Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 182 बर्हस्पतिर्नयतु दुर्गहा तिरः पुनर्नेषदघशंसायमन्म | कषिपदशस्तिमप दुर्मतिं हन्नथा करद्यजमानाय शं योः || नराशंसो नो.अवतु परयाजे शं नो अस्त्वनुयाजो हवेषु | कषिपदशस्तिमप दुर्मतिं हन्नथा करद यजमानायशं योः || तपुर्मूर्धा तपतु रक्षसो ये बरह्मद्विषः शरवेहन्तवा उ | कषिपदशस्तिमप दुर्मतिं हन्नथा करद्यजमानाय शं योः ||
bṛhaspatirnayatu durghahā tiraḥ punarneṣadaghaśaṃsāyamanma | kṣipadaśastimapa durmatiṃ hannathā karadyajamānāya śaṃ yoḥ || narāśaṃso no.avatu prayāje śaṃ no astvanuyājo haveṣu | kṣipadaśastimapa durmatiṃ hannathā karad yajamānāyaśaṃ yoḥ || tapurmūrdhā tapatu rakṣaso ye brahmadviṣaḥ śaravehantavā u | kṣipadaśastimapa durmatiṃ hannathā karadyajamānāya śaṃ yoḥ ||
Rig Veda
- BṚHASPATI lead us safely over troubles and turn his evil thought against the sinner; Repel the curse, and drive away ill-feeling, and give the sacrificer peace and comfort! 2 May Narāśaṁsa aid us at Prayāja: blest be our Anuyāja at invokings. May he repel the curse, and chase ill-feeling, and give the sacrificer peace and comfort. 3 May he whose head is flaming burn the demons, haters of prayer, so that the arrow slay them. May he repel the curse and chase ill-feeling, and give the sacrificer peace and comfort.