
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 157 इमा नु कं भुवना सीषधामेन्द्रश्च विश्वे च देवाः || यज्ञं च नस्तन्वं च परजां चादित्यैरिन्द्रः सहचीक्ळिपाति || आदित्यैरिन्द्रः सगणो मरुद्भिरस्माकं भूत्ववितातनूनाम || हत्वाय देवा असुरान यदायन देवा देवत्वमभिरक्षमाणाः || परत्यञ्चमर्कमनयञ्छचीभिरादित सवधामिषिराम्पर्यपश्यन ||

imā nu kaṃ bhuvanā sīṣadhāmendraśca viśve ca devāḥ || yajñaṃ ca nastanvaṃ ca prajāṃ cādityairindraḥ sahacīkḷipāti || ādityairindraḥ saghaṇo marudbhirasmākaṃ bhūtvavitātanūnām || hatvāya devā asurān yadāyan devā devatvamabhirakṣamāṇāḥ || pratyañcamarkamanayañchacībhirādit svadhāmiṣirāmparyapaśyan ||


Rig Veda

  1. WE will, with Indra and all Gods to aid us, bring these existing worlds into subjection. 2 Our sacrifice, our bodies, and our offspr. let Indra form together with Ādityas. 3 With the Ādityas, with the band of Maruts, may Indra be Protector of our bodies. 4 As when the Gods came, after they had slaughtered the Asuras, keeping safe their Godlike nature, 5 Brought the Sun hitherward with mighty powers, and looked about them on their vigorous Godhead.