प्रकृत्यैव च कर्माणि क्रियमाणानि सर्वशः |
यः पश्यति तथात्मानमकर्तारं स पश्यति ||१३-३०||
prakṛtyaiva ca karmāṇi kriyamāṇāni sarvaśaḥ .
yaḥ paśyati tathātmānamakartāraṃ sa paśyati ||13-30||
13.30. Whosoever views all actions as being performed (or all objects as being created), indeed by the Material Cause itself and at the same time views his own Self as non-performer (or non-creator) - he veiws properly.
Shri Purohit Swami
13.30 He who understands that it is only the Law of Nature that brings action to fruition, and that the Self never acts, alone knows the Truth.
Sri Abhinav Gupta
13.30 Prakrtya etc. He whose firm conviction is of this nature ‘The Material Cause alone performs (or creates) this; I do nothing’ - he, though he performs (or creates) all, does not perform (or create) anything [in fact]. In this manner, is the absence of doership in him.
Sri Ramanuja
13.30 When he perceives that ‘all acts are performed by the Prakrti’ in the manner previously stated in, ‘Prakrti is said to be the cause of agency to the body and sense-organs’ (13.20), and perceive also that ’the self, being of the form of knowledge, is not the doer,’ and that the self’s conjunction with the Prakrti, Its direction of the body and Its experiences of happiness and misery are the result of ignorance of the nature of Karma - then indeed he perceives the pure self.
Sri Shankaracharya
13.30 And yah, he who; pasyati, sees, realizes; karmani, actions, those performed through speech, mind and body; as kriyamanani, being done, being accomplished; sarvasah, in various ways; prakrtya, by Nature-Nature is God’s Maya consisting of the three alities, as is said in the Upanisadic text, ‘However, know Maya as Nature’ (Sv. 4.10); by that Nature; eva, itself-not by the other [Not by the Pradhana of the Sankhyas, known otherwise as prakrti.] which transforms itself in the form of cause and effects such as Mahat etc.; tatha, and also; atmanam, the Self, the Knower of the field; as akartaram, the non-agent, devoid of all adjuncts; sah, he; pasyati, sees-he is the one who has realized the supreme Reality. This is the idea. What is implied is that there is no valid proof about differences in the Non-agent who is devoid of alities and is unconditioned like space. The Lord elaborates again in other words that very true knowledge:
Swami Adidevananda
13.30 He who sees that all acts are done universally by Prakrti alone and likewise that the self is not the doer, he sees indeed.
Swami Gambirananda
13.30 And he who sees actions as being done in various ways by Nature itself, and also the Self as the non-agent,-he sees.
Swami Sivananda
13.30 He sees, who sees that all actions are performed by Nature alone and that the Self is actionless.
Swami Sivananda
13.30 प्रकृत्या by Nature? एव alone? च and? कर्माणि actions? क्रियमाणानि being performed? सर्वशः all? यः who? पश्यति sees? तथा so also? आत्मानम् the Self? अकर्तारम् actionless? सः he? पश्यति sees.Commentary Nature is responsible for all activities. The Self is beyond all action. It is the silent witness only. He who experiences thus is the real seer or sage.He who knows that all actions proceeding from the five organs of knowledge? the five organs of action? the mind and the intellect are prompted by Nature and that the Self is actionless? really sees. He alone sees. He who identifies himself with the body? the mind and the senses and foolishly thinks that the Self is the actor is an ignorant man. He sees only with the physical eyes. He has no inner eye of intuition. The sky remains motionless but the clouds move across the sky. Even so the Self is actionless but Nature does everythin. The Self is destitute of any limiting adjunct. Just as there is no variety in ether? so also there is no variety in the Self. It is one homogeneous essence. It is free from any kind of characteristics. (Cf.III.27XIV.19XVIII.16)