Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 135 यस्मिन वर्क्षे सुपलाशे देवैः सम्पिबते यमः | अत्रा नोविश्पतिः पिता पुराणाननु वेनति || पुराणाननुवेनन्तं चरन्तं पापयामुया | असूयन्नभ्यचाक्षं तस्मा अस्प्र्हयं पुनः || यं कुमार नवं रथमचक्रं मनसाक्र्णोः | एकेषंविश्वतः पराञ्चमपश्यन्नधि तिष्ठसि || यं कुमार परावर्तयो रथं विप्रेभ्यस परि | तंसामानु परावर्तत समितो नाव्याहितम || कः कुमारमजनयद रथं को निरवर्तयत | कः सवित तदद्य नो बरूयादनुदेयी यथाभवत || यथाभवदनुदेयी ततो अग्रमजायत | पुरस्ताद बुध्नाततः पश्चान निरयणं कर्तम || इदं यमस्य सादनं देवमानं यदुच्यते | इयमस्यधम्यते नाळीरयं गीर्भिः परिष्क्र्तः ||
yasmin vṛkṣe supalāśe devaiḥ sampibate yamaḥ | atrā noviśpatiḥ pitā purāṇānanu venati || purāṇānanuvenantaṃ carantaṃ pāpayāmuyā | asūyannabhyacākṣaṃ tasmā aspṛhayaṃ punaḥ || yaṃ kumāra navaṃ rathamacakraṃ manasākṛṇoḥ | ekeṣaṃviśvataḥ prāñcamapaśyannadhi tiṣṭhasi || yaṃ kumāra prāvartayo rathaṃ viprebhyas pari | taṃsāmānu prāvartata samito nāvyāhitam || kaḥ kumāramajanayad rathaṃ ko niravartayat | kaḥ svit tadadya no brūyādanudeyī yathābhavat || yathābhavadanudeyī tato aghramajāyata | purastād budhnaātataḥ paścān nirayaṇaṃ kṛtam || idaṃ yamasya sādanaṃ devamānaṃ yaducyate | iyamasyadhamyate nāḷīrayaṃ ghīrbhiḥ pariṣkṛtaḥ ||
Rig Veda
- IN the Tree clothed with goodly leaves where Yama drinketh with the Gods, The Father, Master of the house, tendeth with love our ancient Sires. 2 I looked reluctantly on him who cherishes those men of old, On him who treads that evil path, and then I yearned for this again. 3 Thou mountest, though thou dost not see, O Child, the new and wheel-less car Which thou hast fashioned mentally, onepoled but turning every way. 4 The car which thou hast made to roll hitherward from the Sages, Child! This hath the Sāman followed close, hence, laid together on a ship. 5 Who was the father of the child? Who made the chariot roll away? Who will this day declare to us how the funeral gift was made? 6 When the funeral gift was placed, straightway the point of flame appeared. A depth extended in the front: a passage out was made behind. 7 Here is the seat where Yama dwells, that which is called the Home of Gods: Here minstrels blow the flute for him here he is glorified with songs.