Origin of Naam Traya Mantra
In the 19th patala of Aanadikalpa-Tantra
ऋषय उचुः- नामत्रयस्य माहात्म्यं श्रोतुकामा वयं प्रभो। भगवन् श्रोतुमिच्छामो वक्तुमर्हस्यशेषत:।
Rishis said: O Prabho, We wish to here about the Nama-Traya Mahatmya! Please enlighten us with it.
ब्रह्मोवाच अतिगुह्यतरं मन्त्र वर्षकोटिशतैरपि। नशक्यं विस्तराद वक्तुं संक्षेपाच्छूणुत द्विजा:॥ १ ॥
What you wish to here is highly secret. Even if I speak for a hundred crore years, I would be unable to describe it completely. I shall speak briefly,
अथ अच्युतादों पूजादिः अच्युतानन्तगोविन्दैश्चतुर्थयन्तैस्त्रिभि: पदेः । नमोऽन्तैर्जपकाले तु मूलमन्त्र इतीरितः। अथवापि समस्तैस्तु चतुर्थ्यन्तैकमन्त्रता ।
know the three mantras, Achutaya Namaha, Anantaya Namaha and Govindaya Namaha to be three distinct Mool-Mantras (अच्युताय नमः, अनन्ताय नमः, गोविन्दाय नमः). One must however use Achuta-Nanta-Govindaya Namaha (अच्युतानन्तगोविन्दाय नमः ) in japa and puja.
तदृषि: शौनको ज्ञेयः पृथक् पक्षे पराशर:। व्यासश्च नारदश्चैव विराट्छन्द उदीरितः। परं ब्रह्म तथा प्रोक्तं हरिर्वा देवतेत्यपि ।
The seer of Achuta-Nanta-Govindaya Namaha is Shaunaka, and that of the Mool-mantras is Parashara, Vyasa and Narada respectively. All the four mantras are in Virat Chandas (विराट्). The devta is Hari.
So going by the above, the Seers match with the one in the question. The Dhyanam given in Aanadikalpa is same as in the question.
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