Can a non-initiated brahmin study the Puranas?
Initially, Purāṇas were meant to be the substitute of the Veda as religious literature for the uninitiated people.
स्त्रीशूद्रद्विजबन्धुनां न वेदश्रवण मतम् । तेषामेव हितार्थाय पुराणानि कृतानि च ।।
Women, Śūdras & benefactors of the dvijas (i.e uninitiated boys born in dvija families & touchable varnasaṁkaras) aren't entitled to hear the Veda. The Purāṇas have been created for their welfare. [Devībhāgavata Purāṇa:1:3:21]
However in later times, the stances hardened
पुराणपठनं वेदपठनं नापि चाचरेत् ॥ शास्त्रार्थकथनं चैव न शूद्रः क्वचिदाचरेत् ।
A Śūdra should never read the Veda & the Purāṇa and should never interpret the scriptures. [Bṛhaddharma Purāṇa:Uttarakhaṇda:4:15.02-16.01]
पुराणं धर्मशास्त्राणि संहिताश्च मुनिरीताः । नाध्यापयेन्नृपः शूद्रैर्विहितानि यदृच्छया ।। यस्य राज्ये सदा शूद्राः पुराणं संहिता तथा । पठन्ति स्यात्स हीनायुः राजा राष्ट्रेण सान्वयः ।। मोहाद् वा कामतः शूद्रः पुराणं संहिता स्मृतिं । पठन्नरकमाप्नोति पितृभिः सह पापकृत् ।।
The king shouldn't allow the śūdra to read the purāṇa, dharmaśāstras, treatises spoken by the sages & other such permissible texts on his sweet will. The lifespan of the king & that of the kingdom decreases where śūdras engage in reading the purāṇa & other such treatises with their interpretations. The sinful śūdra who reads the purāṇa, smṛti & other treatises falls in hell alongside his ancestors. [Kālikā Purāṇa:88:46-48]
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