
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 84 तवया मन्यो सरथमारुजन्तो हर्षमाणासो धर्षितामरुत्वः | तिग्मेषव आयुधा संशिशाना अभि पर यन्तुनरो अग्निरूपाः || अग्निरिव मन्यो तविषितः सहस्व सेनानीर्नः सहुरे हूतेधि | हत्वाय शत्रून वि भजस्व वेद ओजो मिमानो वि मर्धोनुदस्व || सहस्व मन्यो अभिमातिमस्मे रुजन मर्णन परम्र्णन परेहिशत्रून | उग्रं ते पाजो नन्वा रुरुध्रे वशी वशंनयस एकज तवम || एको बहूनामसि मन्यवीळितो विशं-विशं युधये संशिशाधि | अक्र्त्तरुक तवया युजा वयं दयुमन्तं घोषंविजयाय कर्ण्महे || विजेषक्र्दिन्द्र इवानवब्रवो.अस्माकं मन्यो अधिपा भवेह | परियं ते नाम सहुरे गर्णीमसि विद्मा तमुत्सं यताबभूथ || आभूत्या सहजा वज्र सायक सहो बिभर्ष्यभिभूतौत्तरम | करत्वा नो मन्यो सह मेद्येधि महाधनस्य पुरुहूतसंस्र्जि || संस्र्ष्टं धनमुभयं समाक्र्तमस्मभ्यं दत्तांवरुणश्च मन्युः | भियं दधाना हर्दयेषु शत्रवःपराजितासो अप नि लयन्ताम ||

tvayā manyo sarathamārujanto harṣamāṇāso dhṛṣitāmarutvaḥ | tighmeṣava āyudhā saṃśiśānā abhi pra yantunaro aghnirūpāḥ || aghniriva manyo tviṣitaḥ sahasva senānīrnaḥ sahure hūtaedhi | hatvāya śatrūn vi bhajasva veda ojo mimāno vi mṛdhonudasva || sahasva manyo abhimātimasme rujan mṛṇan pramṛṇan prehiśatrūn | ughraṃ te pājo nanvā rurudhre vaśī vaśaṃnayasa ekaja tvam || eko bahūnāmasi manyavīḷito viśaṃ-viśaṃ yudhaye saṃśiśādhi | akṛttaruk tvayā yujā vayaṃ dyumantaṃ ghoṣaṃvijayāya kṛṇmahe || vijeṣakṛdindra ivānavabravo.asmākaṃ manyo adhipā bhaveha | priyaṃ te nāma sahure ghṛṇīmasi vidmā tamutsaṃ yataābabhūtha || ābhūtyā sahajā vajra sāyaka saho bibharṣyabhibhūtauttaram | kratvā no manyo saha medyedhi mahādhanasya puruhūtasaṃsṛji || saṃsṛṣṭaṃ dhanamubhayaṃ samākṛtamasmabhyaṃ dattāṃvaruṇaśca manyuḥ | bhiyaṃ dadhānā hṛdayeṣu śatravaḥparājitāso apa ni layantām ||


Rig Veda

  1. BORNE on with thee, O Manyu girt by Maruts, let our brave men, impetuous, bursting forward, March on, like flames of fire in form, exulting, with pointed arrows, sharpening their weapons. 2 Flashing like fire, be thou, O conquering Manyu, invoked, O Victor, as our army’s leader. Slay thou our foes, distribute their possessions: show forth thy vigour, scatter those who hate us. 3 O Manyu, overcome thou our assailant on! breaking, slaying, crushing down the foemen. They have not hindered thine impetuous vigour: Mighty, Sole born! thou makest them thy subjects. 4 Alone or many thou art worshipped, Manyu: sharpen the spirit of each clan for battle. With thee to aid, O thou of perfect splendour, we will uplift the glorious shout for conquest. 5 Unyielding bringing victory like Indra, O Manyu, be thou here our Sovran Ruler. To thy dear name, O Victor, we sing praises: we know the spring from which thou art come hither. 6 Twin-born with power, destructive bolt of thunder, the highest conquering might is thine, Subduer! Be friendly to its in thy spirit, Manyu, O Much-invoked, in shock of mighty battle. 7 For spoil let Varuṇa and Manyu give us the wealth of both sides gathered and collected; And let our enemies with stricken spirits, o’erwhelmed with terror, slink away defeated.