
सर्वभूतेषु येनैकं भावमव्ययमीक्षते |
अविभक्तं विभक्तेषु तज्ज्ञानं विद्धि सात्त्विकम् ||१८-२०||


sarvabhūteṣu yenaikaṃ bhāvamavyayamīkṣate .
avibhaktaṃ vibhakteṣu tajjñānaṃ viddhi sāttvikam ||18-20||



18.20. That instrument-of-knowledge, by means of which one perceives in all beings the singular immutable Existence, the Unclassified in the classified ones - that you must know to be born of the Sattva (Strand).

Shri Purohit Swami

18.20 That knowledge which sees the One Indestructible in all beings, the One Indivisible in all separate lives, may be truly called Pure Knowledge.

Sri Abhinav Gupta

18.20 See Comment under 18.22

Sri Ramanuja

18.20 The self (Atman), which is of the form of knowledge, is alike and uniform, though distinct, in all beings, even though they may externally, and from the point of view of duty, be distinguished as Brahmanas, Ksatriyas, householders, celibates, fair, tall etc. The immutable selves in all these perishing forms or bodies are unaffected by the fruits of actions. Such knowledge of the immutability of the self in all changing beings, is Sattvika.

Sri Shankaracharya

18.20 Viddhi, know; tat, that; jnanam, knowledge, realization of the Self as non-dual, complete realization; to be sattvikam, originating from sattva; yena, through which knowledge; iksate, one sees; ekam, a single; avyayam, undecaying-that which does not undergo mutation either in itself or by the mutation of its alities-’ i.e. eternal and immutable; bhavam, Entity-the word bhava is used to imply an entity-, i.e. the single Reality which is the Self; sarvabhutesu, in all things, in all things begining from the Unmanifest to the unmoving things; and through which knowledge one sees that Entity to be avibhaktam, undivided; in every body, vibhaktesu, in all the deversified things, in the different bodies. The idea is: that Reality which is the Self remains, like Space, undivided. Being based on rajas and tamas, those that are the dualistic philosophies are incomplete, and hence are not by themselves adeate for the eradication of worldly existence.

Swami Adidevananda

18.20 Know that Knowledge to be Sattvika by which one sees in all beings, one immutable existence undivided in the divided.

Swami Gambirananda

18.20 Know that knowledge to be originating from sattva through which one sees a single, undecaying, undivided Entity in all the diversified things.

Swami Sivananda

18.20 That by which one sees the one indestructible Reality in all beings, not separate in all the separate beings know thou that knowledge to be Sattvic.


Swami Sivananda

18.20 सर्वभूतेषु in all beings? येन by which? एकम् one? भावम् reality? अव्ययम् indestructible? ईक्षते (one) sees? अविभक्तम् inseparable? विभक्तेषु in the separated? तत् that? ज्ञानम् knowledge? विद्धि know? सात्त्विकम् Sattvic (pure).Commentary That knowledge that sees no difference in all objects that are perceived? is pure. The seer beholds the one allpervading imperishable substance or essence behind the seeming diversity of the objects. He beholds unity in diversity? one in many? all in one. He sees that all the diverse objects are rooted in the One.Bhavam Reality The One Self.Sarvabhuteshu In all beings From the Unmanifested down to the insentient and unmoving objects.Avyayam Indestructible inexhaustible unchangeable that which cannot be exhausted either in itself or in its properties immutable.Just as the ether is indivisible? so also the Self is indivisible. The Self is the same in all bodies. It is the common consciousness in all bodies. It is not different in different bodies. It is one homogeneous indivisible essence or substance in all bodies? in all beings. Know thou? O Arjuna? this direct and right perception of the nondual Self as Sattvic (pure). (Cf.IV.35VI.29XIII.16?28XVIII.30)