brothers Madhu and Kaitabha.
72Chandmund VinaashineeMata Chandmunda Vinashinee killed Chand Mund.
73Sarvasura VinaashineeMata Sarvasura Vinashee killed all demons.
74Sarvadaanava GhaatineeMata Sarvadaanava Ghaatinee has the power to attack all demons at once.
75Sarvashastra MayiDevi Sarvashastra Mayi has the knowledge of all the shastras.
76Satya Satya SwaroopdeviMata Satya Satya Swaroopdevi has acknowledged param satya.
77Sarvaastra DhaariniMata Sarvaastra Dharini has held possession of all the weapons.
78Anekaastra HastaaDevi Anekaastra Hasta has many weapons in all her hands.
79Anekaastra DhaariniDevi Anekaastra Dharini has held possession of many weapons.
80KumaariDevi Kumaari is a beautiful maiden.
81AikkanyaMata Aikkanya is a young girl. This form of mata was first identified by Adi Shankracharya.
82KaishoriDevi Kaishori represents the youth of Mata.
83YuvtiDevi Yuvti represents Mata as a young girl who loves shringaar.
84YatiDevi Yati is a tapaswini. She does saadhna and teaches dharma.
85AphroudhaMata Aphroudha can never get old. She also explains the ill effects of foolishness.
86ProudhaMata Proudha is the older form of mata. She also explains the importance of education.
87VriddhmataMata Vriddhmata is a weak and feeble form of Mata in her old age. She explains the concept of age cycle.
88Bal PradaMata Balprada has strongest arms. She is a symbol of intense power.
89MahodareeDevi Mahodaree handles the functioning of universe.
90MuktkeshiMata Muktkeshi dances and laughs with her hair open.
91Ghor RupaMata Ghor Rupa is a symbol of jwala (intense fire). She seems dangerous to even look at.
92MahabalaaMata Mahabalaa is symbol of great power. No one in the universe can stand in front of her.
93AgnijwalaMata Agnijwala is as fierce and fiery as fire. She can also control fire.
94RaudramukheeMata Raudramukhee has a ferocious and angry face.
95Kaal RatriMata Kaal Ratri is as dark as night.
96TapasvineeMata Tapasvinee impressed everyone with her tapasyaa.
97NarayaniMata Narayani is the female verion of lord narayana.
98BhadrakaliMata Bhadrakali is the most dangerous form of mata kali.
99VishnumayaMata Vishnumaya is the representation of magic of lord vishnu.
100JalodariDevi Jalodari has her abode underneath water.
101ShivdutiMata Shivduti is the royal messenger of Lord Shiva.
102KaraaliMata Karaali is very violent form of Mata.
103AnantaDevi Ananta is the one who is immortal.
104ParmeshwariDevi Parmeshwari is the first Devi amongst all goddesses.
105KaatyaayniMata Kaatyaayni is the daughter of Rishi Kaatyaayan.
106SavitriDevi Savitri is the daughter of Surya Dev. She is greatest among all satis.
107PratyakshaaMata Pratyakshaa is a true and real form of Mata.
108BrahmavaadineeMata Brahmavaadinee is the one who stays everywhere in the present time.