Q&A: Is sitting on a camel in a dream inauspicious?

Question Is sitting on a camel in a dream inauspicious? Answer I think you're being confused. Riding (or sitting on) a camel is not considered inauspicious. But having dreams about riding a camel is certainly considered inauspicious (for the person who is riding it in dreams) (as it is considered to be a sign of approaching death). Analysis of good/bad dreams and good/bad omens are given in detail in the Agni Purana....

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Q&A: Why Ravana of Ramayana is worshipped like god and also considered as a demon?

Question Why Ravana of Ramayana is worshipped like god and also considered as a demon? Answer If we go by Uttar Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana then his act of Kidnapping Sita is also considered not bad. It is told he did it to get liberation from hand of Rama. The Story is in Section XLIII of Uttar Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana: Agastya Rishi is describing stories to Rama. Now he says:...

February 14, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Q&A: Worship of one god and worship of Shri Ram

Question Worship of one god and worship of Shri Ram Answer Worship others is not unauthorize. It is a big system and other gods are also part of the system. There is a word "Ramsification" means subdivisions of a big system. Lord Vishnu holds Rajas nature and he knows how to tackle Arjuna in Mahabharata so he told him that only worship me. Lord Vishnu also knew other people's karma and also the fate of the war also the end of the war....

February 14, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Q&A: Which mantras should be recited to properly worship Lord Rudra?

Question Which mantras should be recited to properly worship Lord Rudra? Answer Although it's been said that Lord Shiva is very easily pleased but the method of his worship is by no way simple or short. It's easily the most elaborate process at least if you want to do it as the scriptures has ordained. You can see a lot of mantras in Tezz's answer but the point is that not everyone is allowed to chant a lot of those mantras including in particular the Veda mantras....

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum

Q&A: What are the Agama scriptures? Are they related to Shruti/Vedas?

Question What are the Agama scriptures? Are they related to Shruti/Vedas? Answer Well, as far as I know, in Tantra tradition, Agama texts are those in which Devi questions and Shiva answers. Examples of such texts are numerous like the Mahanirvana Tantra, Kularnava Tantra, Vijyana Bhairava Tantra etc. And Nigama are those where Shiva questions and Devi answers. Texts of this nature are not many in number . One example is the Kulachudamani Tantra....

February 14, 2023 · 7 min · TheAum

Q&A: When will the Kalyug end? Are there symbols written in scripture?

Question When will the Kalyug end? Are there symbols written in scripture? Answer Yes. According to MahAbhArata, the Kaliyuga ends with possibly total annihilation of mankind and then the mankind is regenerated with the Kritayuga (or Satyuga). During Vana Parva, Rishi Markendeya explains Yudhishtira about the effects of Kaliyuga. He also provides the signs of end of it. ... And when those terrible times will be over, the creation will begin anew....

February 14, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Q&A: Is Lord Shiva First Vaishnava (Devotee of Lord Vishnu)?

Question Is Lord Shiva First Vaishnava (Devotee of Lord Vishnu)? Answer Srimad Bhagavatam 12.13.16 nimna-gānāṁ yathā gaṅgā devānām acyuto yathā vaiṣṇavānāṁ yathā śambhuḥ purāṇānām idam tathā Just as Ganga among rivers, Achyuta among gods, Shambu among Vaishnavas, This (Bhagavatam) is the same among Puranas. Note: “The question: Is Lord Shiva First Vaishnava (Devotee of Lord Vishnu)?” is licensed by Stack Exchange Inc (https://hinduism.stackexchange.com/); user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA.

February 14, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Q&A: Why do Gaudiya Vaishnavas believe in Brahma samhita?

Question Why do Gaudiya Vaishnavas believe in Brahma samhita? Answer Anyway, if I may, I would like to explain our reasoning behind why we accept unorthodox scriptures like the Brahma Samhita. There is unfortunately a lot of misconceptions about Gaudiya Vaishnavism and this is soiling the view the Hindu community has of it. First of all, in Hinduism there are a lot of sects and sampradayas and they all have, at times, quite differing beliefs....

February 14, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Q&A: In hinduism how has 'Kala' or time been described?

