
श्रुतिविप्रतिपन्ना ते यदा स्थास्यति निश्चला |
समाधावचला बुद्धिस्तदा योगमवाप्स्यसि ||२-५३||


śrutivipratipannā te yadā sthāsyati niścalā .
samādhāvacalā buddhistadā yogamavāpsyasi ||2-53||



2.53. When your determining faculty, that had been [earlier] confused by your hearing [of scriptural declaration of fruits] shall stand stable in concentration, at that time you shall attain the Yoga.

Shri Purohit Swami

2.53 When the intellect, bewildered by the multiplicity of holy scripts, stands unperturbed in blissful contemplation of the Infinite, then hast thou attained Spirituality.

Sri Abhinav Gupta

2.52-53 Yada te etc. Sruti-etc. At the time, when the determining facult with regard to the Yoga is attained, the clear sign of recognizing it, is this : An attitude of futility about the revealed literature that has to be listened to, that has been listened to and that is being declared. What has been declared by the above is this : ‘This present view of yours about the ruination of your race is out of place and it is due to the influence of your deceptive notion, born of mental impressions created by your listening to the teachings of those scriptures that favour the observers who are fallen deep into the course of ignorance. But, that view shall vanish when the respect for such a teaching disappears.

Sri Ramanuja

2.53 Here ‘Sruti’ means hearing (and not the Veda). When your intellect, which, by hearing from us, has become specially enlightened, having for its object the eternal, unsurpassed and subtle self - which belongs to a class different from all other entities -, then the intellect is firmly fixed, i.e., in a single psychosis and stands unshaken. In such a concentrated mind, purified by the performance of duties without attachment, will be generated true Yoga, which consists in the vision of the self. What is said is this: Karma Yoga, which presupposes the knowledge of the real nature of the self obtained from the scriptures, leads to a firm devotion to knowledge known as the state of firm wisdom; and the state of ‘firm wisdom;’ which is in the form of devotion to knowledge, generates the vision of the self; this vision is here called Yoga.

Arjuna, thus taught, estions about the nature of ‘firm wisdom’ which constitutes the means for the attainment of Yoga and which itself is attainable through Karma Yoga which consists in work with detachment, and also about the mode of behaviour of a man of ‘firm wisdom.’

Sri Shankaracharya

2.53 If it be asked, ‘By becoming possessed of the wisdom arising from the discrimination about the Self after overcoming the turbidity of delusion, when shall I attain the yoga of the supreme Reality which is the fruit that results from Karma-yoga?’, then listen to that; Yada, when at the time when; te, your; buddhih, mind; that has become sruti-vi-pratipanna, bewildered, tossed about, by hearing (the Vedas) that reveal the diverse ends, means, and (their) relationship, i.e. are filled with divergent ideas; sthasyati, will become; niscala, unshakable, free from the trubulence in the form of distractions; and acala, steadfast, that is to say, free from doubt even in that (unshakable) state; samadhau, in samadhi, that is to say, in the Self samadhi being derived in the sense of that in which the mind is fixed; tada, then, at that time; avapsyasi, you will attain; yogam, Yoga, the enlightenment, Self-absorption, that arises from discrimination. Having got an occasion for iniry, Arjuna, with a view to knowing the characteristics of one who has the realization of the Self, [By the word samadhi is meant the enlightenment arising from discrimination, which has been spoken of in the commentary on the previous verse. The steadfastness which the monks have in that enlightenment is called steadfastness in Knowledge. Or the phrase may mean, ’the enlightenment achieved through meditation on the Self’, i.e. the realization of the supreme Goal.] asked:

Swami Adidevananda

2.53 When your intellect, well enlightened by hearing from Me and firmly placed, stands unshaken in a concentrated mind, then you will attain the vision of the self.

Swami Gambirananda

2.53 When your mind that has become bewildered by hearing [S. takes the word sruti in the sense of the Vedas.-Tr.] will become unshakable and steadfast in the Self, then you will attain Yoga that arises from discrimination.

Swami Sivananda

2.53 When thy intellect, which is perplexed by the Veda text, which thou hast read, shall stand immovable and steady in the Self, then thou shalt attain Self-realisation.


Swami Sivananda

2.53 श्रुतिविप्रतिपन्ना perplexed by what hast heard? ते thy? यदा when? स्थास्यति shall stand? निश्चला immovable? समाधौ in the Self? अचला steady? बुद्धिः intellect? तदा then? योगम् Selfrealisation? अवाप्स्यसि (thou) shalt attain.Commentary When your intellect which is tossed about by the conflict of opinions regarding the Pravritti Marga (the path of action) and the Nivritti Marga (the path of retirement or renunciation) has become immovable without distraction and doubt and firmly established in the Self? then thou shalt attain Selfrealisation or knowledge of the Self (AtmaJnana).