
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 153 ईङखयन्तीरपस्युव इन्द्रं जातमुपासते | भेजानसःसुवीर्यम || तवमिन्द्र बलादधि सहसो जात ओजसः | तवं वर्षन्व्र्षेदसि || तवमिन्द्रासि वर्त्रहा वयन्तरिक्षमतिरः | उद दयामस्तभ्ना ओजसा || तवमिन्द्र सजोषसमर्कं बिभर्षि बाह्वोः | वज्रंशिशान ओजसा || तवमिन्द्राभिभूरसि विश्वा जातान्योजसा | स विश्वाभुव आभवः ||

īṅkhayantīrapasyuva indraṃ jātamupāsate | bhejānasaḥsuvīryam || tvamindra balādadhi sahaso jāta ojasaḥ | tvaṃ vṛṣanvṛṣedasi || tvamindrāsi vṛtrahā vyantarikṣamatiraḥ | ud dyāmastabhnā ojasā || tvamindra sajoṣasamarkaṃ bibharṣi bāhvoḥ | vajraṃśiśāna ojasā || tvamindrābhibhūrasi viśvā jātānyojasā | sa viśvābhuva ābhavaḥ ||


Rig Veda

  1. SWAYING about, the Active Ones came nigh to Indra at his birth, And shared his great heroic might. 2 Based upon strength and victory and power, O Indra is thy birth: Thou, Mighty One, art strong indeed. 3 Thou art the Vṛtra-slayer, thou, Indra, hast spread the firmament: Thou hast with might upheld the heavens. 4 Thou, Indra, bearest in thine arms the lightning that accords with thee, Whetting thy thunderbolt with might. 5 Thou, Indra, art preeminent over all creatures in thy might: Thou hast pervaded every place.