श्रेयान्द्रव्यमयाद्यज्ञाज्ज्ञानयज्ञः परन्तप |
सर्वं कर्माखिलं पार्थ ज्ञाने परिसमाप्यते ||४-३३||
śreyāndravyamayādyajñājjñānayajñaḥ parantapa .
sarvaṃ karmākhilaṃ pārtha jñāne parisamāpyate ||4-33||
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Swami Sivananda
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Swami Sivananda
4.33 श्रेयान् superior? द्रव्यमयात् with objects? यज्ञात् than sacrifice? ज्ञानयज्ञः knowledgesacrifice? परन्तप O Parantapa? सर्वम् all? कर्म action? अखिलम् in its entirely? पार्थ O Partha? ज्ञाने in knowledge? परिसमाप्यते is culminated.Commentary Sacrifices with material objects cause material effects and bring the sacrificer to this world for the enjoyment of the fruits? while wisdomsacrifice leads to Moksha. Therefore wisdomsacrifice is superior to the sacrifice performed with material objects. Just as rivers join the ocean? so do all actions join knowledge? i.e.? they culminate in knowledge. All actions purify the heart and lead to the dawn of knowledge of the Self.All actions that are performed as offerings unto the Lord with their fruits are contained in the knowledge of Brahman. (Cf.IX.15X.25XVIII.70)