Do Vedas say Earth is static?
First of all, we can not believe translations to Sanskrit language as such. Even sanskrit experts have difficulties in defining the meaning of some words. And here is my explanation for your specific question. Let me answer this using your quotes itself.
The very first quote is against the earth static view.
- Oh Man ! He who made the trembling earth static is Indra. (Rig Ved 2/12/12)
Just give proper look at this sentence and get what is the meaning of this sentence. This is an exclamatory sentence where it is emphasizing the power of Indra. The sentence simply means the Indra is powerful enough to make the trembling and moving earth still. That means rigveda is sure about it's movement. So the first quote proves that the static theorem which you pointed is wrong.
- The God who made the earth stable (Yajur Ved 32/6)
The word 'stable' does not mean the earth is still, it do have a lot other meanings which are more suitable.
- Indra protects the wide earth which is immovable and has many forms (Atarv Ved 12/1/11)
'Immovable' means which can not be moved by a force. That does not mean it is static. The text could be from a point of view from a common man, for him it is certainly immovable. Isn't it?
- Let us walk on the Wide and Static earth (Atharv Ved 12/1/17)
The only quote which has a word 'static' is this one(and the question is up with the helping hand from this quote only). As this is only a translation, this one also can not be counted as a relevant one to be put forward the static earth view in the question.
And please see the synonyms of static: unchanged, fixed, stable, steady, unchanging, changeless, unvarying, invariable, constant, consistent, uniform, undeviating
Also as mentioned in the other answers here, vedas known that earth is round and it is rotating around sun ages before the modern scientists.
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