
असक्तिरनभिष्वङ्गः पुत्रदारगृहादिषु |
नित्यं च समचित्तत्वमिष्टानिष्टोपपत्तिषु ||१३-१०||


asaktiranabhiṣvaṅgaḥ putradāragṛhādiṣu .
nityaṃ ca samacittatvamiṣṭāniṣṭopapattiṣu ||13-10||



13.10. Non-attachment; detachment towards [one’s] children, wives, houses and the like; and a constant eal-mindedness on the occurrence of the desirable and the undesirable things;

Shri Purohit Swami

13.10 Indifference, non-attachment to sex, progeny or home, equanimity in good fortune and in bad;

Sri Abhinav Gupta

13.10 See Comment under 13.12

Sri Ramanuja

13.10 ‘Non-attachment’ means freedom from attachment to things other than the self. ‘Absecne of clinging’ to son, wife, home and the like means absence of excessive affection for these beyond the limits allowed by the Sastras. ‘Constant even-mindedness’ to all desirable and undesriable events means the state of freedom from joy and grief with regard to occurrences springing from desire.

Sri Shankaracharya

13.10 Asaktih, non-attachment-attachment means merely the kind for things arising from association; the absence of that is asaktih; and anabhisvangah, absence of fondness-abhisvangah, is in fact a special kind of attachment consisting of the idea of self-identification; as for instance, thinking ‘I myself am happy,’ or, ‘I am sorrowful,’ when somody else is happy or unhappy, and thinking ‘I live’, or, ‘I shall die,’ when some- body else lives or dies-With regard to what? In answer the Lord says: putra-dara-grhadisu, with regard to sons, wives, homes, etc. From the use of ’etc.’ (it is understood that this fondness is) even with regard to others who are liked very much-retinue of sevants and so on. And since both these (absence of attachment and fondness) lead to Knowledge, therefore they are called Knowledge. And nityam, constant; sama-cittatvam, eanimity of mind, mental eipoise;-with regard to what?-ista-anista-upapattisu, the attainment of the desirable and the undesirable; mental eipoise with regard to them, always, without exception. One does not become happy on the attainment of the desirable, nor does he become angry on the attainment of the undesirable. And that constant eanimity of mind which is of this kind is Knowledge Further,

Swami Adidevananda

13.10 Non-attachment, absence of clinging to son, wife, home and the like, and constant even-mindedness to all desirable and undesirable events;

Swami Gambirananda

13.10 Non-attachment and absence of fondness with regard to sons, wives, homes, etc., and constant eanimity of the mind with regard to the attainment of the desirable and the undesirable;

Swami Sivananda

13.10 Non-attachment, non-identification of the Self with son, wife, home and the rest, and constant even-mindedness on the attainment of the desirable and the undesirable.


Swami Sivananda

13.10 असक्तिः nonattachment? अनभिष्वङ्गः nonidentification of the Self? पुत्रदारगृहादिषु in son? wife? home and the rest? नित्यम् constant? च and?समचित्तत्वम् evenmindedness? इष्टानिष्टोपपत्तिषु on the attainment of the desirable and the undesirable.Commentary When a man thinks? This object is mine? the idea of mineness enters his mind. He develops Abhimana (false identification). Then he begins to love the objects. He clings to them and gets attached to them. Asakti is nonattachment to objects. There is absence of liking for the objects.Anabhishvangah There is intense attachment to wife? son or mother? etc. There is complete identification of the Self with another. He feels happy or miserable when that person is happy or miserable. Govindan feels miserable when his wife is dead because he was very much attached to her but he does not feel anything when his neighbours wife is dead. A man of wisdom has no attachment to his home. He considers his home as a public inn on the side of a public road.And the rest Others who are very dear relatives or other dependants.Constant evenmindedness or eanimity is an index of knowledge. The man of wisdom is neither elated when he gets the desirable or pleasant objects? nor grieves when he attains the undesriable or painful objects.Nonattachment? absence of affection and eanimity are all conducive to the attainment of knowledge of the Self. They are designated as knowledge because they are the means of attaining knowledge.