यत्रोपरमते चित्तं निरुद्धं योगसेवया |
यत्र चैवात्मनात्मानं पश्यन्नात्मनि तुष्यति ||६-२०||
yatroparamate cittaṃ niruddhaṃ yogasevayā .
yatra caivātmanātmānaṃ paśyannātmani tuṣyati ||6-20||
6.20. Where the mind, well-restrained through Yoga-practice, remains iet; again where, observing, by the self, nothing but the Self, he (Yogi) is satisfied in the Self;
Shri Purohit Swami
6.20 There, where the whole nature is seen in the light of the Self, where the man abides within his Self and is satisfied there, its functions restrained by its union with the Divine, the mind finds rest.
Sri Abhinav Gupta
6.20 See Comment under 6.23
Sri Ramanuja
6.20 - 6.23 Where, through the practice of Yoga, the mind, which is subdued everywhere by such practice, ‘rejoices’, i.e., rejoices in surpassing felicity; and where, perceiving through Yoga ’the self (Atman)’ by ’the mind (Atman)’ one is delighted by the self and indifferent to all other objects; and where, through Yoga, one ‘knows’, i.e., experiences that infinite happiness which can be grasped only by the ‘intellect’ contemplating on the self, but is beyond the grasp of the senses; where, remaining in that Yoga, one does not ‘swerve from that state,’ because of the overwhelming happiness that state confers; having gained which, he desires for it alone, even when he is awakened from Yoga, and does not hold anything else as a gain; where one is not moved even by ’the heaviest sorrow’ caused by any berevaement like that of a virtuous son - let him know that disunion from all union with pain, i.e., which forms the opposite of union with pain, is called by the term Yoga. This Yoga must be practised with the determination of its nature as such from the beginning with a mind free from despondency, i.e., with zestful exaltation.
Sri Shankaracharya
6.20 Yatra, at the time when; cittam, the mind; niruddham, restrained, entirely prevented from wandering; uparamate, gets withdrawn; yoga-sevaya, through the practice of Yoga; ca, and; yatra eva, just when, at the very moment when; pasyan, by seeing, by experiencing; atmanam, the Self, which by nature is the supreme light of Consciousness; atmana, by the self, by the mind purified by concentration; tusyati, one remains contented, gets delighted; atmani eva, in one’s own Self alone-. [Samadhi is of two kinds, Samprajnata and Asamprajnata. The concentration called right knowledge (Samprajnata) is that which is followed by reasoning, discrimination, blisss and unqualified egoism. Asamprajnata is that which is attained by the constant practice of cessation of all mental activity, in which the citta retains only the unmanifested impressions.-Cf. C. W., Vol. I, 1962, pp. 210, 212. According to A.G. the verses upto 6.20 state in a general way the characteristics of samadhi. From the present verse to the 25th, Asamprajnata-samadhi is introduced and defined.-Tr.] Besides,
Swami Adidevananda
6.20 Where the mind, controlled by the practice of Yoga, rests and where seeing the self by the self one is delighted by the self only;
Swami Gambirananda
6.20 At the time when the mind restrained through the practice of Yoga gets withdrawn, and just when by seeing the Self by the self one remains contented in the Self alone [A.G. construes the word eva (certainly) with tusyati (remains contented).-Tr.];
Swami Sivananda
6.20 When the mind, restrained by the practice of Yoga attains to quietude and when seeing the Self by the self, he is satisfied in his own Self.
Swami Sivananda
6.20 यत्र where? उपरमते attains ietude? चित्तम् mind? निरुद्धम् restrained? योगसेवया by the practice of Yoga? यत्र where? च and? एव only? आत्मना by the Self? आत्मानम् the Self? पश्यन् seeing? आत्मनि in the Self? तुष्यति is satisfied.Commentary The verses 20? 21? 22 and 23 must be taken together.When the mind is completely withdrawn from the objects of the senses? supreme peace reigns within the heart. When the mind becomes ite steady by constant and protracted practice of concentration the Yogi beholds the Supreme Self by the mind which is rendered pure and onepointed and attains to supreme satisfaction in the Self within.