Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 131 अप पराच इन्द्र विश्वानमित्रानपापाचो अभिभूते नुदस्व | अपोदीचो अप शूराधराच उरौ यथा तव शर्मन्मदेम || कुविदङग यवमन्तो यवं चिद यथा दान्त्यनुपूर्वंवियूय | इहेहैषां कर्णुहि भोजनानि ये बर्हिषोनमोव्र्क्तिं न जग्मुः || नहि सथूर्य रतुथा यातमस्ति नोत शरवो विविदेसंगमेषु | गव्यन्त इन्द्रं सख्याय विप्रा अश्वायन्तोव्र्षणं वाजयन्तः || युवं सुराममश्विना नमुचावासुरे सचा | विपिपानाशुभस पती इन्द्रं कर्मस्वावतम || पुत्रमिव पितरावश्विनोभेन्द्रावथुः काव्यैर्दंसनाभिः | यत सुरामं वयपिबः शचीभिः सरस्वतीत्वा मघवन्नभिष्णक || इन्द्रः सुत्रामा सववानवोभिः सुम्र्ळीको भवतुविश्ववेदाः | बाधतां दवेषो अभयं कर्णोतु सुवीर्यस्यपतयः सयाम || तस्य वयं सुमतौ यज्ञियस्यापि भद्रे सौमनसे सयाम | स सुत्रामा सववानिन्द्रो अस्मे आराच्चिद दवेषः सनुतर्युयोतु ||
apa prāca indra viśvānamitrānapāpāco abhibhūte nudasva | apodīco apa śūrādharāca urau yathā tava śarmanmadema || kuvidaṅgha yavamanto yavaṃ cid yathā dāntyanupūrvaṃviyūya | ihehaiṣāṃ kṛṇuhi bhojanāni ye barhiṣonamovṛktiṃ na jaghmuḥ || nahi sthūry ṛtuthā yātamasti nota śravo vividesaṃghameṣu | ghavyanta indraṃ sakhyāya viprā aśvāyantovṛṣaṇaṃ vājayantaḥ || yuvaṃ surāmamaśvinā namucāvāsure sacā | vipipānāśubhas patī indraṃ karmasvāvatam || putramiva pitarāvaśvinobhendrāvathuḥ kāvyairdaṃsanābhiḥ | yat surāmaṃ vyapibaḥ śacībhiḥ sarasvatītvā maghavannabhiṣṇak || indraḥ sutrāmā svavānavobhiḥ sumṛḷīko bhavatuviśvavedāḥ | bādhatāṃ dveṣo abhayaṃ kṛṇotu suvīryasyapatayaḥ syāma || tasya vayaṃ sumatau yajñiyasyāpi bhadre saumanase syāma | sa sutrāmā svavānindro asme ārāccid dveṣaḥ sanutaryuyotu ||
Rig Veda
- DRIVE all our enemies away, O Indra, the western, mighty Conqueror, and the eastern. Hero, drive off our northern foes and southern, that we in thy wide shelter may be joyful. 2 What then? As men whose fields are full of barley reap the ripe corn removing it in order, So bring the food of those men, bring it hither, who went not to prepare the grass for worship. 3 Men come not with one horse at sacred seasons; thus they obtain no honour in assemblies. Sages desiring herds of kine and horses strengthen the mighty Indra for his friendship. 4 Ye, Aśvins, Lords of Splendour, drank full draughts of grateful Soma juice, And aided Indra in his work with Namuci of Asura birth. 5 As parents aid a son, both Aśvins, Indra, aided thee with their wondrous Powers and wisdom. When thou, with might. hadst drunk the draught that gladdens, Sarasvatī, O Maghavan, refreshed thee. 6 Indra is strong to save, rich in assistance may he, possessing all, be kind and gracious. May he disperse our foes and give us safety, and may we be the lords of hero vigou r. 7 May we enjoy his favour, his the Holy may we enjoy his blessed loving kindness. May this rich Indra, as our good Protector, drive off and keep afar all those who hate us.