Onkareshvara Mahatmyam
ॐकारेश्वरमहात्म्यम् पार्वती - महादेवमहानन्दकरुणामृतसागर । श्रुतमुत्तममाख्यानं महाकालगणस्य च ॥ २॥ किं वान्यत् प्रीतिजनकं क्षेत्रमस्ति महेश्वर । क्षेत्राणां त्वं पतिः शम्भो विशिष्टं वक्तुमर्हसि ॥ ३॥ ईश्वरः - क्षेत्रमस्त्येकमुत्कृष्टमुत्फुल्लकमलानने । ओङ्कारं नाम विमलं कलिकल्मषनाशनम् ॥ ४॥ तत्र शैववरा नित्यं निवसन्ति सहस्रशः । ते सर्वे मम लिङ्गार्चां कुर्वन्त्येव प्रतिक्षणम् ॥ ५॥ भासिताभासितैर्नित्यं शान्ता दान्ता जितेन्द्रियाः । रुद्राक्षवरभूषाढ्या भालाक्षान्यस्तमानसाः ॥ ६॥ तत्रास्ति सरितां श्रेष्ठा लिङ्गसङ्गतरङ्गिता । नर्मदा शर्मदा नित्यं स्नानात्पानावगाहनात् ॥ ७॥ पापौघसङ्घभङ्गाढ्या वातपोतसुशीतला । तत्रास्ति कुण्डमुत्कृष्टमोङ्काराख्यं शुचिस्मिते ॥ ८॥ तत्कुण्डदर्शनादेव मल्लोके निवसेच्चिरम् । तत्कुण्डोदकपानेन हृदि लिङ्गं प्रजायते ॥ ९॥ भावाः पिबन्ति तत्कुण्डजलं शीतं विमुक्तये । तृप्तिं प्रयान्ति पितरः तत्कुण्डजलतर्पिताः ॥ १०॥ सदा तत्कुण्डरक्षार्थं गणाः संस्थापिता मया । कुण्डधारप्रभृतयः शूलमुद्गरपाणयः ॥ ११॥ गजेन्द्रचर्मवसना मृगेन्द्रसमविक्रमाः । हरीन्द्रानपि ते हन्युर्गिरीन्द्रसमविग्रहाह ॥ १२॥ धनुःशरकराः सर्वे जटाशोभितमस्तकाः । अग्निरित्यादिभिर्मन्त्रैर्भस्मोद्धूलितविग्रहा ॥ १३॥ सङ्ग्राममुखराः सर्वे गणा मेदुरविग्रहाः । कदाचिदननुज्ञाप्त तान् गणान् मददर्पितः ॥ १४॥ अप्सरोभिः परिवृतो मरुतां पतिरुद्धतः । आरुह्याभ्रमुनाथं तं क्रीडितुं नर्मदाजले ॥ १५॥ समाजगाम त्वरितः शच्या साकं शिवे तदा । तदा तं गणपाः क्रुद्धाः सर्वे ते ह्यतिमन्यवः ॥ १६॥ सगजं पातयन्नब्धौ शच्या साकं सुरेश्वरम् । सुरांस्तदा सवरुणान् बिभिदुः पवनानलान् ॥ १७॥ निस्त्रिंशवरधाराभिः सुतीक्ष्णाग्रैः शिलीमुखैः । मुद्गरैर्बिभिदुश्चान्ये सवाहायुधभूषणान् ॥ १८॥ विवाहनांस्तदा देवान् स्रवद्रक्तान् स्खलत्पदान् । कान्दिशीकान् मुक्तकेशान् क्षणाच्चक्रुर्गणेश्वराः ॥ १९॥ अप्सरास्ता विकन्नराः रुदन्त्यो मुक्तमूर्धजाः । हाहा बतेति क्रन्दन्त्यः स्रवद्रक्तार्द्रवाससः ॥ २०॥ तथा देवगणाः सर्वे शक्राद्या भयकम्पिताः । ओङ्कारं तत्र तल्लिङ्गं शरणं जग्मुरीश्वरम् ॥ २१॥ ॥ इति शिवरहस्यान्तर्गते शिवपार्वतीसंवादे ओङ्कारेश्वरमहात्म्यम् ॥ ॥ श्रीशिवरहस्यम् । भर्गाख्यः पञ्चमांशः । अध्यायः ७। २-२१॥ .. shrIshivarahasyam . bhargAkhyaH panchamAMshaH . adhyAyaH 7. 2-21..
English Translation
The Glories of Omkareshwar
Parvati - Oh Mahadeva, the great joy, the ocean of the nectar of compassion, I have heard the supreme story of Mahakala and his attendants. (2)
Is there any other place, Maheshvara, that incites joy, You are the lord of such sacred places, Shambho, you are worthy of telling us about any exceptional ones. (3)
Ishvara - There is indeed a superior sacred place, O blooming lotus-faced, named Omkara, pure, destroyer of the impurity of the Kali era. (4)
There, the best Shaivas dwell in thousands All of them invariably worship my lingam every moment. (5)
With the spoken and unspoken words, always peaceful, self-controlled, victorious over their senses, adorned with superior Rudraksha beads, they are those of a clear mind. (6)
There is the best of rivers there, adorned with a Linga, the Narmada, the giver of happiness, bathing and drinking from it purifies forever. (7)
Destroyer of the accumulation of sins, very soothing like a cool wind, there exists an exceptional pool there known as Omkara, O one with a pleasant smile, (8)
Just seeing that pool ensures dwelling in the higher realms forever, Drinking the water of the pool, a Linga is born within the heart.(9)
The sages consume the cool water of that pool for deliverance, The ancestors attain satisfaction when they receive offerings of that pool’s water. (10)
Always, for the protection of that pool, I have established gangs of attendants Including Kundadhara and others, wielding tridents and mallets in their hands. (11)
Wearing elephant skin cloths, matching in valor with lions, They are capable of even killing the lord of monkeys, having the bodies as sturdy as mountains.(12)
All of them have bows and arrows, their heads adorned with dreadlocks, Their bodies dusted with ashes, chanting the sacred mantras such as Agnir and others. (13)
In battles, all of them, these attendants, have sturdy bodies, Sometimes, without my order, they fight against arrogant beings. (14)
Surrounded by Apsaras, inebriated, the lord of the Maruts, Ascending the lord of clouds to play in the water of Narmada. (15)
Hastily, he went there, certainly, with Shachi, the wife of Shiva, Then, seeing him, all the GaNapAs became angry, they all became very furious. (16)
Pushing him with Shachi, into the sea, the lord of the Suras (Indra), Then, along with varuNa (the god of water), they frightened the gods and fire. (17)
They, with the sharp-edged arrows free of the feathers, Broke, with the mallets, others along with their weapons and decorations. (18)
Kicking all of the gods, they were bleeding, stumbling, Within a moment, they disheveled their hair and broke their armor. (19)
Those Apsaras, having disheveled faces, shedding tears, with loose hair, Sobbing sorrowfully, their clothes soaked in blood. (20)
Similarly, all the groups of gods, starting from Shakara, were terrified, They went to the Linga of Omkara there, they took the shelter of Ishvara. (21)
//Thus ends the dialogue between Shiva and Parvati about the Glories of Omkareshwara, within the secret essence of Shiva.//
//Shri Shiva Rahasya. Chapter known as Bharga. Fifth section. Chapter 7. Verses 2-21.//
.. shrIshivarahasyam . bhargAkhyaH panchamAMshaH . adhyAyaH 7. 2-21..