
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 98 बर्हस्पते परति मे देवतामिहि मित्रो वा यद वरुणो वासिपूषा | आदित्यैर्वा यद वसुभिर्मरुत्वान स पर्जन्यंशन्तनवे वर्षाय || आ देवो दूतो अजिरश्चिकित्वान तवद देवापे अभि मामगछत | परतीचीनः परति मामा वव्र्त्स्व दधामि ते दयुमतींवाचमासन || अस्मे धेहि दयुमतीं वाचमासन बर्हस्पते अनमीवामिषिराम | यया वर्ष्टिं शन्तनवे वनाव दिवो दरप्सोमधुमाना विवेश || आ नो दरप्सा मधुमन्तो विशन्त्विन्द्र देह्यधिरथंसहस्रम | नि षीद होत्रं रतुथा यजस्व देवान देवापेहविषा सपर्य || आर्ष्टिषेणो होत्रं रषिर्निषीदन देवापिर्देवसुमतिंचिकित्वान | स उत्तरस्मादधरं समुद्रमपो दिव्या अस्र्जद्वर्ष्या अभि || अस्मिन समुद्रे अध्युत्तरस्मिन्नापो देवेभिर्निव्र्ता अतिष्ठन | ता अद्रवन्नार्ष्टिषेणेन सर्ष्टा देवापिना परेषिताम्र्क्षिणीषु || यद देवापिः शन्तनवे पुरोहितो होत्राय वर्तः कर्पयन्नदीधेत | देवश्रुतं वर्ष्टिवनिं रराणो बर्हस्पतिर्वाचमस्मा अयछत || यं तवा देवापिः शुशुचानो अग्न आर्ष्टिषेणो मनुष्यःसमीधे | विश्वेभिर्देवैरनुमद्यमानः पर पर्जन्यमीरया वर्ष्टिमन्तम || तवां पूर्व रषयो गीर्भिरायन तवामध्वरेषु पुरुहूतविश्वे | सहस्राण्यधिरथान्यस्मे आ नो यज्ञंरोहिदश्वोप याहि || एतान्यग्ने नवतिर्नव तवे आहुतान्यधिरथा सहस्र | तेभिर्वर्धस्व तन्वः शूर पूर्वीर्दिवो नो वर्ष्टिमिषितोरिरीहि || एतान्यग्ने नवतिं सहस्रा सं पर यछ वर्ष्ण इन्द्रायभागम | विद्वान पथ रतुशो देवयानानप्यौलानं दिविदेवेषु धेहि || अग्ने बाधस्व वि मर्धो वि दुर्गहापामीवामपरक्षांसि सेध | अस्मात समुद्राद बर्हतो दिवो नो.अपाम्भूमानमुप नः सर्जेह ||

bṛhaspate prati me devatāmihi mitro vā yad varuṇo vāsipūṣā | ādityairvā yad vasubhirmarutvān sa parjanyaṃśantanave vṛṣāya || ā devo dūto ajiraścikitvān tvad devāpe abhi māmaghachat | pratīcīnaḥ prati māmā vavṛtsva dadhāmi te dyumatīṃvācamāsan || asme dhehi dyumatīṃ vācamāsan bṛhaspate anamīvāmiṣirām | yayā vṛṣṭiṃ śantanave vanāva divo drapsomadhumānā viveśa || ā no drapsā madhumanto viśantvindra dehyadhirathaṃsahasram | ni ṣīda hotraṃ ṛtuthā yajasva devān devāpehaviṣā saparya || ārṣṭiṣeṇo hotraṃ ṛṣirniṣīdan devāpirdevasumatiṃcikitvān | sa uttarasmādadharaṃ samudramapo divyā asṛjadvarṣyā abhi || asmin samudre adhyuttarasminnāpo devebhirnivṛtā atiṣṭhan | tā adravannārṣṭiṣeṇena sṛṣṭā devāpinā preṣitāmṛkṣiṇīṣu || yad devāpiḥ śantanave purohito hotrāya vṛtaḥ kṛpayannadīdhet | devaśrutaṃ vṛṣṭivaniṃ rarāṇo bṛhaspatirvācamasmā ayachat || yaṃ tvā devāpiḥ śuśucāno aghna ārṣṭiṣeṇo manuṣyaḥsamīdhe | viśvebhirdevairanumadyamānaḥ pra parjanyamīrayā vṛṣṭimantam || tvāṃ pūrva ṛṣayo ghīrbhirāyan tvāmadhvareṣu puruhūtaviśve | sahasrāṇyadhirathānyasme ā no yajñaṃrohidaśvopa yāhi || etānyaghne navatirnava tve āhutānyadhirathā sahasra | tebhirvardhasva tanvaḥ śūra pūrvīrdivo no vṛṣṭimiṣitorirīhi || etānyaghne navatiṃ sahasrā saṃ pra yacha vṛṣṇa indrāyabhāgham | vidvān patha ṛtuśo devayānānapyaulānaṃ divideveṣu dhehi || aghne bādhasva vi mṛdho vi durghahāpāmīvāmaparakṣāṃsi sedha | asmāt samudrād bṛhato divo no.apāmbhūmānamupa naḥ sṛjeha ||


Rig Veda

  1. COME, be thou Mitra, Varuṇa, or Pūṣan, come, O Bṛhaspati, to mine oblation: With Maruts, Vasus, or Ādityas, make thou Parjanya pour for Santanu his rain-drops. 2 The God, intelligent, the speedy envoy whom thou hast sent hath come to me, Devapi: Address thyself to me and turn thee hither within thy lips will I put brilliant language. 3 Within my mouth, Bṛhaspati, deposit speech lucid, vigorous, and free from weakness, Thereby to win for Santanu the rain-fall. The meath-rich drop from heaven hath passed within it. 4 Let the sweet drops descend on us, O Indra: give us enough to lade a thousand wagons. Sit to thy Hotar task; pay worship duly, and serve the Gods, Devapi, with oblation. 5 Knowing the God’s good-will, Devapi, Ṛṣi, the son of Rstisena, sate as Hotar. He hath brought down from heaven’s most lofty summit the ocean of the rain, celestial waters. 6 Gathered together in that highest ocean, the waters stood by deities obstructed. They burried down set free by Arstisena, in gaping clefts, urged onward by Devapi. 7 When as chief priest for Santanu, Devapi, chosen for Hotar’s duty, prayed beseeching, Graciously pleased Bṛhaspati vouchsafed him a voice that reached the Gods and won the waters. 8 O Agni whom Devapi Arstisena, the mortal man, hath kindled in his glory, Joying in him with all the Gods together, urge on the sender of the rain, Parjanya. 9 All ancient Ṛṣis with their songs approached thee, even thee, O Much-invoked, at sacrifices. We have provided wagon-loads in thousands: come to the solemn rite, Lord of Red Horses. 10 The wagon-loads, the nine-and-ninety thousand, these have been offered up to thee, O Agni. Hero, with these increase thy many bodies, and, stimulated, send us rain from heaven. 11 Give thou these ninety thousand loads, O Agni, to Indra, to the Bull, to be his portion. Knowing the paths which Deities duly travel, set mid the Gods in heaven Aulana also. 12 O Agni, drive afar our foes, our troubles chase malady away and wicked demons. From this air-ocean, from the lofty heavens, send down on us a mighty flood of waters.