Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 143 तयं चिदत्रिं रतजुरमर्थमश्वं न यातवे | कक्षिवन्तं यदी पुना रथं न कर्णुथो नवम || तयं चिदश्वं न वाजिनमरेणवो यमत्नत | दर्ळंग्रन्थिं न वि षयतमत्रिं यविष्ठमा रजः || नरा दंसिष्ठवत्रये शुभ्रा सिषासतं धियः | अथा हि वां दिवो नरा पुन सतोमो न विशसे || चिते तद वां सुराधसा रातिः सुमतिरश्विना | आ यन्नः सदने पर्थौ समने पर्षथो नरा || युवं भुज्युं समुद्र आ रजसः पार ईङखितम | यातमछा पतत्रिभिर्नासत्या सातये कर्तम || आ वां सुम्नैः शम्यू इव मंहिष्ठा विश्ववेदसा | समस्मे भूषतं नरोत्सं न पिप्युषीरिषः ||
tyaṃ cidatriṃ ṛtajuramarthamaśvaṃ na yātave | kakṣivantaṃ yadī punā rathaṃ na kṛṇutho navam || tyaṃ cidaśvaṃ na vājinamareṇavo yamatnata | dṛḷaṃghranthiṃ na vi ṣyatamatriṃ yaviṣṭhamā rajaḥ || narā daṃsiṣṭhavatraye śubhrā siṣāsataṃ dhiyaḥ | athā hi vāṃ divo narā puna stomo na viśase || cite tad vāṃ surādhasā rātiḥ sumatiraśvinā | ā yannaḥ sadane pṛthau samane parṣatho narā || yuvaṃ bhujyuṃ samudra ā rajasaḥ pāra īṅkhitam | yātamachā patatribhirnāsatyā sātaye kṛtam || ā vāṃ sumnaiḥ śamyū iva maṃhiṣṭhā viśvavedasā | samasme bhūṣataṃ narotsaṃ na pipyuṣīriṣaḥ ||
Rig Veda
- YE made that Atri, worn with eld, free as a horse to win the goal. When ye restored to youth and strength Kakṣīvān like a car renewed, 2 Ye freed that Atri like a horse, and brought him newly-born to earth. Ye loosed him like a firm-tied knot which Gods unsoiled by dust had bound. 3 Heroes who showed most wondrous power to Atri, strive to win fair songs; For then, O Heroes of the sky, your hymn of praise shall cease no more. 4 This claims your notice, Bounteous Gods! - oblation, Aśvins! and our love, That ye, O Heroes, in the fight may bring us safe to ample room. 5 Ye Twain to Bhujyu tossed about in ocean at the region’s end, Nāsatyas, with your winged sterds came nigh, and gave him strength to win. 6 Come with your joys, most liberal Gods, Lords of all treasures, bringing weal. Like fresh full waters to a well, so, Heroes come and be with us.