Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 44 आ यात्विन्द्रः सवपतिर्मदाय यो धर्मणा तूतुजानस्तुविष्मान | परत्वक्षाणो अति विश्वा सहांस्यपारेणमहता वर्ष्ण्येन || सुष्ठामा रथः सुयमा हरी ते मिम्यक्ष वज्रो नर्पतेगभस्तौ | शीभं राजन सुपथा याह्यर्वां वर्धामते पपुषो वर्ष्ण्यानि || एन्द्रवाहो नर्पतिं वज्रबाहुमुग्रमुग्रासस्तविषास एनम | परत्वक्षसं वर्षभं सत्यशुष्ममेमस्मत्रा सधमादोवहन्तु || एवा पतिं दरोणसाचं सचेतसमूर्ज सकम्भं धरुणा वर्षायसे | ओजः कर्ष्व सं गर्भाय तवे अप्यसो यथाकेनिपानामिनो वर्धे || गमन्नस्मे वसून्या हि शंसिषं सवाशिषं भरमायाहि सोमिनः | तवमीशिषे सास्मिन्ना सत्सि बर्हिष्यनाध्र्ष्या तव पात्राणि धर्मणा || पर्थक परायन परथमा देवहूतयो.अक्र्ण्वत शरवस्यानिदुष्टरा | न ये शेकुर्यज्ञियां नावमारुहमीर्मैवते नयविशन्त केपयः || एवैवापागपरे सन्तु दूढ्यो.अश्वा येषां दुर्युजायुयुज्रे | इत्था ये परागुपरे सन्ति दावने पुरूणियत्र वयुनानि भोजना || गिरीन्रज्रान रेजमानानधारयद दयौः करन्ददन्तरिक्षाणि कोपयत | समीचीने धिषणे वि षकभायतिव्र्ष्णः पीत्वा मद उक्थानि शंसति || इमं बिभर्मि सुक्र्तं ते अङकुशं येनारुजासि मघवञ्छफारुजः | अस्मिन सु ते सवने अस्त्वोक्यं सुत इष्टौमघवन बोध्याभगः || गोभिष टरेमामतिं … || बर्हस्पतिर्नः परि … ||
ā yātvindraḥ svapatirmadāya yo dharmaṇā tūtujānastuviṣmān | pratvakṣāṇo ati viśvā sahāṃsyapāreṇamahatā vṛṣṇyena || suṣṭhāmā rathaḥ suyamā harī te mimyakṣa vajro nṛpateghabhastau | śībhaṃ rājan supathā yāhyarvāṃ vardhāmate papuṣo vṛṣṇyāni || endravāho nṛpatiṃ vajrabāhumughramughrāsastaviṣāsa enam | pratvakṣasaṃ vṛṣabhaṃ satyaśuṣmamemasmatrā sadhamādovahantu || evā patiṃ droṇasācaṃ sacetasamūrja skambhaṃ dharuṇaā vṛṣāyase | ojaḥ kṛṣva saṃ ghṛbhāya tve apyaso yathākenipānāmino vṛdhe || ghamannasme vasūnyā hi śaṃsiṣaṃ svāśiṣaṃ bharamāyāhi sominaḥ | tvamīśiṣe sāsminnā satsi barhiṣyanādhṛṣyā tava pātrāṇi dharmaṇā || pṛthak prāyan prathamā devahūtayo.akṛṇvata śravasyāniduṣṭarā | na ye śekuryajñiyāṃ nāvamāruhamīrmaivate nyaviśanta kepayaḥ || evaivāpāghapare santu dūḍhyo.aśvā yeṣāṃ duryujaāyuyujre | itthā ye prāghupare santi dāvane purūṇiyatra vayunāni bhojanā || ghirīnrajrān rejamānānadhārayad dyauḥ krandadantarikṣāṇi kopayat | samīcīne dhiṣaṇe vi ṣkabhāyativṛṣṇaḥ pītvā mada ukthāni śaṃsati || imaṃ bibharmi sukṛtaṃ te aṅkuśaṃ yenārujāsi maghavañchaphārujaḥ | asmin su te savane astvokyaṃ suta iṣṭaumaghavan bodhyābhaghaḥ || ghobhiṣ ṭaremāmatiṃ … || bṛhaspatirnaḥ pari … ||
Rig Veda
- MAY Sovran Indra come to the carousal, he who by Holy Law is strong and active, The overcomer of all conquering forces with his great steer-like power that hath no limit. 2 Firm-seated is thy car, thy Steeds are docile; thy hand, O King, holds, firmly grasped, the thunder. On thy fair path, O Lord of men, come quickly: we will increase thy powers when thou hast drunken. 3 Let strong and mighty Steeds who bear this Mighty Indra, the Lord of men, whose arm wields thunder, Bring unto us, as sharers of our banquet, the Steer of conquering might, of real vigour. 4 So like a Bull thou rushest to the Lord who loves the trough, the Sage, the prop of vigour, in the vat, Prepare thine energies, collect them in thyself: be for our profit as the Master of the wise. 5 May precious treasures come to us-so will I pray. Come to the votary’s gift offered with beauteous laud. Thou art the Lord, as such sit on this holy grass: thy vessels are inviolate as Law commands. 6 Far went our earlist invocation of the Gods, and won us glories that can never be surpassed. They who could not ascend the ship of sacrifice, sink down in desolation, trembling with alarm. 7 So be the others, evil-hearted, far away, whose horses, difficult to harness, have been yoked. Here in advance men stand anear to offer gifts, by whom full many a work that brings reward is done. 8 He firmly fixed the plains and mountains as they shook. Dyaus thundered forth and made the air’s mid-region quake. He stays apart the two confronting bowls; he sings lauds in the potent Soma’s joy when he hath drunk. 9 I bear this deftly-fashioned goad of thine, wherewith thou, Maghavan, shalt break the strikers with the hoof. At this libation mayst thou be well satisfied. Partake the juice, partake the worship, Maghavan. 10 O Much-invoked, may we subdue all famine and evil want with store of grain and cattle. May we allied, as first in rank, with princes obtain possessions by our own exertion. 11 Bṛhaspati protect us from the rearward, and from above, and from below, from sinners. May Indra from the front and from the centre, as Friend to friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom.