Rig Veda Book 10 Hymn 130 यो यज्ञो विश्वतस्तन्तुभिस्तत एकशतं देवकर्मेभिरायतः | इमे वयन्ति पितरो य आययुः पर वयाप वयेत्यासते तते || पुमानेनं तनुत उत कर्णत्ति पुमान वि तत्ने अधि नाकेस्मिन | इमे मयूखा उप सेदुरू सदः सामानि चक्रुस्तसराण्योतवे || कासीत परमा परतिमा किं निदानमाज्यं किमासीत्परिधिः क आसीत | छन्दः किमासीत परौगं किमुक्थंयद देवा देवमयजन्त विश्वे || अग्नेर्गायत्र्यभवत सयुग्वोष्णिहया सविता सं बभूव | अनुष्टुभा सोम उक्थैर्महस्वान बर्हस्पतेर्ब्र्हती वाचमावत || विराण मित्रावरुणयोरभिश्रीरिन्द्रस्य तरिष्टुब इहभागो अह्नः | विश्वान देवाञ जगत्या विवेश तेनचाक्ळिप्र रषयो मनुष्याः || चाक्ळिप्रे तेन रषयो मनुष्या यज्ञे जाते पितरो नःपुराणे | पश्यन मन्ये मनसा चक्षसा तान य इमंयज्ञमयजन्त पूर्वे || सहस्तोमाः सहछन्दस आव्र्तः सहप्रमा रषयः सप्तदैव्याः | पूर्वेषां पन्थामनुद्र्श्य धीरा अन्वालेभिरेरथ्यो न रश्मीन ||
yo yajño viśvatastantubhistata ekaśataṃ devakarmebhirāyataḥ | ime vayanti pitaro ya āyayuḥ pra vayāpa vayetyāsate tate || pumānenaṃ tanuta ut kṛṇatti pumān vi tatne adhi nākeasmin | ime mayūkhā upa sedurū sadaḥ sāmāni cakrustasarāṇyotave || kāsīt pramā pratimā kiṃ nidānamājyaṃ kimāsītparidhiḥ ka āsīt | chandaḥ kimāsīt praughaṃ kimukthaṃyad devā devamayajanta viśve || aghnerghāyatryabhavat sayughvoṣṇihayā savitā saṃ babhūva | anuṣṭubhā soma ukthairmahasvān bṛhaspaterbṛhatī vācamāvat || virāṇ mitrāvaruṇayorabhiśrīrindrasya triṣṭub ihabhāgho ahnaḥ | viśvān devāñ jaghatyā viveśa tenacākḷipra ṛṣayo manuṣyāḥ || cākḷipre tena ṛṣayo manuṣyā yajñe jāte pitaro naḥpurāṇe | paśyan manye manasā cakṣasā tān ya imaṃyajñamayajanta pūrve || sahastomāḥ sahachandasa āvṛtaḥ sahapramā ṛṣayaḥ saptadaivyāḥ | pūrveṣāṃ panthāmanudṛśya dhīrā anvālebhirerathyo na raśmīn ||
Rig Veda
- THE sacrifice drawn out with threads on every side, stretched by a hundred sacred ministers and one,— This do these Fathers weave who hitherward are come: they sit beside the warp and cry, Weave forth, weave back. 2 The Man extends it and the Man unbinds it: even to this vault of heaven hath he outspun, it. These pegs are fastened to the seat of worship: they made the Sāma-hymns their weaving shuttles. 3 What were the rule, the order and the model? What were the wooden fender and the butter? What were the hymn, the chant, the recitation, when to the God all Deities paid worship? 4 Closely was Gāyatrī conjoined with Agni, and closely Savitar combined with Usnih. Brilliant with Ukthas, Soma joined Anustup: Bṛhaspati’s voice by Brhati was aided. 5 Virāj adhered to Varuṇa and Mitra: here Triṣṭup day by day was Indra’s portion. Jagatī entered all the Gods together: so by this knowledge men were raised to Ṛṣis. 6 So by this knowledge men were raised to Ṛṣis, when ancient sacrifice sprang up, our Fathers. With the mind’s eye I think that I behold them who first performed this sacrificial worship. 7 They who were versed in ritual and metre, in hymns and rules, were the Seven Godlike Ṛṣis. Viewing the path of those of old, the sages have taken up the reins like chariot-drivers.