
तद्बुद्धयस्तदात्मानस्तन्निष्ठास्तत्परायणाः |
गच्छन्त्यपुनरावृत्तिं ज्ञाननिर्धूतकल्मषाः ||५-१७||


tadbuddhayastadātmānastanniṣṭhāstatparāyaṇāḥ .
gacchantyapunarāvṛttiṃ jñānanirdhūtakalmaṣāḥ ||5-17||



5.17. Those, who have their intellect and self (mind) gone to This; who have established themselves in This and have This [alone] as their supreme goal; and who have washed off their sins by means of [perfect] knowledge-they reach a state from which there is no more return.

Shri Purohit Swami

5.17 Meditating on the Divine, having faith in the Divine, concentrating on the Divine and losing themselves in the Divine, their sins dissolved in wisdom, they go whence there is no return.

Sri Abhinav Gupta

5.17 Because it is only the inherent nature that exerts thus, therefore [the Lord] says that the men, who have destroyed their illusion would remain as follows -

Sri Ramanuja

5.17 ‘Those whose intellects pursue It,’ i.e., those who have determined to have the vision of the self in this way; ’those whose minds think about It,’ i.e., those whose minds have the self for their aim, those who undergo discipline for It, i.e., those who are devoted to the practices for Its attainment; ’those who hold It as their highest object,’ i.e., those who consider It as their highest goal - such persons, having their previous impurities cleansed by the knowledge which is practised in this way, attain the self as taught. ‘From that state there is no return’ - the state from which there is no return means the state of the self. The meaning is that they attain the self which rests in Its own nature.

Sri Shankaracharya

5.17 Tat-buddhayah, those who have their intellect absorbed in That, [Here Ast. reads ’tasmin brahmani, in that Brahman’.-Tr.] in the supreme Knowledge which has been revealed; tat-atmanah, whose Self is That, who have That (tat) supreme Brahman Itself as their Self (atma); tat-nisthah, who are steadfast in That-nistha is intentness, exclusive devotion; they are called tat-nisthah who become steadfast only in Brahman by renouncing all actions; and tat-parayanah, who have That as their supreme (para) Goal (ayana), who have That alone as their supreme Resort, i.e. who are devoted only to the Self; those who have got their ignorance destroyed by Knowledge-those who are of this kind-, they gacchanti, attain; apunaravrttim, the state of non-returning, non-association again with a body; jnana-nirdhuta-kalmasah, their dirt having been removed, destroyed, by Knowledge. Those whose dirt (kalmasa), the defect in the form of sin etc., which are the cause of transmigration, have been removed, destryed (nirdhuta), by the aforesaid Knowledge (jnana) are jnana-nirdhuta-kalmasah, i.e. the monks. How do those learned ones, whose ignorance regarding the Self has been destroyed by Knowledge, look upon Reality? That is being stated:

Swami Adidevananda

5.17 Those whose intellects pursue It (the self), whose minds think about It, who undergo discipline for It, and who hold It as their highest object, have their impurities cleansed by knowledge and go whence there is no return.

Swami Gambirananda

5.17 Those who have their intellect absorbed in That, whose Self is That, who are steadfast in That, who have That as their supreme Goal-they attain the state of non-returning, their dirt having been removed by Knowledge.

Swami Sivananda

5.17 Their intellect absorbed in That, their self being That, established in That, with That for their supreme goal, they go whence there is no return, their sins dispelled by knowledge.


Swami Sivananda

5.17 तद्बुद्धयः intellect absorbed in That? तदात्मानः their self being That? तन्निष्ठाः established in That? तत्परायणाः with That for their supreme goal? गच्छन्ति go? अपुनरावृत्तिम् not again returning? ज्ञाननिर्धूतकल्मषाः,those whose sins have been dispelled by knowledge.Commentary They fix their intellects on Brahman or the Supreme Self. They feel and realise that Brahman is their self. By constant and protracted meditation? they get established in Brahman. The whole world of names and forms vanishes for them. They live in Brahman alone. They have Brahman alone as their supreme goal or sole refuge. They rejoice in the Self alone. They are satisfied in the Self alone. They are contented in the Self alone. Such men never come back to this Samsara? as their sins are dispelled by knowledge (BrahmaJnana). (Cf.IX.34)