Upasana (Sanskrit: उपासना upāsanā) literally means “worship” and “sitting near, attend to”

The term also refers to one of three khaṇḍa (खण्ड, parts) of Vedas, one that focuses on worship

The other two parts of Vedas are called Aranyakas and Upanishads, sometimes identified as karma-khaṇḍa (कर्म खण्ड, ritualistic sacrifice section) and jñāna-khaṇḍa (ज्ञान खण्ड, knowledge, spirituality section)

Vedic literature, including Upasana Karunakar, is however, neither homogeneous in content nor in structure

Multiple classifications have been proposed

For example, the early part of Vedas with mantras and prayers called Samhitas along with the commentary on rituals called the Brahmanas together are identified as the ceremonial karma-khaṇḍa, while rituals and metaphoric-rituals part called Aranyakas and knowledge/spirituality part Upanishads are referred to as the jñāna-khaṇḍa