
अनपेक्षः शुचिर्दक्ष उदासीनो गतव्यथः |
सर्वारम्भपरित्यागी यो मद्भक्तः स मे प्रियः ||१२-१६||


anapekṣaḥ śucirdakṣa udāsīno gatavyathaḥ .
sarvārambhaparityāgī yo madbhaktaḥ sa me priyaḥ ||12-16||



12.16. He, who does not expect [anything]; who is pure, dexterous, unconcerned, untroubled; and who has renonced all his undertakings all around-that devotee of Mine is dear to Me.

Shri Purohit Swami

12.16 He who expects nothing, who is pure, watchful, indifferent, unruffled, and who renounces all initiative, such a one is My beloved.

Sri Abhinav Gupta

12.16 See Comment under 12.20

Sri Ramanuja

12.16 He who is free from ‘desires’, i.e., who has no longing for anything except the self; who is ‘pure’, namely, whose body is nourished on the food prescribed by the Sastras; who is an ’expert’ namely, who is an expert in performing actions prescribed by the Sastras; who is ‘indifferent’, i.e., not interested in matters other than those enjoined by the Sastras; who is free from ‘agony’, i.e., of pain caused by heat, cold, contact with coarse things etc., which are inevitably associated with the performance of rites prescribed by the Sastras; who renounces all ‘undertakings,’ i.e., who renounces all undertakings except those demanded by the Sastras - the devotee who is like this is dear to Me.

Sri Shankaracharya

12.16 Anapeksah, he who has no desires with regard to covetable things like body, organs, objects, (their inter-) relationship, etc.; sucih, who is pure, endowed with external and internal purity; daksah, who is dextrous, who is able to promptly understand in the right way the duties that present themselves; udasinah, who is impartial, the monk who does not side with anybody-friends and others; gatavyathah, who is free from fear; sarva-arambha-parityagi, who has renounced every undertaking-works under-taken are arambhah; sarva-arambhah means works undertaken out of desire for results to be enjoyed here or hereafter; he who is apt to give them up (pari-tyaga) is sarva-arambha-parityahi; he who is such a madbhaktah, devotee of Mine; he is priyah, dear; me, to Me. Further,

Swami Adidevananda

12.16 He who is free from desires, who is pure, expert, indifferent and free from agony, who has renounced every undertaking - he is dear to Me.

Swami Gambirananda

12.16 He who has no desires, who is pure, who is dextrous, who is impartial, who is free from fear, who has renounced every undertaking-he who is (such) a devotee of Mine is dear to Me.

Swami Sivananda

12.16 He who is free from wants, pure, expert, unconcerned, and free from pain, renouncing all undertakings or commencements he who is (thus) devoted to Me, is dear to Me.


Swami Sivananda

12.16 अनपेक्षः (he who is) free from wants? शुचिः pure? दक्षः expert? उदासीनः unconcerned? गतव्यथः free from pain? सर्वारम्भपरित्यागी renouncing all undertakings or commencements? यः who? मद्भक्तः My,devotee? सः he? मे to Me? प्रियः dear.CommentarY He is free from dependence. He is indifferent to the body? the senses? the objects of the senses and their mutual connections. He has external and internal purity. External purity is attained through earth and water (washing and bathing). Inner purity is attained by the eradication of likes and dislikes? lust? anger? jealousy? etc.? and through the cultivation of the virtues – friendship (towards eals)? compassion (towards those who are inferior) and complacency (towards superiors).Daksha Prompt? swift and skilful in all actions expert. He is able to decide rightly and immediately in matters that demand prompt attention and action.Udasina He who does not take up the side of a friend and the like (in a controversy) he who is indifferent to whatever happens.Gatavyathah He who is free from pain. He is not troubled even if he is beaten by a wicked man. He is not pained or afflicted by any result of any action or any happening.Sarvarambhaparityagi He habitually renounces all actions calculated to secure the objects of enjoyment? whether of this world or of the next. He has abandoned all egoistic? personal and mental initiative in all actions? mental and physical. He has merged his will in the cosmic will. He allows the divine will to work through him. He has neither preference nor personal desire and so he is swift? prompt and skilful in all actions. The divine will works through him in a dynamic manner.Such a devotee is My own Self and so he is very dear to Me.