Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 151 शरद्धयाग्निः समिध्यते शरद्धय हुयते हविः | शरद्धां भगस्य मूर्धनि वचसा वेदयमसि || परियं शरद्धे ददतः परियं शरद्द्ते दिदासतः | परियम्भोजेषु यज्वस्विदं म उदितं कर्धि || यथा देव असुरेषु शरद्धामुग्रेषु चक्रिरे | एवम्भोजेषु यज्वस्वस्माकमुदितं कर्धि || शरद्धां देवा यजमाना वायुगोपा उपासते | शरद्धांह्र्दय्ययाकूत्या शरद्धया विन्दते वसु || शरद्धां परातै हवामहे शरद्धां मध्यन्दिनं परि | शरद्धां सूर्यस्य निम्रुचि शरद्धे शरद धापयेह नः ||
śraddhayāghniḥ samidhyate śraddhaya huyate haviḥ | śraddhāṃ bhaghasya mūrdhani vacasā vedayamasi || priyaṃ śraddhe dadataḥ priyaṃ śraddte didāsataḥ | priyambhojeṣu yajvasvidaṃ ma uditaṃ kṛdhi || yathā deva asureṣu śraddhāmughreṣu cakrire | evambhojeṣu yajvasvasmākamuditaṃ kṛdhi || śraddhāṃ devā yajamānā vāyughopā upāsate | śraddhāṃhṛdayyayākūtyā śraddhayā vindate vasu || śraddhāṃ prātai havāmahe śraddhāṃ madhyandinaṃ pari | śraddhāṃ sūryasya nimruci śraddhe śrad dhāpayeha naḥ ||
Rig Veda
- By Faith is Agni kindled, through Faith is oblation offered up. We celebrate with praises Faith upon the height of happiness. 2 Bless thou the man who gives, O Faith; Faith, bless the man who fain would give. Bless thou the liberal worshippers: bless thou the word that I have said. 3 Even as the Deities maintained Faith in the mighty Asuras, So make this uttered wish of mine true for the liberal worshippers. 4 Guarded by Vāyu, Gods and men who sacrifice draw near to Faith. Man winneth Faith by yearnings of the heart, and opulence by Faith. 5 Faith in the early morning, Faith at noonday will we invocate, Faith at the setting of the Sun. O Faith, endow us with belief.