
श्रोत्रादीनीन्द्रियाण्यन्ये संयमाग्निषु जुह्वति |
शब्दादीन्विषयानन्य इन्द्रियाग्निषु जुह्वति ||४-२६||


śrotrādīnīndriyāṇyanye saṃyamāgniṣu juhvati .
śabdādīnviṣayānanya indriyāgniṣu juhvati ||4-26||



4.26. [Yet] others offer the sense-organs like sense-of-hearing and the rest into the fiires of [their] restrainer; others offer the objects like sound and the rest into the fires of the sense-organs.

Shri Purohit Swami

4.26 Some sacrifice their physical senses in the fire of self-control; others offer up their contact with external objects in the sacrificial fire of their senses.

Sri Abhinav Gupta

4.26 Srotradini etc. But others [offer] the sense-organs into the fires of the restrainer. Restrainer : the mind. Its fires are the tongues of flame that are in the form of subdued views of objects and are capable of burning up desires. Into them they offer the sense-organs. Hence, they are the performers of penance-sacrifices. Still others offer objects into the fires of sense-organs that are fully set-blaze by wisdom and that are capable of burning up the fruits [of actions]. I.e., they seek enjoyment only for destroying the [past] mental impression of differences [between the enjoyer and the objects of enjoyment]. This is the secret and sacred truth. Hence I (Ag.) have myself stated in the laghvi Prakriya (the Little Process) as :

‘The object of enjoyment does not manifest as different from you, the enjoyer. Because, it is the [process of] enjoyment that itself is the identification (or unity) of hte enjoyer and the object of enjoyment’.

In the [work] Spanda also [it has been said] :

‘It is the enjoyer himself who remains in all the instances and at all times, in the form of the object of enjoyment’.

Sri Ramanuja

4.26 Others endeavour towards the restraint of the senses like ear and the rest, i.e., keep themselves away from the objects pleasing to the senses. Other Yogins endeavour to prevent the attachment of the senses to sound and other objects of the senses, i.e., they abstain from the sense objects even when they are allowed to be near, by the discriminative process of belittling their valure and enjoyable nature.

Sri Shankaracharya

4.26 Anye, others, other yogis; juhvati, offer; indriyani, the organs; viz srotradini, car etc.; samyama-agnisu, in the fires of self-control. The plural (in fires) is used because self-control is possible in respect of each of the organs. Self-control itself is the fire. In that they make the offering, i.e. they practise control of the organs. anye, others; juhvati, offer; visayan, the objects; sabdadin, viz sound etc.; indriyagnisu, in the fires of the organs. The organs themselves are the fires. They make offerings in those fires with the organs of hearing etc. They consider the perception of objects not prohibited by the scriputures to be a sacrifice.

Swami Adidevananda

4.26 Others offer as oblations hearing and other senses in the fires of restraint. Some others offer as oblations the objects of the senses, such as sound and the rest, into the fires of their senses.

Swami Gambirananda

4.26 Others offer the organs, viz ear etc., in the fires of self-control. Others offer the objects, viz sound etc., in the fires of the organs.

Swami Sivananda

4.26 Some again offer the organ of hearing and other senses as sacrifice in the fire of restraint; others offer sound and other objects of the senses as sacrifice in the fire of the senses.


Swami Sivananda

4.26 श्रोत्रादीनि इन्द्रियाणि organ of hearing and other senses? अन्ये others? संयमाग्निषु in the fire of restraint? जुह्वति sacrifice? शब्दादीन् विषयान् senseobjects such as sound? etc.? अन्ये others? इन्द्रियाग्निषु in the fire of the senses? जुह्वति sacrifice.Commentary Some Yogis are constantly engaged in restraining the senses. They gather their senses under the guidance of the Self and do not allow them to come in contact with the sensual objects. This is also an act of sacficie. Others direct their senses only to the pure and unforbidden objects of the senses. This is also a kind of sacrifice.