
Meaning of “becoming Pure” by reciting a slokha


There are a bunch of questions here.

What does the work Pure signify does it signify "free from Karma" or "free from Papa" or "free from Maya"

The shloka means that reciting the mantra would free the mind from the impurities of sin and make it pure.

Mind causes both bondage and liberation.

It is the view of wise men that the mind is the cause of both the bondage and liberation of embodied beings. If the mind is attached to the Gunas of Prakriti and their products, it leads to bondage; but when it begins to feel delight and attraction for the Lord (Purusha), it leads to liberation. When the mind is freed from the impurities of lust and greed generated by the sense of ‘I’ and ‘mine’, it attains to purity and rests in equanimity, being unaffected by pleasure or pain. Then the Jiva, endowed with knowledge, renunciation and devotion, experiences in truth the Supreme Spirit transcending Nature (Prakriti) – Kevala (untouched by anything), eternal, self-effulgent, subtle, indivisible and unconcerned – as well as Prakriti with all its binding power destroyed.

Srimad Bhagavata Purana III.25.15-18

Because if we become pure Why can't we attain Spiritual consciousness? Why can't we see Krishna if we become pure by remembering Pundarikaksha? What's the exact meaning of the slokha? The slokha also mentions that this name could be remembered at any time so Why wouldn't people in the Maya get out of it by reciting the slokha once?

One can attain spiritual consciousness when the mind becomes pure.

Thus, ever engaged in making the mind steadfast in spiritual communion and having all the impurities of the mind effaced thereby, the Yogin easily engages the intense bliss of contact with Brahman.

Gita 6.28

Why doesn't the mind become pure after reciting the mantra once? The answer is that the mind of most people is in very bad state and it takes a long, sustained and determined effort to purify the mind. Gita has many verses that point out the great difficulty of overcoming maya.

My view is that Yoga is difficult of attainment by men of uncontrolled mind. But for those who have their minds under control, it is possible to attain, if they strive with the proper means.

Gita 6.36

My divine Maya (power) constituted of the three Gunas is difficult to overcome. Whoever takes refuge in Me alone, in utter devotion, overcomes it.

Gita 7.14

At the end of many births (of striving), the knowing one makes Me his refuge, realizing that Vasudeva is All. A great soul of that type is rare to find.

Gita 7.19

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