
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 77 अभ्रप्रुषो न वाचा परुषा वसु हविष्मन्तो न यज्ञाविजानुषः | सुमारुतं न बरह्माणमर्हसे गणमस्तोष्येषां न शोभसे || शरिये मर्यासो अञ्जीन्रक्र्ण्वत सुमरुतं न पूर्विरतिक्षपः | दिवस पुत्रास एता न येतिर आदित्यासस्ते अक्रन वाव्र्धुः || पर ये दिवः पर्थिव्य न बर्हणा तमना रिरिच्रे अभ्रान्न सूर्यः | पाजस्वन्तो न वीराः पनस्यवो रिशादसो नमर्या अभिद्यवः || युष्माकं बुध्ने अपां न यामनि विथुर्यति न महीश्रथर्यति | विश्वप्सुर्यज्ञो अर्वागयं सु वःप्रयस्वन्तो न सत्राच आ गत || यूयं धूर्षु परयुजो न रश्मिभिर्ज्योतिष्मन्तो न भासाव्युष्टिषु | शयेनासो न सवयशसो रिशादसः परवासोन परसितासः परिप्रुषः || पर यद वहध्वे मरुतः पराकाद यूयं महःसंवरणस्य वस्वः | विदानासो वसवो राध्यस्याराच्चिद्द्वेषः सनुतर्युयोत || य उद्र्चि यज्ञे अध्वरेष्ठा मरुद्भ्यो न मानुषो ददाशत | रेवत स वयो दधते सुवीरं स देवानामपि गोपीथेस्तु || ते हि यज्ञेषु यज्ञियास ऊमा आदित्येन नाम्नाशम्भविष्ठाः | ते नो.अवन्तु रथतूर्मनीषां महश्चयामन्नध्वरे चकानाः ||

abhrapruṣo na vācā pruṣā vasu haviṣmanto na yajñāvijānuṣaḥ | sumārutaṃ na brahmāṇamarhase ghaṇamastoṣyeṣāṃ na śobhase || śriye maryāso añjīnrakṛṇvata sumarutaṃ na pūrviratikṣapaḥ | divas putrāsa etā na yetira ādityāsaste akrana vāvṛdhuḥ || pra ye divaḥ pṛthivya na barhaṇā tmanā riricre abhrānna sūryaḥ | pājasvanto na vīrāḥ panasyavo riśādaso namaryā abhidyavaḥ || yuṣmākaṃ budhne apāṃ na yāmani vithuryati na mahīśratharyati | viśvapsuryajño arvāghayaṃ su vaḥprayasvanto na satrāca ā ghata || yūyaṃ dhūrṣu prayujo na raśmibhirjyotiṣmanto na bhāsāvyuṣṭiṣu | śyenāso na svayaśaso riśādasaḥ pravāsona prasitāsaḥ paripruṣaḥ || pra yad vahadhve marutaḥ parākād yūyaṃ mahaḥsaṃvaraṇasya vasvaḥ | vidānāso vasavo rādhyasyārācciddveṣaḥ sanutaryuyota || ya udṛci yajñe adhvareṣṭhā marudbhyo na mānuṣo dadāśat | revat sa vayo dadhate suvīraṃ sa devānāmapi ghopītheastu || te hi yajñeṣu yajñiyāsa ūmā ādityena nāmnāśambhaviṣṭhāḥ | te no.avantu rathatūrmanīṣāṃ mahaścayāmannadhvare cakānāḥ ||


Rig Veda

  1. As with their voice from cloud they sprinkle treasure so are the wise man’s liberal sacrifices. I praise their Company that merits worship as the good Martits’ priest to pay them honour. 2 The youths have wrought their ornaments for glory through many nights,—this noble band of Maruts. Like stags the Sons of Dyatis have striven onward, the Sons of Aditi grown strong like pillars. 3 They who extend beyond the earth and heaven, by their own mass, as from the cloud spreads Sūrya; Like mighty Heroes covetous of glory, like heavenly gallants who destroy the wicked. 4 When ye come nigh, as in the depth of waters, the earth is loosened, as it were, and shaken. This your all-feedin sacrifice approaches: come all united, fraught, as ’twere with viands. 5 Ye are like horses fastened to the chariot poles, luminous with your beams, with splendour as at dawn; Like self-bright falcons, punishers of wicked men, like hovering birds urged forward, scattering rain around. 6 When ye come forth, O Maruts, from the distance, from the great treasury of rich possessions, Knowing, O Vasus, boons that should be granted, even from afar drive back the men who hate us. 7 He who, engaged in the rite’s final duty brings, as a man, oblation to the Maruts, Wins him life’s wealthy fulness, blest with heroes: he shall be present, too, where Gods drink Soma. 8 For these are helps adored at sacrifices, bringing good fortune by their name Ādityas. Speeding on cars let them protect our praises, delighting in our sacrifice and worship.