
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 43 अछा म इन्द्रं मतयः सवर्विदः सध्रीचीर्विश्वाुशतीरनूषत | परि षवजन्ते जनयो यथा पतिं मर्यंन शुन्ध्युं मघवानमूतये || न घा तवद्रिगप वेति मे मनस्त्वे इत कामं पुरुहूतशिश्रय | राजेव दस्म नि षदो.अधि बर्हिष्यस्मिन सु सोमेऽवपानमस्तु ते || विषूव्र्दिन्द्रो अमतेरुत कषुधः स इद रायो मघवावस्व ईशते | तस्येदिमे परवणे सप्त सिन्धवो वयोवर्धन्ति वर्षभस्य शुष्मिणः || वयो न वर्क्षं सुपलाशमासदन सोमास इन्द्रं मन्दिनश्चमूषदः | परैषामनीकं शवसा दविद्युतद विदत्स्वर्मनवे जयोतिरार्यम || कर्तं न शवघ्नी वि चिनोति देवने संवर्गं यन मघवासूर्यं जयत | न तत ते अन्यो अनु वीर्यं शकन नपुराणो मघवन नोत नूतनः || विशं-विशं मघवा पर्यशायत जनानां धेनावचाकशद वर्षा | यस्याह शक्रः सवनेषु रण्यति सतीव्रैः सोमैः सहते पर्तन्यतः || आपो न सिन्धुमभि यत समक्षरन सोमास इन्द्रं कुल्यािव हरदम | वर्धन्ति विप्रा महो अस्य सादने यवं नव्र्ष्टिर्दिव्येन दानुना || वर्षा न करुद्धः पतयद रजस्स्वा यो अर्यपत्नीरक्र्णोदिमा अपः | स सुन्वते मघवा जीरदानवे.अविन्दज्ज्योतिर्मनवे हविष्मते || उज्जायतां परशुर्ज्योतिषा सह भूया रतस्य सुदुघापुराणवत | वि रोचतामरुषो भानुना शुचिः सवर्णशुक्रं शुशुचीत सत्पतिः || गोभिष टरेमामतिं … || बर्हस्पतिर्नः परि … ||

achā ma indraṃ matayaḥ svarvidaḥ sadhrīcīrviśvāuśatīranūṣata | pari ṣvajante janayo yathā patiṃ maryaṃna śundhyuṃ maghavānamūtaye || na ghā tvadrighapa veti me manastve it kāmaṃ puruhūtaśiśraya | rājeva dasma ni ṣado.adhi barhiṣyasmin su some’vapānamastu te || viṣūvṛdindro amateruta kṣudhaḥ sa id rāyo maghavāvasva īśate | tasyedime pravaṇe sapta sindhavo vayovardhanti vṛṣabhasya śuṣmiṇaḥ || vayo na vṛkṣaṃ supalāśamāsadan somāsa indraṃ mandinaścamūṣadaḥ | praiṣāmanīkaṃ śavasā davidyutad vidatsvarmanave jyotirāryam || kṛtaṃ na śvaghnī vi cinoti devane saṃvarghaṃ yan maghavāsūryaṃ jayat | na tat te anyo anu vīryaṃ śakan napurāṇo maghavan nota nūtanaḥ || viśaṃ-viśaṃ maghavā paryaśāyata janānāṃ dhenāavacākaśad vṛṣā | yasyāha śakraḥ savaneṣu raṇyati satīvraiḥ somaiḥ sahate pṛtanyataḥ || āpo na sindhumabhi yat samakṣaran somāsa indraṃ kulyāiva hradam | vardhanti viprā maho asya sādane yavaṃ navṛṣṭirdivyena dānunā || vṛṣā na kruddhaḥ patayad rajassvā yo aryapatnīrakṛṇodimā apaḥ | sa sunvate maghavā jīradānave.avindajjyotirmanave haviṣmate || ujjāyatāṃ paraśurjyotiṣā saha bhūyā ṛtasya sudughāpurāṇavat | vi rocatāmaruṣo bhānunā śuciḥ svarṇaśukraṃ śuśucīta satpatiḥ || ghobhiṣ ṭaremāmatiṃ … || bṛhaspatirnaḥ pari … ||


Rig Veda

  1. IN perfect unison all yearning hymns of mine that find the light of heaven have sung forth Indra’s praise. As wives embrace their lord, the comely bridegroom, so they compass Maghavan about that he may help. 2 Directed unto thee my spirit never strays, for I have set my hopes on thee, O Much-invoked! Sit, Wonderful! as King upon the sacred grass, and let thy drinking-place be by the Soma juice. 3 From indigence and hunger Indra turns away: Maghavan hath dominion over precious wealth. These the Seven Rivers flowing on their downward path increase the vital vigour of the potent Steer. 4 As on the fair-leafed tree rest birds, to Indra flow the gladdening Soma juices that the bowls contain. Their face that glows with splendour through their mighty power hath found the shine of heaven for man, the Āryas’ light. 5 As in the game a gambler piles his winnings, so Maghavan, sweeping all together, gained the Sun This mighty deed of thine none other could achieve, none, Maghavan, before thee, none in recent time. 6 Maghavan came by turns to all the tribes of men: the Steer took notice of the people’s songs of praise. The man in whose libations Śakra hath delight by means of potent Somas vanquisheth his foes. 7 When Soma streams together unto Indra flow like waters to the river, rivulets to the lake, In place of sacrifice sages exalt his might, as the rain swells the corn by moisture sent from heaven. 8 He rushes through the region like a furious Bull, he who hath made these floods the dames of worthy lords. This Maghavan hath found light for the man who brings oblation, sheds the juice, and promptly pours his gifts. 9 Let the keen axe come forth together with the light: here be,.as erst, the teeming cow of sacrifice. Let the Red God shine bright with his refulgent ray, and let the Lord of heroes glow like heaven’s clear sheen. 10 O Much-invoked, may we subdue all famine and evil want with store of grain and cattle. May we allied, as first in rank, with princes obtain possessions by our own exertion. 11 Bṛhaspati protect us from the rearward, and from above, and from below, from sinners. May Indra from the front, and from the centre, as Friend to friends, vouchsafe us room and freedom.