
अथवा योगिनामेव कुले भवति धीमताम् |
एतद्धि दुर्लभतरं लोके जन्म यदीदृशम् ||६-४२||


athavā yogināmeva kule bhavati dhīmatām .
etaddhi durlabhataraṃ loke janma yadīdṛśam ||6-42||



6.42. Or, he is born (rorn) nowhere other than in the family of the intelligent men of Yoga; for, this birth is more difficult to get in the world.

Shri Purohit Swami

6.42 Or, he may be born in the family of the wise sages, though a birth like this is, indeed, very difficult to obtain.

Sri Abhinav Gupta

6.42 Atha va etc. If emancipation is destined to come to him by way of difference (or in grades), then he is rorn nowhere but in a family of the men of Yoga. That is why (the Lord) says : ‘For, this birth is more difficult ot get’. Indeed in the house of the rich there are necessarily many obstacles.

Sri Ramanuja

6.42 If one swerves from the right path at an advanced stage of Yoga, he will be born in a family of wise Yogins who practise Yoga and are themselves capable of teaching Yoga. Thus, these two types of birth - one in the family of those who are fit to practise Yoga and the other in that of accomplished Yogins - are hardly met with among common people in this world. But Yoga is of such great potentiality that even this rare blessing is achieved through it.

Sri Shankaracharya

6.42 Athava, or; bhavati, he is born; kule, in the family; dhimatam, of wise; yoginam, yogis; eva, only, who are poor-which is different from the family of the prosperous. Etat janma, such a birth; yat idrsam, as is of this kind-a birth that is in the family of poor yogis, in a family as described; is hi, surely; durlabha-taram, more difficult to get, as compared with the earlier one; loke, in the world. Becuase,

Swami Adidevananda

6.42 Or he is born in a family of wise Yogins. But such a birth in this world is rarer to get.

Swami Gambirananda

6.42 Or he is born in the family of wise yogis [Persons possessing knowledge of Brahman. (S. concedes that some rare householders also can have this knowledge, and he cites the instances of Vasistha, Agastya, Janaka and Asvapati of olden days, and Vacaspati and the author of Khanada of recent times.)] only. Such a birth as is of this kind is surely more difficult to get in the world.

Swami Sivananda

6.42 Or he is born in a family of even the wise Yogis; verily a birth like this is very difficult to obtain in this world.


Swami Sivananda

6.42 अथवा or? योगिनाम् of Yogis? एव even? कुले in the family? भवति is born? धीमताम् of the wise? एतत् this?,हि verily? दुर्लभतरम् very difficult? लोके in the world? जन्म birth? यत् which? ईदृशम् like this.Commentary A birth in a family of wise Yogis is more difficult to obtain than the one mentioned in the preceding verse.