Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 144 अयं हि ते अमर्त्य इन्दुरत्यो न पत्यते | दक्षो विश्वायुर्वेधसे || अयमस्मासु काव्य रभुर्वज्रो दास्वते | अयं बिभर्त्यूर्ध्वक्र्शनं मदं रभुर्न कर्त्व्यं मदम || घर्षुः शयेनाय कर्त्वन आसु सवासु वंसगः | अव दीधेदहीशुवः || यं सुपर्णः परावतः शयेनस्य पुत्र आभरत | शतचक्रं यो.अह्यो वर्तनिः || यं ते शयेनश्चारुमव्र्कं पदाभरदरुणं मानमन्धसः | एना वयो वि तार्यायुर्जीवस एना जागारबन्धुता || एवा तदिन्द्र इन्दुना देवेषु चिद धारयाते महि तयजः | करत्वा वयो वि तार्यायुः सुक्रतो करत्वायमस्मदासुतः ||
ayaṃ hi te amartya induratyo na patyate | dakṣo viśvāyurvedhase || ayamasmāsu kāvya ṛbhurvajro dāsvate | ayaṃ bibhartyūrdhvakṛśanaṃ madaṃ ṛbhurna kṛtvyaṃ madam || ghṛṣuḥ śyenāya kṛtvana āsu svāsu vaṃsaghaḥ | ava dīdhedahīśuvaḥ || yaṃ suparṇaḥ parāvataḥ śyenasya putra ābharat | śatacakraṃ yo.ahyo vartaniḥ || yaṃ te śyenaścārumavṛkaṃ padābharadaruṇaṃ mānamandhasaḥ | enā vayo vi tāryāyurjīvasa enā jāghārabandhutā || evā tadindra indunā deveṣu cid dhārayāte mahi tyajaḥ | kratvā vayo vi tāryāyuḥ sukrato kratvāyamasmadāsutaḥ ||
Rig Veda
- THIS deathless Indu, like a steed, strong and of full vitality, Belongs to thee, the Orderer. 2 Here, by us, for the worshipper, is the wise bolt that works with skill. It brings the bubbling beverage as a dexterous man brings the effectual strong drink. 3 Impetuous Ahīśuva, a bull among cows of his, looked down upon the restless Hawk. 4 That the strong-pinioned Bird hath brought, Child of the Falcon, from afar, What moves upon a hundred wheels along the female Dragon’s path. 5 Which, fair, unrobbed, the Falcon brought thee in his foot, the red-hued dwelling of the juice; Through this came vital power which lengthens out our days, and kinship through its help awoke. 6 So Indra is by lndu’s power; e’en among Gods will it repel great treachery. Wisdom, Most Sapient One, brings force that lengthens life. May wisdom bring the juice to us.