ये मे मतमिदं नित्यमनुतिष्ठन्ति मानवाः |
श्रद्धावन्तोऽनसूयन्तो मुच्यन्ते तेऽपि कर्मभिः ||३-३१||
ye me matamidaṃ nityamanutiṣṭhanti mānavāḥ .
śraddhāvanto.anasūyanto mucyante te.api karmabhiḥ ||3-31||
3.31. Those who constantly follow this doctrine of Mine-such men, with faith and without finding fault [in it], are freed from [the results of] all actions.
Shri Purohit Swami
3.31 Those who always act in accordance with My precepts, firm in faith and without cavilling, they too are freed from the bondage of action.
Sri Abhinav Gupta
3.31 See Comment under 3.32
Sri Ramanuja
3.31 There are those persons who are alified to understand the Sastras and decide for themselves what is My doctrine, and follow them accordingly; there are others who are full of faith in the meaning of the Sastras without however practising it. And there are still others who, even though devoid of faith, do not cavil at it, saying that the true meaning of the Sastras cannot be this, i.e., they do not find any blemish pertaining to the Sastras which possess great alities. All these persons are freed from Karmas which are there from beginningless time and which cause bondage. By the term, api (even) in ’te pi karmabhih’ (’even they from Karmas’), these men are divided into three groups. The meaning is that those who, even if they do not act upon the meaning but still believe in this meaning of the Sastras and do not cavil at it, will be cleansed of their evil by their faith and freedom from fault-finding. For, if they have faith they will, before long, take to the practice of this very meaning of the Sastras and be freed.
Sri Krsna now speaks of the evil that will befall those who do not practice this instruction of the Upanisads, i.e., those who are faithless and who cavil at it.
Sri Shankaracharya
3.31 Ye, those; manavah, men; who (nityam, ever;) anutisthanti, follow accordingly; me matam, My teaching- this teaching of Mine, viz that ‘duty must be performed’, which has been stated with valid reasoning; sraddhavantah, with faith; and anasuyantah, without cavil, without detracing Me, Vasudeva, the Teacher [Here Ast. adds ‘parama, supreme’-Tr.]; te api, they also, who are such; mucyante, become freed; karmabhih, from actions called the righteous and the unrighteous.
Swami Adidevananda
3.31 Those men who, full of faith, ever practise this teaching of Mine and those who receive it without cavil - even they are released from Karma.
Swami Gambirananda
3.31 Those men who ever follow this teaching of Mine with faith and without cavil, they also become freed from actions.
Swami Sivananda
3.31 Those men who constantly practise this teaching of Mine with faith and without cavilling, they too are freed from actions.
Swami Sivananda
3.31 ये those who? मे My? मतम् teaching? इदम् this? नित्यम् constantly? अनुतिष्ठन्ति practise? मानवाः men? श्रद्धावन्तः full of faith? अनसूयन्तः not cavilling? मुच्यन्ते are freed? ते they? अपि also? कर्मभिः from actions.Commentary Sraddha is a mental attitude. It means faith. It is faith in ones own Self? in the scriptures and in the teachings of the spiritual preceptor. It is compund of the higher emotion of faith? reverence and humility.