Question In hinduism how has “Kala” or time been described? Answer Lord Krishna(Narayan) is the Lord of Time Lord Krishna(Narayan) Himself is time like he is mentioned in Bhagvad Gita: प्रह्लादश्चास्मि दैत्यानां कालः कलयतामहम् । मृगाणां च मृगेन्द्रोऽहं वैनतेयश्च पक्षिणाम् ॥ (Chapter 10, Solka 30) Meaning: I am the water-god, and the manes. I am the controller of death. I am the time or death among the healers, lion among the beasts, and the king of birds among birds....

February 14, 2023 · 5 min · TheAum

Q&A: Democracy in Hinduism

Question Democracy in Hinduism Answer In the Ramayana, Ayodhya Kanda, the first three chapters are about how Rama was chosen as the successor of Dasharatha to the throne of Ayodhya. The first chapter of Ayodhya Kanda lists the various virtues of Prince Rama from verses 6 to 44. Valmiki describes Rama as the repository of all virtues, and compares Kausalya to Mother Aditi (who shines by her son Indra's prowess). Rama is said to be Anupama Soonuh or "...

February 14, 2023 · 5 min · TheAum

Q&A: Is there any verse to have nice wife?

Question Is there any verse to have nice wife? Answer From Markendya Purana there is Argalastrotram created by Vishnu sage. There is a verse in that. Taken from Durga saptashati of Markandeya Purana . पत्नीं मनोरमाम देहि मनोवृत्तानुसारिणिम तारिणीमदुर्गसंसारसागरस्य कुलोद्भवाम patnim manoramaam dehi manovrittanusarineem taarineem durgasansar sagarasye kulodbhavaam Give me a wife in harmony with my mind; that makes the life journey easier for me. This verse is chanted in time of Pratah(6-9 AM) and sayam (6-9 PM)....

February 14, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Q&A: Selfishness in Bhakthi

Question Selfishness in Bhakthi Answer Jaya Nitai! I will try and give an answer from a Vaishnav (Gaudiya) point of view. In Bhagavad Gita 7.16, Sri Krsna tells us that 4 types of people will approach the Lord (in the mood of Bhakti): catur-vidhā bhajante māḿ janāḥ su-kṛtino ’rjuna ārto jijñāsur arthārthī jñānī ca bharatarṣabha O best among the Bharatas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me—the distressed, the desire of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute....

February 14, 2023 · 4 min · TheAum

Q&A: Is there any verse or mantra to become opulent?

Question Is there any verse or mantra to become opulent? Answer Their is similar shloka , I have found relating to your question. Their may be many more shlokas or mantras similar to this , but it I find this more closely related to question. श्रद्धां मेधां यशः प्रज्ञां विद्यां बुद्धिं श्रियं बलम् । आयुष्यं तेज आरोग्यं देहि मे हव्यवाहन ॥ ॥ O Messenger (Agni) give me faith, wisdom, glory, understanding, learning, intellect, wealth, power, longetivity, lusture, and health....

February 14, 2023 · 1 min · TheAum

Q&A: Why eating rice is prohibited on Ekadashi?

Question Why eating rice is prohibited on Ekadashi? Answer It is said in the PurAnas that the personification of all sins or the pApa purusha resides within the grains like rice on this day. That's why eating all grains including rice is prohibited on the EkAdashi Tithis. The Kamakoti.com website quotes the Vishnu PurAna in this context as follows: yAni kAni cha pApAni brahmahatyAdikAni cha | annamAshritya tiShThanti saMprApte harivAsare | aghaM sa kevalaM bhu~Nkte yo bhu~Nkte harivAsare || [viShNupurANe]...

February 14, 2023 · 3 min · TheAum

Q&A: Manu Smriti as a source of controversy

Question Manu Smriti as a source of controversy Answer No Manusmriti is not altered. The fault is in the eyes of those whose views have been brainwashed by the Abrahamic educational approach of the occidentals. The fault is in the eyes of those who are trying to equate a pig and a cow(trying to equate a Chandala and a Brahmana). The fault is in the minds of those who are propounding the Western notion that all men are born equal which is against the Vedas....

February 14, 2023 · 2 min · TheAum