
Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 145 इमां खनाम्योषधिं वीरुधं बलवत्तमाम | ययासपत्नीं बाधते यया संविन्दते पतिम || उत्तानपर्णे सुभगे देवजूते सहस्वति | सपत्नीं मे पराधम पतिं मे केवलं कुरु || उत्तराहमुत्तर उत्तरेदुत्तराभ्यः | अथा सपत्नी याममाधरा साधराभ्यः || नह्यस्या नाम गर्भ्णामि नो अस्मिन रमते जने | परामेवपरावतं सपत्नीं गमयामसि || अहमस्मि सहमानाथ तवमसि सासहिः | उभे सहस्वतीभूत्वी सपत्नीं मे सहावहै || उप ते.अधां सहमानामभि तवाधां सहीयसा | मामनुप्र ते मनो वत्सं गौरिव धावतु पथा वारिव धावतु ||

imāṃ khanāmyoṣadhiṃ vīrudhaṃ balavattamām | yayāsapatnīṃ bādhate yayā saṃvindate patim || uttānaparṇe subhaghe devajūte sahasvati | sapatnīṃ me parādhama patiṃ me kevalaṃ kuru || uttarāhamuttara uttareduttarābhyaḥ | athā sapatnī yāmamādharā sādharābhyaḥ || nahyasyā nāma ghṛbhṇāmi no asmin ramate jane | parāmevaparāvataṃ sapatnīṃ ghamayāmasi || ahamasmi sahamānātha tvamasi sāsahiḥ | ubhe sahasvatībhūtvī sapatnīṃ me sahāvahai || upa te.adhāṃ sahamānāmabhi tvādhāṃ sahīyasā | māmanupra te mano vatsaṃ ghauriva dhāvatu pathā vāriva dhāvatu ||


Rig Veda

  1. FROM out the earth I dig this plant, a herb of most effectual power, Wherewith one quells the rival wife and gains the husband for oneself. 2 Auspicious, with expanded leaves, sent by the Gods, victorious plant, Blow thou the rival wife away, and make my husband only mine. 3 Stronger am 1, O Stronger One, yea, mightier than the mightier; And she who is my rival wife is lower than the lowest dames. 4 Her very name I utter not: she takes no pleasure in this man. Far into distance most remote drive we the rival wife away. 5 I am the conqueror, and thou, thou also act victorious: As victory attends us both we will subdue my fellow-wife. 6 I have gained thee for vanquisher, have grasped thee with a stronger spell. As a cow hastens to her calf, so let thy spirit speed te me, hasten like water on its way.