सततं कीर्तयन्तो मां यतन्तश्च दृढव्रताः |
नमस्यन्तश्च मां भक्त्या नित्ययुक्ता उपासते ||९-१४||
satataṃ kīrtayanto māṃ yatantaśca dṛḍhavratāḥ .
namasyantaśca māṃ bhaktyā nityayuktā upāsate ||9-14||
9.14. Ever speaking of My glory, striving with firm resolve, paying homage to Me and being permanently endowed with devotion they worship Me.
Shri Purohit Swami
9.14 Always extolling Me, strenuous, firm in their vows, prostrating themselves before Me, they worship Me continually with concentrated devotion.
Sri Abhinav Gupta
9.14 See Comment under 9.15
Sri Ramanuja
9.14 Because of My being very dear to them, they are unable to find support for their souls even for a moment without ‘singing My praises,’ ‘striving for My sake and bowing to Me in reverence.’ Remembering My names connotative of My special attributes, they cry out My names - Narayana, Krsna, Vasudeva etc., with horripilations in every part of their bodies and with their voices tremulous and indistinct because of joy. They engage in activities for my sake, such as performing worship, and doing actions helpful to worship, lik building temples and cultivating temple gardens. They prostrate themselves on the earth like a stick, indifferent to dust, mud and the gravel, with all the eight members of their beings - the Manas, Buddhi, Ahankara, the two feet, two hands, and the head, which are bowed down under the influence of Bhakti. Aspiring for eternal communion with Me, desiring eternal union with Me, they worship Me, resolved to attain the state of servitude to Me for their entire being.
Sri Shankaracharya
9.14 Satatam, always; kirtayantah, glorifying; mam, Me, God, who am Brahman in reaility; ca, and; yatantah, striving, endeavouring with the help of such virtues as withdrawal of the organs, control of mind and body, kindness, non-injury, etc.; drdha-vratah, the men of firm vows those whose vows [Vows such as celibacy], those whosevows are unshakable; upasate, worship Me; namasyantah, by paying obeisance; mam, to Me, to the Self residing in the heart, ca, and; nitya-yuktah, being ever endowed; bhaktya, with devotion. The various ways in which they adore are being stated:
Swami Adidevananda
9.14 Aspiring for eternal communion with Me, they worship Me, always singing My praises, striving with steadfast resolution and bowing down to Me in devotion.
Swami Gambirananda
9.14 Always glorifying Me and striving, the men of firm vows worship Me by paying obeisance to Me and being ever endowed with devotion.
Swami Sivananda
9.14 Always glorifying Me, striving,firm in vows, prostrating themselves before Me, they worship Me with devotion always steadfast.
Swami Sivananda
9.14 सततम् always? कीर्तयन्तः glorifying? माम् Me? यतन्तः striving? च and? दृढव्रताः firm in vows? नमस्यन्तः prostrating? च and? माम् Me? भक्त्या with devotion? नित्ययुक्ताः always steadfast? उपासते worship.Commentary These great souls sing My glory. They do Japa (repetition) of Pranava (Om). They study and recite the Upanishads. They hear the Srutis (the Vedas) from their spiritual preceptor? reflect and meditate on the attributeless Absolute (Nirguna Brahman). They cultivate the Sattvic virtues such as patience? mercy? cosmic love? tolerance? forbearance? truthfulness? purity? etc. They control the senses and steady the mind. They are firm in their vows of nonviolence? truthfulness and purity in thought? word and deed. They worship Me with great faith and devotion as the inner Self hidden in their heart. As a neophyte cannot see God face to face? he will have to worship his Guru (spiritual preceptor) firt and regard him as God or Brahman Himself.