Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 134 उभे यदिन्द्र रोदसी आपप्राथोषा इव | महान्तं तवामहीनां सम्राजं चर्षणीनां देवी जनित्र्यजीजनद्भद्रा जनित्र्यजीजनत || अव सम दुर्हणायतो मर्तस्य तनुहि सथिरम | अधस्पदं तमीं कर्धि यो अस्मानादिदेशति देवी जनित्र्यजीजनद भद्राजनित्र्यजीजनत || अव तया बर्हतीरिषो विश्वश्चन्द्रा अमित्रहन | शचीभिःशक्र धूनुहीन्द्र विश्वाभिरूतिभिर्देवी जनित्र्य … || अव यत तवं शतक्रतविन्द्र विश्वानि धूनुषे | रयिंन सुन्वते सचा सहस्रिणीभिरूतिभिर्देवी जनित्र्य … || अव सवेदा इवाभितो विष्वक पतन्तु दिद्यवः | दूर्वाया इवतन्तवो वयस्मदेतु दुर्मतिर्देवी जनीत्र्य … || दीर्घं हयङकुशं यथा शक्तिं बिभर्षि मन्तुमः | पूर्वेण मघवन पदाजो वयां यथा यमो देवी जनित्र्य… || नकिर्देवा मिनीमसि नकिरा योपयामसि मन्त्रश्रुत्यंचरामसि | पक्षेभिरपिकक्षेभिरत्राभि सं रभामहे ||
ubhe yadindra rodasī āpaprāthoṣā iva | mahāntaṃ tvāmahīnāṃ samrājaṃ carṣaṇīnāṃ devī janitryajījanadbhadrā janitryajījanat || ava sma durhaṇāyato martasya tanuhi sthiram | adhaspadaṃ tamīṃ kṛdhi yo asmānādideśati devī janitryajījanad bhadrājanitryajījanat || ava tyā bṛhatīriṣo viśvaścandrā amitrahan | śacībhiḥśakra dhūnuhīndra viśvābhirūtibhirdevī janitry … || ava yat tvaṃ śatakratavindra viśvāni dhūnuṣe | rayiṃna sunvate sacā sahasriṇībhirūtibhirdevī janitry … || ava svedā ivābhito viṣvak patantu didyavaḥ | dūrvāyā ivatantavo vyasmadetu durmatirdevī janītry … || dīrghaṃ hyaṅkuśaṃ yathā śaktiṃ bibharṣi mantumaḥ | pūrveṇa maghavan padājo vayāṃ yathā yamo devī janitry… || nakirdevā minīmasi nakirā yopayāmasi mantraśrutyaṃcarāmasi | pakṣebhirapikakṣebhiratrābhi saṃ rabhāmahe ||
Rig Veda
- As, like the Morning, thou hast filled, O Indra, both the earth and heaven. So as the Mighty One, great King of all the mighty world of men, the Goddess Mother brought thee forth, the Blessed Mother gave thee life. 2 Relax that mortal’s stubborn strength whose heart is bent on wickedness. Trample him down beneath thy feet who watches for and aims at us. The Goddess Mother brought thee forth, the Blessed Mother gave thee life. 3 Shake down, O Slayer of the foe, those great all splendid enemies. With all thy powers, O Śakra, all thine helps, O Indra, shake them down: 4 As thou, O Śatakratu, thou, O Indrv, shakest all things down As wealth for him who sheds the juice, with thine assistance thousandfold. 5 Around, on every side like drops of sweat let lightning-flashes fall. Let all malevolence pass away from us like threads of Darva grass. 6 Thou bearest in thine hand a lance like a long hook, great Counsellor! As with his foremost foot a goat, draw down the branch, O Maghavan. 7 Never, O Gods, do we offend, nor are we ever obstinate: we walk as holy texts command. Closely we clasp and cling to you, cling to your sides, beneath your arms.