Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 136 केश्यग्निं केशी विषं केशी बिभर्ति रोदसी | केशीविश्वं सवर्द्र्शे केशीदं जयोतिरुच्यते || मुनयो वातरशनाः पिशङगा वसते मला | वातस्यानुध्राजिं यन्ति यद देवासो अविक्षत || उन्मदिता मौनेयन वाताना तस्थिमा वयम | शरीरेदस्माकं यूयं मर्तासो अभि पश्यथ || अन्तरिक्षेण पतति विश्वा रूपावचाकशत | मुनिर्देवस्य-देवस्य सौक्र्त्याय सखा हितः || वातस्याश्वो वायोः सखाथो देवेषितो मुनिः | उभौसमुद्रावा कषेति यश्च पूर्व उतापरः || अप्सरसां गन्धर्वाणां मर्गाणां चरणे चरन | केशीकेतस्य विद्वान सखा सवादुर्मदिन्तमः || वायुरस्मा उपामन्थत पिनष्टि समा कुनन्नमा | केशीविषस्य पात्रेण यद रुद्रेणापिबत सह ||
keśyaghniṃ keśī viṣaṃ keśī bibharti rodasī | keśīviśvaṃ svardṛśe keśīdaṃ jyotirucyate || munayo vātaraśanāḥ piśaṅghā vasate malā | vātasyānudhrājiṃ yanti yad devāso avikṣata || unmaditā mauneyana vātānā tasthimā vayam | śarīredasmākaṃ yūyaṃ martāso abhi paśyatha || antarikṣeṇa patati viśvā rūpāvacākaśat | munirdevasya-devasya saukṛtyāya sakhā hitaḥ || vātasyāśvo vāyoḥ sakhātho deveṣito muniḥ | ubhausamudrāvā kṣeti yaśca pūrva utāparaḥ || apsarasāṃ ghandharvāṇāṃ mṛghāṇāṃ caraṇe caran | keśīketasya vidvān sakhā svādurmadintamaḥ || vāyurasmā upāmanthat pinaṣṭi smā kunannamā | keśīviṣasya pātreṇa yad rudreṇāpibat saha ||
Rig Veda
- HE with the long loose locks supports Agni, and moisture, heaven, and earth: He is all sky to look upon: he with long hair is called this light. 2 The Munis, girdled with the wind, wear garments soiled of yellow hue. They, following the wind’s swift course go where the Gods have gone before. 3 Transported with our Munihood we have pressed on into the winds: You therefore, mortal men. behold our natural bodies and no more. 4 The Muni, made associate in the holy work of every God, Looking upon all varied forms flies through the region of the air. 5 The Steed of Vāta, Vāyu’s friend, the Muni, by the Gods impelled, In both the oceans hath his home, in eastern and in western sea. 6 Treading the path of sylvan beasts, Gandharvas, and Apsarases, He with long locks, who knows the wish, is a sweet most delightful friend 7 Vāyu hath churned for him: for him he poundeth things most hard to bend, When he with long loose locks hath drunk, with Rudra, water from the cup.