Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 137 उत देवा अवहितं देवा उन नयथा पुनः | उतागश्चक्रुषं देवा देवा जीवयथा पुनः || दवाविमौ वातौ वात आ सिन्धोरा परावतः | दक्षन्ते अन्य आ वातु परान्यो वातु यद रपः || आ वात वाहि भेषजं वि वात वाहि यद रपः | तवं हिविश्वभेषजो देवानां दूत ईयसे || आ तवागमं शन्तातिभिरथो अरिष्टतातिभिः | दक्षन्ते भद्रमाभार्षं परा यक्ष्मं सुवामि ते || तरायन्तामिह देवास्त्रायतां मरुतां गणः | तरायन्तां विश्वा भूतानि यथायमरपा असत || आप इद वा उ भेषजीरापो अमीवचातनीः | आपःसर्वस्य भेषजीस्तास्ते कर्ण्वन्तु भेषजम || हस्ताभ्यां दशशाखा भयां जिह्वा वाचः पुरोगवी | अनामयित्नुभ्यां तवा तभ्यां तवोप सप्र्शामसि ||
uta devā avahitaṃ devā un nayathā punaḥ | utāghaścakruṣaṃ devā devā jīvayathā punaḥ || dvāvimau vātau vāta ā sindhorā parāvataḥ | dakṣante anya ā vātu parānyo vātu yad rapaḥ || ā vāta vāhi bheṣajaṃ vi vāta vāhi yad rapaḥ | tvaṃ hiviśvabheṣajo devānāṃ dūta īyase || ā tvāghamaṃ śantātibhiratho ariṣṭatātibhiḥ | dakṣante bhadramābhārṣaṃ parā yakṣmaṃ suvāmi te || trāyantāmiha devāstrāyatāṃ marutāṃ ghaṇaḥ | trāyantāṃ viśvā bhūtāni yathāyamarapā asat || āpa id vā u bheṣajīrāpo amīvacātanīḥ | āpaḥsarvasya bheṣajīstāste kṛṇvantu bheṣajam || hastābhyāṃ daśaśākhā bhyāṃ jihvā vācaḥ puroghavī | anāmayitnubhyāṃ tvā tabhyāṃ tvopa spṛśāmasi ||
Rig Veda
- YE Gods, raise up once more the man whom ye have humbled and brought low. O Gods, restore to life again the man who hatb committed sin. 2 Two several winds are blowing here, from Sindhu, from a distant land. May one breathe energy to thee, the other blow disease away. 3 Hither, O Wind, blow healing balm, blow all disease away, thou Wind; For thou who hast all medicine comest as envoy of the Gods. 4 I am come nigh to thee with balms to give thee rest and keep thee safe. I bring thee blessed strength, I drive thy weakening malady away. 5 Here let the Gods deliver him, the Maruts’ band deliver him: All things that be deliver him that he be freed from his disease. 6 The Waters have their healing power, the Waters drive disease away. The Waters have a balm for all: let them make medicine for thee. 7 The tongue that leads the voice precedes. Then with our ten-fold branching hands, With these two chasers of disease we stroke thee with a gentle touch.